CRank: 5Score: 1690

He gives a new meaning to hard core gamer. I wounder how many of those machines still work. I'll bet the 20 year old Nintendo still works, but the year old 360 is RROD.

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I predict a 7.0 from Gamespot. Reasons:
1) too much detail is distracting, thus taking away from gameplay.
2) the inclusion of shooting as well as hand-2-hand combat adds way too much variation to the game (variation = confusion = bad) lol

6043d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not all developers are sacrificing the ps3's power. You want a significantly better game... then it will take significantly more time. MGS4 and GT5 will make Gears look like an atari game.

6052d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

check out the link. looks like someone forgot the first ammendment.

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kingme is a f*cking tool. he's trying to negate the validity of this article while simultaneously claiming that "sh!t breaks". is that it? is that all you've got? of course sh!t breaks... dip sh!t. it's the frequency with which they break that makes all the difference. i guaranty you that my ps3 will break within the next 15-20 years just as i can guarante that your xbox will not survive past 2 more years. haha sucker... Bill Gates just nutted in your mouth.

6065d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

if you own an Xbox. After all the sales reports, lost exclusives, ect., if blu-ray had lost the format war as well, I would have started planning a funeral for my ps3. Don't get me wrong, R:FOM was fun the first few weeks. And I would give my left nut to start playing Lair, Warhawk, and MGS4 today. Xbox fans will down play this news because they're stuck with DVD (or HD-DVD lol) until Sony allows them the priviledge of even attaching an aesthetically displeasing add-on to their malconstru...

6180d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

if you upgrade its hard drive to 1 terabyte and downgrade the CPU, this article just described the PS3 (hdmi, wifi, media networking, hd-disk drive?). i thought the author was going to get creative with this. i wanted to hear about holographic imaging and immersive gaming controls (maybe an accurate representation of the player's hand within the game?) just a thought.

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


that video looks absolutely sick. i feel like a kid before x-mas and it looks like i've been very good this year. lol

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

absolutely denying user-generated content, a marketplace that only caters to buyers of the premium or elite models (sorry core 360 owners), AND making them pay for online gaming?? That sucks!

When you want to play your buddies online but can't because the ethernet cable doesn't reach the 360 and you can't afford the wi-fi attachment at that time. But hey, look on the bright side, you could save up for one while your Xbox is being repaired for that wonderful red light-show. S...

6183d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

i don't give a sh*t about spelling, it's all about getting the point across. adding fuel is my specialty, but it's more fun during a game than in forums. i wish we could just drop the hating. what i really want is some cross-platform gaming cuz i would mercilessly stomp all your @sses. R:FOM or Halo; you could pick your poison. lol

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree with everything except one completely irrelevant, yet fundamental principle... acceptance is not the second stage. Acceptance is the 5th psychosocial phase of the stages of grievance, beginning with denial. It is a completely adaptive defense mechanism and the entire process averages around 1 year for life altering events. Therefore, if a doctor ever offers you anti-depressants as treatment for this natural process... please, slap him for me.

complements of hurrica...

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who continuously compare music to movies. songs are a godsend. they motivate me while i study/workout, they relieve my stress while i'm stuck in traffic, and there is no feeling like hearing a song at a club that you have already been jamming to on your ipod for weeks. now that i've given praise to all that is mp3, the MAJOR differences with movies are 1.price oh, and 2.USE OF OUR EYES. while music can be enjoyed while performing many necessary tasks, movies essentially strip you of all f...

6185d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment