
CRank: 5Score: 20640

Not really a problem i can still play it on PC.. not like i have to have a xbone to play it.. PC version will be better anyway..

3848d ago 31 agree14 disagreeView comment

Why the hell is everyone getting so worked up about this.. im primarily a PC gamer and pc has basically been digital only for YEARS now and i prefer it 10x more then discs.. you get games cheaper brand new.. they have sales that go as low as 90% off ALL THE TIME and i never have to worry about lost scratched or stolen disks.. i just log into my account and bam over 100 titles that i can reinstal on any PC in the world with just a password.. get with the times people

4042d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

is it just me or does Shaundi look like Fergy

4789d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Steam is the best thing to happen to pc gaming... I cant count how many times i bought the original starcraft because of losing or scratching disks now i dont worry about that stuff... i cant imagine sitting to a stack of 100 or more cases from the pc games i got on steam.. and steam has RETARDED sales.. the 4th of July sale was unreal! every THQ game ever made EVER for like under 100$ YOU SAVED LIKE 380$! on top of countless other packeges from other devs.. STEAM IS AWSOME !

5053d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

don't trust the reveiws on this one.. all the reviewers were playing solo... with a group of friends the game is really fun.. and has the best customizing and creation tools since Little Big Planet on top of that you can upload all ur music from ur PC into the game and if they are availible on Last FM you can play ur own music in ur car and on public stereos in the social district and other ppl hear ur music like when you drive by and shit.. if ur creative you dont even have to pay the mo...

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i own the game and its really fun once you get into it... ive played over 60 hours and im havin a blast.. half the fun is just driving around with ur friends smashing into stuff and flippin ppl over that are in high speed chases. All of the reviews of this game are ppl playing by themselves and yea if ur alone this game would be pretty boring.. its a game that needs to be played with a group

5054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats good for them i guess but it doesnt really mean anything.. i mean i have like 8-10 accounts for myself alone..

5149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the psn down.. whos in control of skynet!?

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you act like this was the only reason you were getting the game in the first place.. noone cares if you dont buy it

5195d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

they just released 3 beta keys for every register member of the beta... this is the 2nd time since ive been in they have done this.. i have 4 accounts wich means i have 12 keys... (11 remaining)

PM if you dont wana bother doing this contest... but be warned the learning curve is EXTREME be prepared to get chewed out.. if you never played dota i suggest you go to the HoN forums after you sign up and read some guides. Last of all DON'T get discouraged because trust me ur gunna s...

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It kinda plays like dota but way easier its like casual dota.. no denies.. less heroes.. it really needs some balance work and unlike dota you can increase the damage ur magic spells do through items... HoN (Heroes of Newerth) is basically the same as DoTA but with some diff heroes.

5204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why do you need a beta key? isnt it released already?

5204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HoN is way better im in the HoN beta and it wrecks this game. This game is like a good stepping stone into the genre before you make the upgrade to Hon because i will admit Hon has a huge learning curve. This game is alot easier cuz there isnt as many items or heroes or strategies as there is in HoN. Also there are little things like in HoN last hitting creeps is alot more important and you can deny creeps and towers from the enemy. HoN is Heroes of Newerth by the way

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