CRank: 5Score: 470

Really what is for bitches is taking the advice of someone who uses said phrase about anything included in the game that gives another player an advantage or fighting chance. Just because you don't like Last Stand or Second Chance or "Noob Tubes" or camping doesn't mean it sucks or is for bitches. Play how you want to play, let others play how they want.

As long as everyone plays fair and has fun, it honestly shouldn't matter one damn lick how a player...

4905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which means it is merely OPINION. This is not a report, news, or whatever. An editorial is where you write about your opinion, belief, thoughts on a particular subject, event, or what not.

It even STATES it is an editorial. Read the newspaper sometime, may learn a few things...

5509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment