CRank: 5Score: 520

Who thinks this game wasn't more than an 7 or 8 game? I mean it's a snoozefest for the first 2 hours. The fully articulated facial features are a stark contrast to their foggy, blurry world that seems straight out of a ps2 game. Not to mention the signifigance of letting someone die is not nearly as impressive as I first thought. I dunno... this my first ps3 game since MGS 4 and wow am i ever disappointed... I don't understand why people are praising such an meh plot with meh gameplay so whol...

5201d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I remember buying a ps2 on release last gen and two years later that box of junk wouldn't read one game without taking it out and putting it in multiple times. Similar issue with my xbox. It just would refuse to read any amount of games. Cleaning the drive never helped and getting a game to work was a crapshoot.

Also... is this author aware of how common burnout on the ps2 slim was? My friend left his on overnight once and the next day it had the same issues as my ps2. It sure l...

5233d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Darkside chronicles has the #3 spot in japan. It outperformed many bigger titles on other consoles. It'll break 1/2 million in notime if those numbers hold.

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think we are finally seeing Nintendo attempt to woo back hardcore gamers. It's fair to assume all this stuff nintendo has done over the past few day. Creating a players choice line and making more adult wii titles more visable by changing the box color will definitely be exported from japan in due time. Big N's got a fantastic lineup coming this year. What better way to make those more adult titles stand out then by making them stick out like sore thumbs among the slews of dumb games. Ever...

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinda bothered by the bizzare writing of this NYtimes reporter though. Seriously at one random point he just throws in how sony and microsoft are getting motion too. Which has NOTHING to do with the story. In fact this whole story could have been told in 5 or 6 paragraphs and he extends it to 20! Netflix to accounce service, quotes from reggie, details on netflix service on other consoles, end of article. No need to discuss the wii fad and all that other crap. Of course he probably getting pa...

5242d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game informer is possibly the worst gaming publication since EDGE. Lazy, stupid people one and all. Their opinions do not effect me. My game of the year is still Punch-out and I stand by that... because, I CAN THINK FOR MYSELF!

5242d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because the failure is almost assured. Definitely for natal and quite possibly for the ps3 thingamagig. They will be hdtwins equivalent to the wiispeak microphone. So many possibilities but barey ever used for anything it should be. A combination of the price for a add-on for consoles with gamers completely adverse to motion controls and competing with a system with that functionality right out of the box. PS3 and 360 are just asking for trouble by attempting this copycat stunt.


5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pro nintendo banter of this kind from gaming press could only be a joke. Now, when they have to admit the Wii isn't half bad and actually is fun... you can almost hear them wincing.

5242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That old man has the waggle DOWN. Played wii bowling a million times and still have yet to get a perfect game... of course i'm usually drunk and in a room full of people... that might have something to do with it.

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing new there. That's been going on since ps1.

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This actually means nothing at all for nintendo because the thing is... Nintendo just plain refuses to give the info to greenpeace every single year. So greenpeace responds to Nintendo ignoring them by putting them at the bottom of the list rather then leaving them out for lack of info. Of course this also gives sites who are jealous of the wii's sales something to write about. Of course they don't care about all the facts

5247d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That all this info is french only. It doesn't concern US, UK or even Japan numbers in the least. Your first tip might have been him saying how there have only been 160,000 units of RE 4 wii have been sold. When That title has sold over 1 million worldwide. Stop being such zombies and think for yourselves.

5250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the same story taken from a capcom french interview with Antoine Seux. Does anyone else realise that number represents only france!?! Not the whole world. Actually if i'm not mistaken the game has sold over 220,00 worldwide according to vgchartsz

Antoine actually said in the interview that the title was considered sucessful just not as suce...

5250d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not in most expensive hardware. You need look no further then sony and MS hobbled together motion controls and the overwhelming sales on the wii to see they have actually won. The uptight gamer community might like to stick their fingers in their ears when you tell them that. But wii has pretty much became the console that defined this generation of gaming and will probably be remembered far more fondly then ps3 or 360 ever will. Probably because those drunken gaming parties don't work even h...

5251d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

those came from nintendo. Also nintendo invented the most unique characters of this generation. The Miis. I'm starting to think the most brainwashed people on here are the folks who seem to absolutely need to bash on the wii. Comparing the intelligence I see in the pro nintendo fans here to the posts from the other folks... almost makes me think HD gaming makes you stupid or something.

5251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

by buying it on VC is the equivalent to purchasing the cartridge. If you own the game on wii you have purchased rights to those games. So when you play those emulators then you are doing it legally since you own the game and are entitled to a backup. If you guys want to tout your illegal practices then that's fine. Personally i don't mind using the wii to build up my catalogue to play legally. Also, the wii controller options are better then restricting yourself to a computer monitor and keyb...

5251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am assuming that by "worth buying" games you are limiting yourself to fps' and 3rd person shooters. Because i am pretty sure I have roughly 10 games on disc that are better then anything i've played on 360 or ps3..want a list?

Punch-out(If you have not played this then STFU you have no idea just how incredible this game is)
excite truck
mario galaxy
Twilight princess
Resident Evil 4
COD MW: reflex
Muramasa: Demon Bl...

5251d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You actually have only 4 there and one or 2 might just be pushed back from what i've heard. Also.. isn't white knight chronicles out already. Can't count that... so I guess that dude's right. Wii does have more exclusives coming in Q1 then ps3. Who knew.

5251d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You folks represent the worst of the gaming community huh. Embodying everything that has the capability of killing gaming for us all. Bratty little kids who hold a grudge because 1 system sells more then another. Though I don't blame you... the ps3 news channel is pathetic. For a console that seems to get nothing for news on a regular basis you people sure believe in it alot.

Get some friends to play your wii's with and stfu.

5251d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment
5253d ago Show