CRank: 5Score: 4530

xbots really need to get laid and stop spending so much money on games the ps3 owners dont have such a high attachment rate because we just dont spwend money on games, we like to go out have fun and screw our girlfriends or girls that are just sluts here ill define an xbot and a ps3 owner


PS3 owner - that game looks cool i gues...

5801d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

oh yeh ps3 owners don't know what disc swapping is but you guys will know that all your lives rofl in America you get what you paid for 200$ for sh!t or 400$ for perfection hmm tough choice!

5801d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

this proves the 360 has been last gen for awhile now ps3 is the real next gen go back to the cave times 3shities

5801d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow this game is just endless of sh!t to do... wtf

5801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony just said to M$ you guys are not investing right rofl

5803d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf the ps3 showed so many games pwnage on the 360 rofl and movies!

5804d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

5 co-op 2 guys did it rofl

5804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the ps3 has a great high rated amount of games the 360 only has like 10% games with 8+ scores the rest are all crap not even you would play do you own the whole 360 collection of garbaje? no lmao gg noob

5805d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

ps3 version will still be better by the looks of the 360 version is looked washed out and poor, and will have 4 dvds ps3 just 1 blu ray disc =)

5805d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

luckily we still got versus thats the better more crazy 13 if you tell me and ff 13 =)

5805d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

true but dlc aint always on the mind of the consumwer that 10-20$ could just goto another newer, better game

5805d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

load time lol =) ps3 4tw and peer to peer connection is better w00tz

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5808d ago

you don't get laid much and jerk off too much next to your 360, no hot girl i know likes halo or 360 they think its plain gay and all american lmao

5809d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

this is a dumb article lmao, the guy doesnt even know the difference of what the cpu and gpu does and how the programmers intend for each piece to work, what an idiot... drop this story quick please for the love of people who actually have a degree in computer engineering

5831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza three 10minute load times, gotta switch discs to use cars of all levels lmao, do you xbox lovers need more to be smashed with or has this just been ps3 year all year long already, stop thinking your console is superior when its not leave it on all day like i do my ps3 and lets see whos still working and is more quiet by the end of the day.

peace out =)

5833d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

rofl if you want a reallll grade A platformer that has 10x the graphics of this pos and much more fun game play you get rachet and clank tools of destruction its a sweet game =)

5860d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im gonna buy this game the demo was great the whole thing is great itself. Reviewers are just critics who the f**k likes critics? they are gamers just reviewers

5860d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

that guy in the helmet has 4 eyes if you look closely they all glow? sounds like mutation (: god i think i just spoiled the game for myself yay!

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is happy with their dumb steroided white customers cuz they spend so much on games for no reason and they are a stupid bunch of people. i bought a ps3 to play games and know my system wont break and the good games are fast paced games. when i played halo i was like wow its so fooking slow, dunno what is exciting about a 1mph guy who walks with a gun in a full colored suit super exciting! and no exclusive on the 360 is a hardcore game, those games are so easy a 6yr old white american...

5864d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment