CRank: 5Score: 5830

so some guys gets his undies in a bunch because 14 seconds after being excited he realizes BY READING SOMETHING UNDER WHAT HE JUST READ, BUT IN SMALLER LETTERS that he might not get some dumb, cheaply built toy that he will ultimately lose / break?

WTF, this isn't news at all.

Why don't i go to Wal-Mart and when I buy two games for $59.99 a piece, write an article about how I pay more than $120 because of tax? or how "its only a 60 dollar game" is actua...

5719d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

pretty sure most, if not all, of this story is a duplicate...

anyway, I cannot wait for Dead Space. I think this game may be a sleeper hit, not too many people I know are talking about it, nor do i see much press for it (even at Gamestop they have one tiny little sign for it). i personally believe I will love every horrifying second of this game!

Xbox 360 suit looks like urine... and why the hell is it yellow? shouldnt it be green? damn PS3 owners and there red c...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never heard that much about this title at all.

I guess there could be worse things than making a game with FPS controls. Some games that aren't natural FPS' are terrific (everyone direct your attention to BioShock please) and others... not so much.

This could've been worse, but from reading the description of the game I suspected a third person behind-the-shoulder view. First person view doesn't show a whole lot at once, third shows more of the surrounding area...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally dont believe any title that receives a "greatest hits" cover / sticker is "underrated" so that eliminates MS, Resistance among the heavily noted on this list.

IMO the Top 5 (exclusives or not) are...

5. Skate - when people mention fun / great games, no one ever remembers Skate. May not be underrated in most eyes, but it is certainly overlooked and easily forgotten

4.Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds - so much fun! you d...

5720d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

eh, as much as this sounds nice and all i wont be using it at all.
for me, personally, Mass Effect was a great single player experience and i dont want to have 4 other friends running around with me all over the place. and i cannot see 5 people playing a 35-40 hour game all the way through together. i see people using friends for help with boss fights, but my concern is: are all 5 fighting at the same time? in the first you could only bring 2 with you...

either way i hop...

5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, the mechanics and all might be solid and even really good, but come on, this had little potential to begin with.

No good bloddy fights or dismemberments? No "FINISH HIM" fatalities?! And how in the hell are you supposed to beat ("kill") Superman? Is Batman gonna use utility belt? Does Scorpion still have his classic fatality move? Because if so, why since there'll be no effect.

It also doesn't help that this game comes out at a very bad ...

5721d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ever since i got my PS3 my first stand against blu-ray was that i was only gonna buy action / horror movies that way you can really see some wicked visuals. but its getting so addicting that when i watch a normal dvd of, say, "Zodiac" which has less action scenes, im still like "bet that would look awesome in bluray!"

ugh... heres to sapending hundreds more on getting blurays lol

5722d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

when you just think of MP, what comes to my mind is "quick start the game! shoot everything! repeat!" and when i think of SP, I hear "slow, boring, quiet and patience for an interesting story".

it seems like in the ADD riddled timeframe of young adults that MP would be appealing to the masses.

yes, it does add replayability, and if they could think of a good way to add that to SP then i think it woould even out.

imagine if aft...

5724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

holy sh!t 91%?!
thats awesome! ive been looking forward to this game for sooooooooooooo long! and it's almost upon us! seems like EA (who has an iffy track record) is getting things in shape. First skate (yeah, i know black box made it but whatever) and now possibly Dead Space!

sleeper hit FO SHO!
the only problem... i have it preordered... and i really want to play it IMMEDIATELY, but i so wanna wait until Halloween night to play this beast of a game! ugh, decisi...

5724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly! that is why i bought soulcaliburIV on PS3 and not 360; because of the controller. it just works better IMO

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this was an interesting read actually IMO.
I dont really care about his stance on which controller is "best", because i do love the feel and size of the 360 controller, but ive grown so accustomed to the PS controllers over the years. people complain that they havent changed, but hey, think of it this way, if we had that stupid looking boomerang, people would b*tch that we should have the DS3 so it all works out lol.

this article almost made me interested in pi...

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

haha, oh man!
the first game was hilarious to read about.

the resident evil 4 puzzle, after thinking about it, was oddly designed especially with the bell and the writing on the wall...

but this was a fun read, especially with the pictures of each items. simply hilarious!

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as it still has the SH feel then we're all good!
i didnt expect the greatest survival horror game ever, i was expecting 7's and 8's, not 9.5's or anything like that. i figured a few low scores like this (65/100) would come along, but im not worried.

and not that i care much for IGN reviews, but why the f*ck isnt it up yet? they have zelda, SSBB, Halo 3, GoW:CoO out like 2 f*cking weeks early, but they cant have a damn Homecoming review out yet? game comes out tom...

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

at the gamestop near me i always go and chit chat with some of the employees while im working and their back room is just filled with random junk. they still have Big daddy collectors figures from the BioShock pre-orders!
and yes, they have consoles in their bathrooms. I looked and i laughed and said "out of space?" and they just laughed and said "yeah.." then i realized that the bathroom had no door... and im like, "you dont use that do you?" and they sai...

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since I have a 360 & a PS3 (like most here, on N4G) I don't really care what system a GOOD RPG comes out on, I just f*cking want some great ones already! yeah, that might be asking alot, with games costing so much to make these days, so it's hard to find a long 50-75-100hr game, but pleeeeeeease make some soon!

I love Mass Effect, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for Folklore, but as Silogon said, it doesnt really feel like an RPG (on most sites it says &q...

5728d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^^^^^ thats a pretty big statement seeing as the game isnt out.

im not saying it WONT be true, but it's these types of sayings that when said by crazy people (not saying you are, but lets say someone who is said it) makes them believe no matter how sh*tty the final product may be, they still think it's great.

this is how things get hyped and then falter or have people who get disappointed because it didnt live up to their high expectations.

at lea...

5728d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

what about Beyond Good & Evil 2?????
i remember seeing that it was FINALLY coming, but i havent heard anything about it at all since then. i dont know why they'd show it at TGS, but i just remembered the game so i thought i'd throw it out there

5728d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmmmmm... as much as i love this news, i hope that once they say what it is we're not all disappointed because we all thought super-big happy thoughts about great games lol that would suck.

im thinking mastemikegee, it might be a game that was rarely mentioned for the last year or so that people simply forgot about and now it looks and plays wicked. Uncharted 2 would be awesome, but i dont know how big of a splash that would be, and i think it would come too soon for the develo...

5728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow, if this article gets approved... this could be dangerous lol
talk about a way to bring the trolls & fanboys out of the woodwork!

5728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment