CRank: 5Score: 14540

DF should also test the remote play on both systems.I tried remote play on both using Batman Arkham Knight as a test.

Interestingly, the differences I found were similar to the cloud streamings. The PS5 had a much clearer and stable image, while the Xbox lagged so much more but has slightly less input lag.

93d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


Gt is here on name alone?
So your saying other simulators offer more? GTFO! you have NO idea what your taking about.

It offers much more than any of its competitors, especially Forza Motorsport.

93d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


It's not the best looking game around
but the graphics definitely look better than halo infinite. The destruction on display while also maintaining a steady performance is also very impressive.

I've also seen better on PS4, but I say the same for almost every Xbox Series X game this generation.

99d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Their next acquisition?

With all the pushback Microsoft is getting for Activision/Blizzard, do you really think they will be allowed to make another big purchase?

Besides, the studios are probably thinking it isn't worth joining Microsoft and their dying Xbox brand anymore.
Don't expect any Japanese studios to join them, they'll probably get laughed at.

103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the biggest games coming out in the first half of the year are Playstation console exclusives, all of the 3rd party deals ensures that we have plenty to play while we wait. I'm sure the last years of the PS5 life will be something special, just like the PS3.

Also you Xbox guys acting like Microsoft didn't just acquired half of the industry, has nearly double the studios Sony does.

103d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

You Xbox guys really think Microsoft can do ANYTHING they want because of their wealth, huh?

They have you all acting like rich spoiled brats that refuse to share anything, thinking having more money makes them better and smarter than everybody else.

103d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


So you don't like RPGs and Shooters?
What you're into visual novels, rhythm games? or just refuse to like anything with a Playstation brand on it?

Stop letting your console loyalty keep you from playing one of the best co op shooters in recent memory.

103d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


I think I got it.

His first sentence means he what's Sony to go full 3rd party, and make getting a Playstation pointless.

Then he's betting that will cause the slow death of Playstation, while Microsoft infinite wealth will keep Xbox alive forever.

106d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You shouldn't care if they go 3rd party as well, just keep enjoying the games you like on the console you like.

107d ago 41 agree12 disagreeView comment


Most Playstation and Xbox fans also grew up with a Nintendo system.

Your comment reads like you really want Microsoft to acquire the studio now so that Playstation cant get it. You can't stand Playstation growing anymore, so you want Microsoft to take everything that's successful and force Sony out of the console space by staving them of content.

Yea, I got ALL of that from reading your comment, as crazy as that sounds...

132d ago 24 agree6 disagreeView comment

I had this pop up for me yesterday, after not turning on my Xbox for a week.

133d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


What about Stellar Blade? That seems more like something a degenerate like you would be into.

Or you just despise Sony for no good reason.

139d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


Your comment perfectly describes why I'm absolutely furious about Microsoft acquiring two large multiplatform publishers, but all I'm hearing from Xbox fanboys is to switch, like its that easy.

Your probably doing the same thing, so I don't want to hear anything from you losers.

140d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft already considered bringing Halo to Playstation years ago, but probably Phil Spencer got in the way.

146d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Fishy Fingers

I know you're one of those fanboys that wanted Microsoft to buy Sony out of existence. This really upsets you, huh? You know that this will get in the way of your cancerous dreams.

Well looks like Sony is here to stay, PERMANENTLY.

146d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment


OK, PLEASE explain why you think Forza is the better game.

Having played both games, im struggling to find how ANYONE can come to that conclusion.

172d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Finally this video was made, I've been trying too tell people how much better GT7 looks, especially to that loser obscure.

"Just wait until the digital foundry analysis" was one of his comments.

He sounded so confident.

172d ago 31 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then MLB the show shouldn't of come to Xbox as well.
It wasn't fair for Sony, they own the studio. Microsoft is the one that deserves to lose an exclusive.

176d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Otherwise you won't like it?
Is that what you're trying to say?

178d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment


He's probably the one person who like the comment, such a sad pathetic existence.

184d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment