I Chill With Kuo


CRank: 5Score: 30100

^^ Thanks for stating that. Well said. I would just add that Drake and Elena fought about his ongoing obsession with Francis Drake that he put before her and it eventually ended them. I get the feeling that most people like UC2 better because it just spilled everything out to you and was very straight-forward while Drake's Deception didn't tell you every little thing but let you infer some things and people must be having trouble with that.

4408d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you nimble-assassin. I thought UC3 was better than UC2. I don't actually remember much from UC2. I remember UC3 the most then UC then UC2. I actually got bored with Among Thieves near the end and was ready to finish it. Not so with the first and third games.

4408d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't "lay waste" to them just because they are "in the way" as you say so that is not relevant to the article here or the one that is cited in it which speaks of violence solely for entertainment.

Also the Bible has been corroborated time and time again and is accepted as a historical reference in most universities now. More than a storybook.

@soundslike: Are you trying to sound like a redneck or something?

4445d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If the price is low enough then it's worth the purchase otherwise don't play. The new bionic commando wasn't that good in my opinion but I got it for $10 so to me it was worth that. A lot of games are $20 and a little under and that's worth it for them. It works out without spending much money.

4447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People should just buy their games new and if money is an issue then wait for a price drop. I never cared for the used game industry in the first place. This won't affect me and shouldn't really affect others either. Piracy shouldn't increase either. If you can't afford the game or don't want to buy it then don't play it. People continue to baffle me. The only real problem I can see is if you wanted to take it to friend's house to play.

4448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only see this as a problem for letting friends borrow games which would include taking it to a friend's house to play together. Otherwise I buy all my games new and never sell them (I frequently play my old games) and I don't agree with the used game industry. I think other people should do the same. I'm not made of money so I understand the expense can be an issue. If price is an issue then wait a little while and the price comes down. There are several games I'm waiting on...

4449d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Warhawk is still the most balanced MP I've ever played. It has a STEEP learning curve but I've had some truly amazing games. It's a shame it wasn't better received.

4452d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That happened to me once then I made sure it never happened again. If someone else is on the platform I won't build a Hawk. Once built I get right in.

What kills me the most is when people build stupid stuff, especially redundant structures, and waste the 32 buildings. Often there is no strategy but when there is that game has something going.

Can't wait to see the finished product.

4452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@dmarc: It's not like that. They got a 2 hour movie they just didn't like the end of it. No refund for not liking the end.

4452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I don't care to get into the whole character and plot debate going on here I will say I feel sorry for the people that can't just sit back and enjoy Uncharted or even Indiana Jones for that matter. You must be truly disappointed by 99% of EVERYTHING that is released media-wise. I'm surprised you haven't given up games, movies, tv, and books altogether.

4453d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Grab up the HD remakes. They are really well done. The first game you can see how early it is but Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory have held up pretty well.

4456d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I also hope it's on PS3 but for me Chaos Theory was the best. I hope any new ones are in the same vein as the original trilogy. I am loving the Original Trilogy in HD by the way.

4456d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's sad but more and more Americans have a sense of entitlement. It's unfortunate to see the turn society is making but it is more and more pronounced. This game is just the tip of the iceberg but it is still very telling. Just look who's in the Oval Office right now. The entitlement community just keeps getting bigger.

4456d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

Same here. I love being able to fight with the starhawks both in the air and on the ground.

4479d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At first I agreed with you guys but after putting in some time and learning how to use the build mechanics better and strategies for each board I have been loving it. I initially was disappointed thinking Starhawk was a big letdown after Warhawk but now I realize it just has a steep learning curve like Warhawk does.

Definitely can't wait to get it.

4479d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry for all the people I missed in my list. I was just going off the top of my head. Those were definitely the days.

@ sak500: That's funny about POG. Maddens Raiders is on my PS3 friends list. He's still on this site pretty frequently too if I'm not mistaken as is the Mart who is very moderate now loving both the PS3 and 360. By the way you forgot Jack Tretton and Hydrolex.

4484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You got that right. The crush is still there.

4484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was bad circa 2007 but by 2008 it was really starting to change. I miss the comments and fanboy wars from back then. They were very entertaining. Those who weren't around missed all the verbal spits from zhuk, jason360, sak500, firstknight, the mart, dark sniper, black zhuk, meus renaissance, icewake, silogon and others. I wonder if the Sony and MS fanboys will come out in full force next-gen like they did at the beginning of this gen.

4485d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've missed Dark Sniper from back in the day. Glad to have you back.

4485d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

UC3 was definitely NOT awful. I understand if some people liked 2 better but calling it "awful" is just trolling. In my opinion the series has gotten better with each game. UC3 took everything good about UC2 and improved upon it. Graphics were slightly better while I thought character animations and physics showed the most improvement. I enjoyed learning the history of Drake and Sully. My only complaint is cutting Chloe out early.

4493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment