

CRank: 5Score: 6870

Hell yea! That 1st Xbox controller for the first Xbox system was a fking potato! >_< Big as hell for no reason! People don't even know, the Xbox branch of Microsoft has gone through like 3 presidents...they're so disorganized it's embarrassing to American Gaming Culture like G4. "I might as well burn hundred dollar bills instead of getting a new Xbox." GODDAMN BROHAM! YOU COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT ANY BETTER! THANK YOU! Let these posers know how stupid Microsoft is...

4480d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, they have beaten them to the punch. People just don't like to see sony shine because they're a Japanese company. No one writes crazy shit about wanting to see MICROSOFT fail with their shitty Xbox system that's a dime a dozen because they break so much. I'm getting a PSvita when a newer model comes out with a better battery or bigger screen or something.. I have a PSP 3000 latest model and I don't even play PSP games on it.. I have like 30 PSone classics I play on it....

4480d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Exactly dude! Another non-gamer trying to review something in a culture he knows nothing about, but predicting failure in something. People are idiots who think all these cell phone app. games are the new wave in the videogame industry.

4482d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

People want the attention of predicting the failure of something so they can feel like they know what they're talking about. These crazy "I wanna see PSvita fail" articles are really getting out of hand. How much narcissism about the PSvita has to be written for these morbid @$$holes to stop wanting to see things fail from their point of view.
It's like anything that comes out of Japan now is criticized to the point where people want to see it fail so they can be li...

4482d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

HAHAHA! >_< RIGHT! Who are these guys anyway?!

4482d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because the people doing the comparing (Michael Patcher) aren't even gamers. They're just around to talk shit to make themselves or their company look good.

4483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how all you see is "I wanna see Sony/Nintendo fail" articles. Yet, you don't see anything biased towards Microsoft/Xbox. People who play games on Facebook and Ipads/Tablets/SmartPhones really aren't gamers, they just play games for the fun of it.

4483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing games on your cell phone just drains your battery for when you really need it. We all know keep charging something is a pain in the butt. Why you think people bitch about the battery on a new portable system? 3DS/PSvita I'm not going to ditch a real videogame handheld system PSvita/3DS for a Ipad/Tablet.

4484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, gaming journalism is dead. It's just a bunch of douchbags trying to predict the videogame industry with their little petty opinions about how something is gonna fail or how some game is a fail.

4484d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many "I want to see sony fail" articles have to be written to get their weak points across. People just want to sound like they know what they're talking about by saying something is going to fail. Their weak @$$ text message blogs/articles are the fail, not sony.

4484d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"When I was in school the only way of getting the latest news on gaming was buying a good ol’ fashioned magazine."
Yup, I agree with the guy who wrote this article. I hate now how you pay for a game you download and you still need the internet to play the game..if you don't the game will turn into the demo version of it. I HATE ONLINE EVERYTHING NOW! IT SUCKS! Charging people money for stuff we just unlocked the old-fashioned way back in the day before the PS3/360...WTF...

4484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that the PSP has two analogs now, a lot of games can be made for it now. I don't need to play videogames on my cellphone to drain my battery, nor do I need a Ipad/Tablet to play videogames. Talk about taking steps backwards with limiting the controls to just a touch screen. Now, if you had a button layout on the touch screen mimicking the console controller that'll be cool, like the touch pad controls for SF4 for the Iphone.

The reason the PSvita is an issue is b...

4484d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Japanese are still making quality games. It's just that Online FPS shooters are the new thing with the PS3 and Xbox360 this generation. Shadows of the Damned is a perfect example of a japanese game pretending to be western. But you know what? It was demanded and it was RAW AS HELL! and people bitched..why? because there was no online multiplayer in it, so people didn't buy it. This generation of PS3/360 is it for me, i'm done with gaming, its just nothing but shooting games an...

4486d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't care I agree, it is fuking up gaming. You can't even play games you downloaded on XboxLive unless u have an internet connection. The PS3 don't do that B.S. Everything in gaming now that comes out is expected to be revolved around online multiplayer or no one buys it. They can release an update that could brick every console if they wanted too. These gaming companies are just raping these new-gen gamers with DOWNLOAD CONTENT they charge money for, when in reality it can be ...

4487d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

From "Plus Jelly Edition" to "Ultimate Rape Edition" that is just too funny because it's true. Real talk tho, Capcom is making the characters exclusive to the PSvita so it helps sell the PSvita. Think about it, if all the characters were in the console version, not that many people would buy the PSvita version.

4488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with all ya'll. That strider character design looked WEAK!

4488d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Put it out of it's misery!" hahaha! >_< 1 out of 5 My stomach is cramping from laughing. I watched a youtube video of a boss battle in this game and the gameplay looked so horrible, like it was trying to be Devil May Cry.

4489d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't care about videogame awards, but I thought that was so RAW that the new Metal Gear Rising game was revealed at the VideoGameAwards and it's being produced by platinum games. Idiots all over the internet b*tching because they want a game with stealth elements, yet it's not even solid snake's game, so why would it be a goddamn stealth game!? People just like to bitch about something RAW so they come off as if they know how to criticize ANYTHING! "Oh, it's just a...

4489d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I miss Tenchu

4489d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

In Resident Evil 1-3 the gameplay was slow because the shit just came out on playstation 1 so you were limited to alot of stuff when it comes to gameplay. When Code Veronica came out on Dreamcast the gameplay sped up because you had a newer system with more RAM to play with when developing the game. People don't even know, Resident Evil 4 when made laid the basics and done away with a lot of puzzle aspects of it because people were getting turned off of Resident Evil by it. Capcom when t...

4490d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment