
CRank: 5Score: 2900

it should have atleast gotten a 9.0 or 8.9 seriously but on a more important note i need this game i have to wait till Friday; thats when i get paid and that sucks monkey n^ts

6129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i seriously need this now

6129d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

man this game is so great that thats all a fanboy can think of negative to say about it hah that's funny thou but on a serious note i have to wait till friday to get this game because that's when i get paid but i will be sure to murk like i do in resistence so watch out.....crispycritter out!

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man pimpdaddy...mackdaddy what ever your name is; what the f^ck are you writing a monolge or something gaw j/k because i have a lot to say figuretivly speaking but to my point all i am saying is for a person to have wrote all the fecal matter that you wrote and then post on ps3 news for advice for a ps3 game is beyond me; to me i don't know about any one else but that sounds like a sell out i mean i would have said that what you just wrote was very humanly of you and that you put up a legitim...

6131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah pimpdaddy all the sh!t you wrote on other forums it was definitely fanboyish i mean i consider my self a fanboy but i wouldn't openly write hateful sh!t about someone else's console but some of the stuff you wrote makes me want to say; i hope when you set your p/s up with you tv and get your game setup ready to play some unknown force phenomenon blows it up and you are never able to enjoy this wonderful game or any other but that would be wrong of me and i don't want to be categorized wi...

6131d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i love my playstation

6132d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

man i was just thinking with mg,gt,kz,ff............ m/s needs all the help it can get i hope it does get a lot of ips and exclusive because when these games come out man i say half of the ps2's total sales by the end of next year!

not trying to be a fantard or anything i mean xbox has some great games and some great games coming out; not anything for me because i am not a xbox fan but great games never the less but when these ps games come out i predict pandemonium because it ...

6134d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

both these games will rock your balls off

6134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well tudors you have a point but when you are comparing m/s gaming to p/s it might not hold because of the user base for playstation i mean the last generation of xbox's sold what 25 maybe 26 i don't remember but i am sure it was around that number but if that is all i wouldn't really consider that compitition maybe if they sell twice or three times as much this year i will start to get wuried but considering how many people bought the ps2 and are still buying it still seems as though p/s wil...

6135d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

regardless of what comes out wrpgs will never be what jrpgs are and thats just my opinion! Final Fantasy 7 any one?

6135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey i have one question i know this is off topic and all but it was nagging me i have seen killzone2 and the game play and everything and think its one of the greatest looking games ever; looks and game wise

but when i see people talking about how it looks better then crysis and its the best looking game out i think man you are really delusional i mean of course killzone looks good but better then crysis only a idiot would say somethin like that i mean that image alone confirms...

6135d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I almost busted something i shouldn't have when i saw this i am so excited to get to play this game and also a little nervous because those bosses really freaked me out more then any other in this series

and DuB how does this remind you of gilgamesh?
but more importantly i wasn't expecting that when i presed play i thought it would just be some guy talking about the new bosses or something not a actual clip from the i still cant calm down is that a bad thing...

6136d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For a second there you almost sounded intelligent guess i cant expect too much from a fanboy huhn!

6137d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After the demo regardless of how short it was i could tell it was going to be a wonderful experience i mean to be able to play a game like that and fight a thousand people at a time is a epic game no matter what it is
if you have a p/s id advise picking this game up you will not be disapointed any true gamer would love this game no matter what console you have because it is just a great game people shouldn't bash it the only reason someone would is because they are mad it isn't coming ...

6137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

final fantasy will always be the king of rpgs regardless of what comes out i am just happy i was fortunate to be to experience such great games some may want to disagree but again i speak facts and disagreeing would just show your ignorance!

6138d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Regardless of what people say or think this game is going to be big and if they changed up m/g then to your personal interest then it wouldn't be called m/g but something else realize that people who criticize this game are mad because they don't have the system this game will be played on and because i played all of the other metalgear games i am going to definitely get this one because it suites my interest...the people knocking on this game in this post can play s/c

but regardl...

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i want this and considering this game looks a little childish and not a big fan of games that remind me of this game this is the first i consider a must buy

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When i saw this game i was shocked and amazed saying to my self man i have a system that can play a game that looks like this i am truly happy but to say that this game looks better than crysis you are delusional i mean crysis has the best graphics out to date and did anyone forget Half Life 2 i mean come on don't get me wrong the ingame graphics are sick but not better then crysis but then again crysis is for pc so of course computer graphics are going to be better i cant say that latter dow...

6138d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

no matter who you are if you post your opinions on this site you are a fanboy no matter if pro both systems or not this site is filled with them it just makes me wonder do any of us have a life i thought i did until i started posting sh!t then again who knows?

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep talking about how their system is selling better with this price drop or this system has these games or will be getting these games and when it comes out it will be over for your system;

thats great for you and your system and all but you and when i say you i am referring to the xbox fanboys you are forgetting one may well lets say 2 major factors one japan and who ever thinks that japan doesn't matter is still sucking on their moms tit because it doesn't matter if the ...

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment