CRank: 5Score: 380

Then stay off poker machines, a large percentage of them are made and programmed by Konami.

3302d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope. 1.0 games work well nearly all of the time

Early access titles not so much but they are just that. EARLY ACCESS.

Shitloads of console titles ship not working and not finished. It is the new par for the course this console gen. Ship it out unfinished and buggy then patch it a few months latter.

Console plebs lol.

3302d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Konami are on of the largest builders and programmers of poker machines in the world.

Konami is primarily a gambling company.

Mobile "gaming" is primarily gambling for children. That's is why Konami have made this move. There is far more money in gambling than there is in gaming.

There is very little money in comparison when making masterpiece games, they take years and years to make and have comparatively small returns compared...

3302d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

While this is cool and I have been messing around with it. It is very limited and won't ever be something that DICE or EA has to worry about.

There are also HALO mods for ARMA 3 but the same thing applies. Still very limited and won't go very far.

The biggest thing wrong with ARMA 3 that will stop it being great along with all the mods. Is that the game still doesn't do full 64 bit support or multi core support. Performance online in a 60 player s...

3302d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont worry he will have one bubble soon enough and most his comments will be marked as trolling.

3302d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

Looks to me like parity has got in the way of the PC version being the best it could possibly be.

3302d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

At least you said almost.

To most non hype driven fanboys the order was average at best, even graphics wise. To seasoned PC gamers those "awesome" graphics are laughable. Then there's the fact those console can't render a game with "decent" graphics like The Order and have the game still be fun to play and not over in mere hours.

The Order was nothing more than a bargain bin game that had never before seen levels of hype to sell it...

3302d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

No it's not at all. Average washed out greys at best. Not to mention that the game sucked over all and it's now stuck in the bargain bin where it belongs.

If you want more games like The Order to pop up then you are what's wrong with gaming.

3302d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Intels next gen of Core CPUs will be 10-12 nm, I have no clue what eyeofcore is on about and neither does he TBH.

4k will be maxed on budget GPU's by the time this stagnant gen comes to an end.

3302d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your getting delusional EDMIX and your hemorrhaging bubbles in a big way.

You need to taker a break and relax.

They can't make the X1 or the PS4 for that matter any better. it's nearly 2 years in and it's fixed hardware. You can only optimize so much aaaaaaaaaaaaand I can't see them finding much more seeing how sluggish both OS's feel to me.

3303d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

What a load of crock.

Time for "next gen" to come around.

PS5 and Xbox 2 anyone? 1080/60 confirmed?


3303d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I like that some devs pander to the super high end and scale back.

I don't care if only <5% of PC gamers get those max settings. IDC at all. All devs should push to get the most out of the currently available high end tech all the time, then scale back to fit other things.

Seeing as PC gamers keep their library for life I'm fine that in 5 years time I and others will max this on a budget card in a budget rig. Meanwhile PS4s and X1s will be stagnati...

3303d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Parity FTW!


3303d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I know there will be much hate for this.


This is a clear case early on in this gen of consoles yet again gimping out the full potential of multiplat games that appear on PC.

But it's nothing new, this has been going on since PS1 days.

They should have just made the BEST PC version possible then scaled back the consoles versions to fit.

3303d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

AMD there's your problem.

If you didn't cheap out in the first place and spent the extra $100ish on a better Intel CPU you would be fine with that GPU.

Never buy AMD CPU's anymore, ever.

They just don't cut it. AMD still on 32 nm in AM3+ socket and 28nm in FM2+ socket. Meanwhile Intels next lot will be in 10-12nm will the current 4th gen are in 22nm. AMD run hotter and louder and chew at least 100% more power per performance c...

3303d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not that I am supporting Konami at all, I love MGS games and they have been the best of the best each generation.

But having said that I do see the problem with them from a dev standpoint. They are expensive to make and take many years before a saleable products emerges, sometimes not making huge sums of money Konami wants.

Konami doesn't care if the game gets 10/10s across the board if they are not getting mega rich from it it.

Sad but t...

3304d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment