
CRank: 5Score: 3260

the 360 has poor hardware reliability and an online service renowned for its excellent infrastructure.

the ps3 has poor a poor online service but has great hardware reliability. Hopefully with HOME, comes a better online infrastructure. Obviously you get what you pay for so you shouldn't complain when it's free.

However, I do find it appalling when Xboxlive gets DLC 3 weeks to a month prior to the PSN. i.e COD4 map pack, updates

5891d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

and it's been in the pain in the ass for the last few days for me too.. took 2 days to get one id confirmed. Now it just took get 2 minutes to get 2 more done. Konami got it fixed right in the nick of time. whew what a relief fkn sh!t was a pain..

5892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it makes your psp a portable tivo player. Awesomeness.

5892d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got everything registered and if that wasn't a pain in itself.. now i need to confirm it through the web link and i'm back to square one with that "error" and "Due to a period of inactivity, the page has been deleted." this is some bull sh!t.. this is a mess.

5893d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

in 10 hours something is going to happen on that site there's a countdown. The release date you think?

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 project. I hope its like oregon trail.

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's surprising that Sony is outselling during these 3 short months especially when they literally have NO MUST HAVE GAMES yet. At this rate.. I don't see the 360 outselling the ps3 anytime soon again. Is GTA going to make people pick Microsoft over Sony? I don't think so.. At best things will stay the same. Now with other heavy hitters like MGS4 coming out a month or so after GTA4 i only see Sony narrowing the gap within the install base.

5898d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

rather have a dead online network for a day rather than a dead console for a lifetime eh?

5898d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's time to start anew. This is sony's 2nd chance of redeeming itself in the eyes of its loyal consumers.

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone outside of Xbox360 owners even know what achievements are? Most likely not. If i have a ps3 i'm going to buy the ps3's version. If i have a 360 i'm going to buy the 360's version. Now for the casual gamer that's been on the fence and just biding time waiting for gta4 to come out more legitimate reasons or points to look at are..

1. Brand loyalties (most gamers own ps2's)
2.Price points of the systems (360 has it here) However PSN is free.

5898d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Closing Comments
At the end of the day, given that so much of the game is so outstanding, it just makes the game's faults stand out in sharp relief. For every moment of breathtaking delight, there are a dozen predictable, endless battle sequences. For every scene that genuinely moves you to laughter or tears, there's at least one where you want to grab Squall by the short hairs and slap some sense into him.

On the other hand, there's no denying that in many ways Final F...

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

on so many levels. Creating your own little musical stage for Squall and Rinoa's date? Just one example of how innovative this game was. It brought a human aspect to the final fantasy genre with its unbelievable graphics and breath taking musical score.

5900d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never played any of the metal Gears really and even i'm HYPED FOR THIS GAME. I don't know whether to get the metal Gear essentials and play through all 3 or just watch the metal gear solid sagas disc that comes with the beta code.

after reading "At times, it’s a hi-res version of MGS3, at others, the most cinematic, improbably-beautiful game in history. One chaotic real-time scene caused us to scrawl ‘THIS IS NEXT-GEN!!!’ on our notepad, for no reason than we had to te...

5903d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not only did you back the wrong side.. but to add insult to injury you got those who bought your hd-dvd add on to come out and admit their idiocy as well. Just let it die..

5904d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

and shut up. Price on ps3's won't inflate, if anything it'll drop with time.

5910d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

just none worth buying. I've owned the 60gb from the beginning and i must say that there's nothing.. however.. Sony is on the rise and i think they may just justify my boredom if they get it right. prologue, Home, GTA4, and MGS4 in succession.. i think that'll do

5910d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

I agree, but the games that Sony have released are far from TOP NOTCH. I bought my ps3 when it was 600 and i want to feel as if i got the most for what i paid for. Home is an exclusive application to the ps3 and it was promised in october. I've been more than patient with Sony yet they keep losing my loyalty everyday when i see more exclusives going to the 360 and game delays. The best game Sony has at the moment is a multiplatform game. Call of Duty 4. I want to see SONY'S guns now so that i...

5926d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

that would be UNBELIEVABLE. Too bad Pizza hut doesn't deliver to my area. None the less it would be impressive.

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We won't see littlebigplanet til November December at worst.

5926d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment