
CRank: 5Score: 1810

Hear hear :) I think it is best if we just let others enjoy their game i know i can get aggressive but i am only defending Nintendo, but the other fans have a right to like what they want though and we should be able to enjoy our games.

4208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i think the reason why there is so much hate it is to get attention. They also do not want the wii u to have a huge lead over the 720, and ps4. So it is nice to see honest reviews. :)

4208d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love this game it was awesome on the 360 the wii u version is better that is saying a lot, and i love the new weapon in the wii u version :)

4208d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@FriedGoat Poor fried goat LOL i can justify my purchase of a wii u, and with Zombie u, mario u, and ninja gaiden 3 RE, hey can you justify your purchase of 5 360's (Red rings of death) lol

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No i am just sad when i see all the gamers go should i get this game i hear it is bad? I have to keep telling them that they should rent the game, and make up their own mind,so no i have to keep this up, i am not gonna stop until people quit going to places that are biased like IGN, they are biased, they are owned by Rupert Murdolch, enough said.

You seem nice but i am trying to fight misinformation here you know? I am not a fan of the people who lie about a game I am glad t...

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am sure you where planning on buying one nice try to sound like you are not some blind fan boy. LOL

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When the 360 came out it looked identical to the original xbox no some games on the xbox looked better, and AC3, Blackops2 look better on the wii u.

4208d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

hey this is cool, again another honest review! and I am the only one posting!! this baby will slide down in about an hour, to make room for more negative biased reviews, those are the ones sony and microsoft fans like posting on, not these, no these are showing that wii u fans can have a great game too, nnnaaahh we nintendo fans are not allowed to have that!

4208d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is good actually and little big planet is a good game i just know why these people are giving it some bad scores.

4208d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

OH wait this is a positive review, no one will respond and the story will get pushed down in about an hour!! enjoy it while you can zombi u fans!!

4208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh look it's Super smash bros. brawl, uh I mean PASBR. listen how the critics will glow over this game with all it's innovation, and originality, uh yeah, critics are so stupid and biased.

4208d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Now that websites are posting specs of the ps4 and the 720, and sony and microsoft themselves have stated, that their new machines will NOT be leaps and bounds better, than the wii u , they will cut costs so their machines will not cost 599 - 699 dollars, so yeah I see sony and microsoft following nintendo, and concentrating more on innovative gameplay, like the gamepad, for future gaming systems... ask ACCLAIM, MIDWAY, HUDSON, SILICON KNIGHTS, SO many companies are going out of business, or ...

4208d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No i do want fair, and they are not being fair, how can zombi u be considered great by so many fans but yet some of the big critics just all happen to not like it? I know you and some other smart people want the wii u to succeed i want all the machines to make it but i do think there is a deep prejudice in the video game community especially among the so called journalist because people like dan shoe have even said in the past that as long as nintendo is in the video game market they think th...

4208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The vita is a rip off of the ds, and tell me can the vita do the things like zombiu? Or nintendo land? No so nice company line :)

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you i mean the 720, and ps4 will be powerful, and will be a leap but for the fan boys, and girls who are expecting these machines to make the wii u look like crap they will be sorely disappointed, so it is best for them to lower their expectations, and just enjoy their machines.

4208d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No it will sell a lot more then the N64 sorry just will, a lot more 3rd party support, and appeal to casual and hardcore gamers will make sure of that i mean when sony sold 150 million we all knew that those people would not dry up, so sorry the nearly 100 million people who bought a wii are not gonna go poof ok?

4208d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah i did not like how sony did that to their loyal fans. But the fans a lot of them want the PS4 to perform like a super computer, and if it did it would be $600 again so i think sony should just release it, and not price it too high.

4208d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I live in Indianapolis and i have not seen any. I went to wal mart saw 1 wii u, came back 30 mins it was gone so sir I am calling you out i live in downtown indianapolis show me the proof. All of you.

4208d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes no killer app, is that why mario, and zombi u are selling out like crazy? yeah sorry game trailers, fans have made up their minds.. I know I know you GT are doing your masters sony, and microsoft bidding that is ok, i understand but when people tell their friends about Zombiu not just on miiverse but on face book, amazon, twitter, people, and rightfully so think you guys have lost it, you are losing trust with people and you do not deserve that trust anymore no wonder x-play's ratings...

4208d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

YYYYYAAAWWWWNNNNNN!! ANOTHER SONY AND MICROSOFT BIASED REVIEW!!! the game is selling out like hot cakes, and the fans on mii verse have made up their minds!! NINTENDO FANS LOVE IT!! IT'S a real hard core game, that does, what RESIDENT EVIL 6, LEFT 4 DEAD, DEAD ISLAND, AND OTHERS CAN NO LONGER DO... ZOMBI U Brought THE HORROR BACK INTO SURVIVAL HORROR GAMES. AND is a real challenge like real hard core fans like!! so get over it video game media, along with the five star ninja gaiden 3 razo...

4208d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment