
CRank: 9Score: 38240

looks sh!te

5736d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5744d ago

but its pretty obvious ali_the_fag that you share braincells...

5749d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

that shut that b!tch up, pretty damn fast...


5749d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

juuken, ali_the_fag

dont you guys have something better to do?

why are u on an xbox 720 topic, nothing in this topic is about the Piece Of Sh!t 3, why dont u go and play ur wonderful consoles...

oh wait i forgot, you have what? 2 noticable games? failstorm, Uncharted drakes Failures...

this is about the xbox 720 expeirience, something u droids are not going to get form the Asian Cash go watch MGS4 for the 10th time and leave us &qu...

5749d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

i could say the same for your beloved Gaystation 3...why aren't you playing that?

oh wait, lets look at the title of this news article shall we...

'New Xbox Experience PAX Demo' hmmmm...i see the word 'Xbox', so it must concern the Xbox 360...which i own, so why shouldn't i be here...

doesn't seem to say anything about a play, i mean patchstation 3 does it?

who is the troll now?

idiotic, homo PS3 fans...go on crawl bac...

5756d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice try...

but your stupidity, foolishness, Droid-links, Homosexuality and madness shone through clearly...

look at u trying to disguise yours self, "tail-wagger"...grow up.

"This thread became a HUGE flame war."

suprise, suprise...we learn something new everyday.
pathetic attempt.

"And it's all because abots are jealous of PS3 owners because we have FREE online, and very soon we WILL h...

5757d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

this game quite literarily makes me laugh...what are we back in the Playstation 1 days?

talk about worse than medicre graphics...

oh and i watched a vid on Gametrailers, wanted to ppl play this game is beyond me...

obviously the fa-ggot PS3 clans enjoy this game, that why u keep getting erections over it...SOCOM: Confrontation, more like SUCKOM: ConFAILtation.

Bye Droids..

5757d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

your comments really don't make sense, and its obvious you pluck this stuff out of your arse...

you make Sony look like they are in this industry for your best interest, well sorry to tell you this GayDev but your as useless to sony as a dead chimp...they want YOUR money, thats what Droids and emo PS3 fans dont understand...$$$ony wants your money...biggest cash cows in the far East.

oh and HipHopRetard...try better next time...the amount of Sh!t you spill out on...

5757d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

if the Piece of SH!t 3 is as great as you ALL say it is, why is the new Xbox dashboard an issue to you...

have you all been sent by your grand masters in Asia again?

useless, good-for-nothing, over-weight, motherf@cking Droids...with an unbeleiveable love for their patchstation 3...this dashboard is and forever will be better than HOME!

that is if this crap called "HOME" will ever be released...

How many delays again? or sh...

5757d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"that your opinion, now here is mine. F@#k off"

is that an opinion?

now i know some people were not fortunate enough to recieve the gift of a proper education that the best example of an opinion you could think of?

must have an IQ of about 40, and that is a collective IQ, shared between you, juuken and all the other fa-ggots that "tail wag" for $$$$ony...on the N4P(News 4 Playstation)

5758d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

your loving loyalty to the cash cow in Asia($$$$$$ony) is remarkable...

but i can't help but feel, you do all this work for the cash cows, representing them in forums and internet discussions, blowing their ugly trumpets...and yet for FR..FREE!

surely you could at the very least collect minimum wage? £5 an hour?

5758d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you stink and are horribly disgusting, of course your all in your billions on this site, chirping away like the fa-gs you all are...

5758d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Microsoft gets approved on this lousy site...

you people can keep commenting against MS, but in the end they just get more and more succesful...the moderators of this site are PS3 fanboys, N4G is a PS3 site, and should be renamed News-for-Playstation(N4P)

anything pro-xbox 360 = reported and flamed!

anything pro-PS3 = hailed and loved...

its obvious to everyone that this apparent "community" isn't really about the games any...

5758d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

childish game...

i will take Far Cry 2,Mercenaires 2, Star Wars:FU, Saints row 2, mafia 2, wwe smackdown vs raw 2009 even Turning point...over what is essentially an over-priced, over-rated and over-hyped level-design software...

my opinion.

5758d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

"On topic KZ2 looks awesome as always."

so yours is not?

keep collecting those invinsible pay-checks form your leaders and rulers that live far away in Asia...

i can see through you, you are as grey as this in a million follower of the PS3 nerd task force.

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Even tho i like my 360"

which "360"?

YOU DONT HAVE AN XBOX 360, stop fooling yourself, becuase i can assure you i KNOW you are a PS3 "tail-wagger"

simply looking at the huge gay $$$ony fanbase from a distance and pretending not to be part of them...

you are a "tag-along" $$ony fanboy, disguised as someone who owns an xbox 360...fool.

soon you will come out of the closet and conf...

5759d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

FUN wise it looks more fun than TNA iMPACT

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no they are not losing to the Asian cash cow company...

oh and juuken who pays you to post your trademark useless comments?

5759d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Of retarded PS3 fanboys on this site, grow enourmously every day, just reading through some of the comments here make me sick...

all this forum posting will turn into sh!t, when at the end of the day, MS release the xbox 720, before the POS4 comes out, therefore the weak, mediocre and slow PS3 will be competeing with the ultra-powerful 720...

the choice would be simple, and Sony will lose a further 5 Billion $

the rich, money laundering company fro...

5759d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment