
CRank: 5Score: 2360

the last thing they want to do is put a browser on the 360 . why ? it would render facebook , twitter , xbl and the radio thingy they have obsolete . it's no different than shooting themselves in the foot .

5159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

same here . i dont agree with him on a few stuffs like DLC pricing and wat not , but this time i gotta have to agree with him 100% . if it's a demo it MUST be free . the whole point of demo is to mass promote your game . making your possible customers to pay for your advertisement is just another way to give them the finger .

jaffe , you know you still have my respect ; ) .

5159d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think it's all perspective when you talk about fun and gameplay . but to bash a game without playing it is just plain ignorant and dumb . you're on N4G for godsake . you get flame even if you speak the obvious truth , let alone an ignorant comment .
to me fans of the game and shooters fan , kz2 nailed the control that they want . no more run n gun . talk about precise : more precise than auto-aim , im sure . halo 3 actually has auto-aim , for your info . take a battle rifle and see fo...

5161d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is most likely just a prototype with (maybe) finalized internal component and not design .
the component seems to me ... nothing surprising . they certainly dont want to put a higher resolution screen in , otherwise they would split the market just like android , which they certainly do not want to .apple would not want to upgrade the internal hardware too much either . they splitted the software market with the 3gs , they certain dont want to make another to overshadow the 3gs . t...

5161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if they haved treated IW well , they shoulda known not to milk the f*ck out of their IP . IW made COD good , treyarch dumbed the franchise down by COD 3 and COD5 . some may argue that COD5 was good , but it really brought nothing new to the table . it was a mere copy of COD4 in WW2 . while IW hard at work creating COD4 , treyarch just had to copy it . how would you feel if you work at IW ? and now a third dev ? IW should have left activision long ago .

bobby nodick is an a-hole w...

5162d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

3D movies are running at 48Hz is because the frame are then divide into 2 , 1 for each eyes so when it reaches your eyes , it would still be 24Hz . 3D looks weird , even on Avatar , is because there are flickers ( wat are they called again ?) around fast moving objects .

everyone is used to high FPS . you think playing game 120FPS is superior than 3D gaming , you're an idiot . it has nothing to do with each other . 3D can be played at 240FPS , divided into 2 eyes = 120 FPS . ...

5162d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

to be honest , rating only affect a small portion of people . i see 12 , 13 years old on tons of mature games ( and they annoy the EFF out of me ) . so unless something new come along , i could very well careless .

5163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

unless it has a second analog stick , i dont see any controller play FPS better than those i have been using ( both 360 and ps3 ) . the wii controller is really good at aiming ... in theory . i tried many games like metroid prime triology , conduit ( which many considered the best control on wii ), cod 4 reflex and cod waw. it's just plain clunky as you just cant turn naturally . and then only a few buttons are in reach without messing up the aim . i played for about an hour and my arm alrea...

5168d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

most consoles dont live for very long . typically about 7-8 years is about when they retire ( that's when next-gen comes out ) . 1 year even though isnt a lot in human years is actually ... a lot . that's like a .. 20 years dude and a 30 years old man ( as human live an average of 80 years old nowaday ... i remember , could be wrong tho )

but it is also that the ps3's architecture is rather compex , which was the reason of the trail/lag behind the 360 in multiplat for the first ...

5170d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

the big theme MS put up E3 2010 : a future of gaming without the control barrier . an easier way to play game without the controller complication. they emphasized that point like ... idk .... over 9000 times ? XD .
anyway , no i dont think natal will be cheaper than move . i think they'll be at about the same price and the both will be sold at a lost to both side . maybe a bit more on MS than sony since MS can and sony cant , not anymore . there's 3 high-precision cameras on natal . the...

5170d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

and you would care about this statement because ....

seriously , wat does people expect him to say ? Natal will sell like crap and that you're a total loser for getting all hype up for it ? come on , he works for microsoft for godsake .im sure that any1 has a job in this economy will do watever it takes to keep their job .

though a bit less stupidity is much welcomed XD .

5175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this dumb article is nothing more than a flamebait . seriously , there's no reason to bring Reach/Bungie up since they're both in different camps . no1 expected KZ3 to arrive this year . and then suddenly some1 just gotta write an article about how kz3 is not releasing this fall because of Reach . geez , i wonder why do they have to write an article like this when they know that both have nothing in against each other when they're both exclusive for different consoles ?
this is just to ...

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know you're high when you actually said this . sound to me like ubisoft want to turn back time and not release this stupid DRM .

i still dont see why we will accept ubisoft's DRM , but i can tell you why we will NEVER !

5190d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't know that . First off , when will wiihd launch ? Not soon enough . Wii is selling way too good for nintendo to bail. The ps3 offer way better value while keeping watever they love about wii(move) . Most of wii buyers are casual gamers , and they could very well careless about Mario and Zelda .Sony is offering the ps3 and move as a wii upgrade ,and it make perfect sense of doing so .
Second , you also have to think about the developers. When they want to make a game for nat...

5191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

can i have a check on isle BOOM ?!

5194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have they even been to playstation forum ?! there's like a tons of XMB redone by fans there . of course , all are artwork and none are working actual redesign . but really , that's the whole point of a UI , isnt it ?
and trust me , this is pretty mediocre . there are some really really good one on the forum .

forgive my english . it's not my first language .

5194d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

do they fix the following kind-of issues i have :
the pistols are wayyy too powerful . i can kill everyone , regardless of class and weapon , even snipe people , with it . a pistol should only be for self-defense .
the snipers are way too underpowered , especially the M95 . i use it and it's virtually no different than a M24 or GOL . maybe a little bit , very little bullet drop . but it feels weak . it's a 50cal for godsake ! if you shoot somebody , and it hit , that body part is ...

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gow3 got 38 , bayo got 40 .
wat happen ? well bayo has a heavier japanese pop culture while gow 3 is much closer to the western culture .
that's why i prefer Gow3 . not a big fan of japanese pop culture .
imo , jap pop = eww . just imo , dont rage :) .

5195d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think the biggest way to say F off kotick is simply just find a way for MW2 to be able to play on a private server and not their . im sure most ( if not all ) of MW2 PC players will simply leave .
hacking his bank account would be WAYYYY too much trouble . it's not an easy job . the website is much easier .

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

8 hours of playtime is pretty normal around here . 8 hours is even considered to be standard for a SP . and in a game like God of War , there's no downtime , only up . you'll be enjoying every sec of it . to me , it's much better than many other RPG that takes hundreds of hours of virtually playtime while most of them is just me running around just trying to get through the game or trying to get to high level just so i can beat the game . and then the puzzles . im sure that it will be much q...

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment