
CRank: 5Score: 3060

Its like RE4 but not as playable... whats new in this game, the girl?... she gets in the way... i love the RE series but they drop a turd once in a while(RE3...turd)...the way RE zero did the two character thing played way better than the RE5 demo.... What they should have done for RE5 is:

1. took the RE code veronica shell(i picked it because it didnt use pre-rendered paste on environments and had full 3rd person view)
2. upped the graphics
3. upped the physics

5596d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First off the demo sucks on both systems... the graphics are not that good on either system... the controls are poop...the camera is double poop. Secondly, in the beginning multiplatform games look substantially better on the 360... now when both systems have their settings maxed out, they either A.) look exactly the same (call of duty 4) B.) 360 looks better sitting still, ps3 looks better running (force unleashed, GTAIV) C.) it looks better at all times on the ps3 (Tomb Raider underworld, b...

5596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RTS games are pretty lame, thats fact... youre lame for being excited about halo wars, thats assumption... but a pretty good assumption lol

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they shouldn't make RTS halo and we already have third-person halo its called gears...

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you'll be downloading another gears2 patch... while everyone that has both systems and ps3 owners are playing killzone2... Ill be playing Killzone 2 and using gears as a coaster for my beer.... jealousy lol

5601d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

first gamespot started putting those shady reviews up... now its epidemic...off topic, why are so many fat 35 year-old women that know nothing about games working at gamestop/EB? lol... maybe they are at ign too now

5601d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

9.4 would be the right score if they gave that glitch turd that is gears 2 a 9 or lower. Halo 3 is not even a 9 and Metal Gear4 was low 9's... and wipe out HD, seriously did that game get 5 bonus points for being only 6 bucks on psn? lol

5601d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think we are arguing different things... in a still image crysis wins but when a game is in motion, how a game looks becomes graphics + everything accept sound and controls... in motion killzone2 wins .... that battle is won in the physics department and animations... im saying when you sum up both games in motion, killzone2 come out ahead... if you cant agree with that i dont know what to tell you

5619d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i gave you graphics (slightly) for some PCs have access to more power than others lol... also last time I checked crysis and its physics were going on 2 years old...the only thing crysis has on killzone2 is graphics slightly, sometimes lol

5619d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

killzone2 is having its way with crysis and any other game out there... console or otherwise

5619d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

gears fans were the most ridiculous because gears2 shouldnt even be mentioned in the same breath as killzone 2... i thought crysis fans would be more mature about this... but it doesnt really matter anyway... on feb 27th pc users will be saying to crysis, "can you show me on the doll where killzone2 touched you?"....lol

5619d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

sitting still on a POWERFUL pc crysis looks slightly better... in motion it does not... also the physics and fire dont even compare to killzone 2... on a sub $2000 computer crysis looks like xbox 1 and is hampered by slow down... also good job changing the third pic from far cry 2 lol... anything that requires damn near a super computer to run smoothly... shouldnt even matter... ill be impressed when it runs on an average pc... but prolly not cause we console people still hate that bullshit m...

5619d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All the xbowers that wanted HD movies got burnt on that $200 laserdisc add-on... now they just deny the need for HD movies... like dreamcast owners holdin on to their vhs tapes with tears in their eyes.

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

console units sold doesn't mean much really... If 360 and ps3 sold for the same price it would be, but they don't. lets just SAY 360 sold double the consoles of ps3...lets say that the 360's were sold at their high price of $300 and the ps3's were sold at their lowest price of $400... If 360 sold 20 consoles they would make $6000 in sales, if ps3 sold 10 consoles they would make $4000 in sales(but for the record many 360's were sold at $200 and many ps3's were sold for $600) Sony is making mo...

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've owned every console since the old school ataris(yes even sega master system lol). Every generation has atleast game that raises the bar graphically and technically with a huge jump from the previous gen. then everything of the generation starts being held to that standard. In the 32bit era that game was metal gear solid. with N64 it was goldeneye/Zelda. The 128bit era first it was resident evil code veronica on dreamcast then metal gear solid 2 on ps2 then Ninja gaiden on xbox... before ...

5624d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are custom soundtracks too it seems

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He was obviously that guy in school that would tell the teacher that answers were on the chalkboard before a quiz or would ask if the teacher forgot to assign homework right before the bell rang on Friday... He's that guy... We all hate him... He can't figure out why we hate him ... He's the new Bartman

5705d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the room with the door that you need the force to unlock the lock on the door... on ps3 you can target the tie fighters on the ceiling from the platform as soon as you enter the room but you cant once you jump down to where all the storm troopers are. You have to look up at them.

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have played both demos back to back. The graphics on the ps3 look better and you can force grab more things such as the tie fighters hanging on the ceiling in one of the rooms. The xbox demo is also quite a bit smaller in size, just under 1000mb on xbox and just over 1300mb on ps3.

5760d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment