
CRank: 5Score: 9990

Haha onve you werebsayong but Phill said. Apparently things changing very quickly. XO is a beast and will be a more powerful beast.

3420d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

You can be sure that NO. Remember what Bloodborne's dev said. It is 30fps because of technical limitations and PS2 dev said the same thing. With DX12 most games will run at 60fps on XO and PC.

3420d ago 25 agree72 disagreeView comment

I will make my wife watch this.She is the worst anti gamer in this planet I guess.

3420d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment


Please stop.GNM is completely an OGL based API and has nothing to do with DX.DX12 has league its own by interacting all cores of the CPU with the GPU.The games coming with dx12 is going to be a visual showcase for XO and if Sony can not answer it we will see mp games look and run much better than PS4 counterparts.Thats it.

3420d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Jesus,I am looking at the visuals and I see they are nowhere near what was shown before.This is the downgrade of the century.Hope gameplay is good.

3420d ago 10 agree78 disagreeView comment

Lol thr game looking very bad. The downgrade of the century nowhere near Ryse and prwtty sure that will be bashed very quickly by reviewers. Good luck with that.

3421d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Lol!!!. Look at the Sony drones thinking that dx12 wont impact the XO. No clueless fanboys dx12 completely change the XO because hardware already designed for it. 7.5 greater draw calls % 50 CPU Reduction is incredibly huge leap plus XO is a console which means will be maxed by devs much easier than pc due to being a stable hardware. I see you afraid of it too much in fact you get the wind up but it is inevitable.

3421d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

No VR technology can not surpass this.This is simply dead end!!!

3421d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

No dodnt do it dont do it!!!This is a damm huge action from MS.I love both my pc and XO..Now they are brothers in arms!!!

3421d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

He mentions % 50 more power on PC side but the the impact will be much bigger on XO because the hardware already totally designed for DX12 and XO is a console which means a stable hardware that the devs will be able to focus better to max out the system. No doupt we will see dx12 games this year looking 2x better than Ryse like Quantum Break, Halo 5, Forza 6 and ROTTR. Once PS4 fans always quoting "but Phill said" now my turn. Now Phill saying thr impact is ridiculously huge.

3421d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

This game is looking incredible visualy.

3423d ago 24 agree7 disagreeView comment

Jesus let the gamers decide whether it is bad or good or just wait for the scores.Bashing it from now is realy funny and not epic at all but what makes me worry about it is:Sony dont advertise it.The game looking jaw droppingly beautiful and as far as I can see has some realy fun gun fights.Why Sony why? Is it the hype they want to create or they are not confident? I dont know!

3423d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Ohhhh noooo.Its again dualshockers and again another damage control article from the guy.This guy just seeing Sony like his own company or something.

p.s:Believe me or not I realy want this game be good but PS bs of this guy is hilarious.


Yes this is my comment and what has it got to do with this?Please tell me. If you cant bear the facts thats your own problem.Go read your lovely DF face offs about what I said.

3424d ago 20 agree36 disagreeView comment

Thank you very much for the info,now I am downloading it:)

3424d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dragon's Dogma was simply an awsome RPG game.What the f*** are you talking about?

3424d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS4:Blurry as hell (probably originating lack of AF like most PS4 games are),completely washed out,lack of AA,poor performance against PC.

PC:Awsome picture quality,much better AA,stable performance

Edit:I dont think the XO's performance will surpass the PS4 counter part but pretty sure that the XO version will have a superior picture quality.Much better and vibrant color accuracy.Reference is the past games.Most third party games have 16xAF on XO.Before...

3424d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment


A clueless troll like you just tries to downplay something without any knowledge.Wardell says currently all games are still written only with one core but with dx12 games will be written to use multiple cores to interacting the CPU with the GPU simultaneously and he continues In fact I have never seen an Nvidia card GPU bound.He mentions the XO will have a very huge boost with the arrival of dx12.

DX12 wont change the hardware.It is going to unlock...

3425d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

The game is looking realy realy good.I must be blind to deny it but all I see is massive downgrade.



Where did I troll here? tell me please.I said the games is looking realy good but got massive downgrade-If you check the link and if you are not blind or have no...

3426d ago 23 agree74 disagreeView comment

Those guys are simply joke.According to real numbers like you said the XO sold somewhere 14m.

3426d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Ryse should not be talked under this aricle but if you say " Naughty Dog surpasses Crytek in almost every single way possible right?"The answer is simply no. Crytek are the Gods of Graphics all the time.No company can push the limits like them.

"Its an insult to even compare the two together..... "

You are Definetely right because Ryse killing it and comparing it to U4 is a very big insult for it.

3426d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment