CRank: 5Score: 14280
4523d ago Show

I just do not understand how the 360 keeps selling so well! They have absolutely no exclusives coming this year.. While Sony is churning out several high end exclusives a year. Is it just overweight soccer moms buying the Kinect? Is it just casuals tired of the wii fad so they buy the kinect? It can't be because of Gears 3 because let's face it, if you didn't have a 360 already because of the Gears franchise, why would you buy it now? The PS3 is just $50.00 more than the 360. Som...

4529d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Beats the 360 this year.. Sheesh. Is the 360 dead? You would think so considering they have no exclusives this year.. Oh well not my problem.. Play beyond!

4531d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am for sure getting wipeout, uncharted and marvel vs capcom day 1

4532d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, but to those that say "I would rather game on my iPhone" are those that haven't tried to play games like madden and Street fighter on the iPhone. Go try those out then come back to me and tell me if you think mobile gaming has a future outside of angry birds and fruit ninja..

4538d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok.. For those that say they rather game on a iphone instead of a Vita, do me a favor.. Go download Street Fighter 4 on the iphone, play it and then ask yourself if you still consider an iphone a true portable gaming system.

4540d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus Christ, do most of you that post on here not even have jobs or something? Everytime a price comes out for something all I hear is moaning! Price revealed for DLC it's; "OMG how dare they charge that much for DLC!! Raped" price revealed for a downloadable game " OMG, greedy developers!! How dare they charge so much!" And now this. You guys have the wrong hobby if $15.00 a month is considered expensive. Stop complaining about prices all the damn time. Any hobby th...

4540d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

The PS what? Psssh, sorry guys. I will be too busy playing Angry Birds and Doodle jump on my iPhone. What true gamer would want Resistance 3 and COD on the go that looks and plays like the PS3 version AND has online multiplayer. Screw that, true hardocore gamers like me play doodle jump on the iPhone biatchess!

4541d ago 22 agree7 disagreeView comment

For god sakes! Stop comparing iphone gamimg to the Vita! You cannot compare the 2. Mobile phones and tablets will never be able to match the graphics and level of hardcore games that the Vita can provide. People who dont buy the Vita because they enjoy angry birds instead people who like angry birds dont even qualify as gamers. Ive played the Vita and it is truely amazing and am itching to get my hands on it.

The Vita isnt meant for grandmas and stupid teen girls that love an...

4542d ago 20 agree2 disagreeView comment

No thanks, who needs great, epic games with a great story, amazing graphics and perfect gameplay when I can just play fruit ninja on my iphone... The typical mindset of the moronic hipster today. Who actually takes iphone gaming seriously? You really want to play angry birds over COD?

4543d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Vita is amazing. I played a friends that he imported and I am so so tempted to pay the extra money and import it but I will most likely wait until the US release. This thing won't fail, It is just to awesome. The gameplay and graphics are amazing, and when COD comes out for it with true MP then all hell will break lose.

I just don't understand why these "journalists" hate Sony so much. It's almost like Sony is Barack Obama and gaming "journal...

4543d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guys I played the Vita, my friend imported it and wow! Amazing. I don't remember being this impressed by a video game console since I first played the PS2. I played Uncharted and Virtua Tennis and it's amazing! It feels perfect and so comfortable, graphics are amazing and with true online multiplayer, sky is the limit. I know I'm a PS3 homer but wow, Vita is truely remarkable

4544d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't understand how the 360 keeps selling well. They release like 2 exclusive games a year tops and yet people keep buying.. The 360 is a last gen console to me. What does 360 have next year? PS3 has Starhawk, Twisted Metal and The last of us plus more.. The ONLY reason 360 isnt dead in the water is because MS has deep pockets. No other console could survive on just 1 or 2 exclusives a year. The 360 is becoming a shell of it's former self.

4545d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment
4656d ago Show

here is what bugs the hell out of me. When it comes to sequels for PS3 exclusives they almost ALWAYS score lower than th original. Killzone 3, vast improvement over Killzone 2 yet it scores lower. Resistance 3, vastly better than R2 but again, scores lower. Same went for Infamous 2 and the list goes on. Bu yet every single Halo, Gears, Forza and COD game scores the same or higher than the predecessors.

My question isnt if reviewers are bias because its as plain as day they...

4657d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

Awesome!!! Where can I buy?

4657d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

i still dont understand to this day why Americans prefer 360 to ps3. Virtually no exclusives, infact what was the last good 360 exclusive that came out? pay to play online, no blu ray, etc. Then again, doesnt suprise me coming from a country who also views michelle bachmann and Sarah Palin as viable presidential prospects.

4658d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

lmao! looos like i was right again. We all know this is an amazing game. We also all knew it would score 8s and below because its a ps3 exclusive. Now watch, Gears 3 will come out and get 11/10s just because..

4658d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Off subject, but I've been gone from here for quite sometime but I notice a lot more 360 fan trolls are commenting on here. Guess that's what happens when you 360 fan fucks don't have shit to play.

4659d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

We all know the game is going to be amazing but I guarantee it will only get 7s and 8s because it's a ps3 exclusive. IGN will say "amazing from start to finish, perfect gameplay, perfect graphics and perfect sound. perfect perfect perfect game! Final score.. 7.5/10"

4659d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment