
CRank: 5Score: 6760

You got a disagree from me at least because you're wrong, the iPad 4 has a DPI of 264. The Nexus 10 has a DPI of 300. Yes the iPad 4 is very powerful still, but I'd wait and see until the Nexus 10 is actually released with final software, as of now it isn't finalized.

Regardless of power though in the end, the iPad is nothing more than a glorified app launcher, with android (4.2 in this case) you have a far more powerful and flexible OS on the Nexus 10 for less mo...

4212d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is true but the intro cinematic is NOT in game, it is CG. Other than that it is all in game. This is nothing new though, every KZ game has always had their intros done in CG. Here's confirmation from Dev Sebastian Downie (Quality Assurance Manganer at GG).

I just want ...

5607d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

... those pictures don't exist. Trust me, the fact that he is apparently the ONLY one with these pics and that no one else has em is odd no? Or that anyone has even heard of em outside of his source. Besides, I remember gamesblow coming to the PS3 forums and running his mouth off to the Devs, unless it was an impersonator. I hope no one takes these pics seriously. Not to say there wont be a forest level in Killzone 2, but Helghan doesn't strike me as a place form trees to grow naturally anywa...

5708d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They do. They've been sharing tech with a lot of the 1st party Sony studios. Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, they even have with Insomniac. ;)

5708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The cover system was taken out of the MP because it didn't work well. Destructible environments are still in MP by the way.

I talk to the devs a lot too, trust me when I say there will be more then just the dark urban settings. ;)

5708d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well actually the Milky Way is now believed to not just be a Spiral Galaxy but in fact a Barred-Spiral Galaxy. That's good as Barred-Spirals look much cooler. ;) Aside from that though there are also believed to many, many other black holes within the Galaxy other then the super massive one located at the center, those are the ones you wanna worry about. Besides the one at the center no longer draws matter in but lays there dormant, scientists aren't sure why though, it does however still kee...

5726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

POG and Mart are the same person. I think Resistance100 found that out after they both commented on an off-site story of his with the same IP. Quite sad really. I'll bet he has at least a half dozen others too.

5732d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how the game apparently copies COD4 for everything... people that think that clearly haven't played the 1st KZ. The menu is very, VERY similar to this one... almost scary similar lol the music is just as similar too which actually surprised. That said I always like the KZ menu so looks like I'll be happy here too. ;)

5735d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can only mix primary and secondary abilities, not 2 primary abilities. So a Scout/Engineer would be able to cloak and repair turrets but NOT deploy them. Now an Enginner/Scout could deploy turrets but he couldn't cloak, instead he'd use the Scout's secondary ability to tag all players on screen. Other then that it was a very good article, though nothing you wouldn't already know if you were following the game closely.

5740d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well not an open beta but a public beta, to GG there is a difference. There is the inhouse beta testing, then the invite-only public beta. There may be a server stress test style open public beta later as well, though its not been confirmed... as of now the only for sure way to get in is to get personally invited by GG. ;)

5740d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GG has already said they wont be there. They are still recovering from the time off to go to Leipzig to ready another demo, they are instead going straight to work on getting the beta preperations done and continue a bit harder on the actual development. ;)

5742d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

So everyone knows, 4 player co-op has NOT been confirmed. In fact Motherh (AKA Seb Downey, the QA manager for GG, and the person who played through all those lovely videos of the Corinth River level demo(the one that didn't suck)) at the official playstation forums said he had no idea where CVG think they got that from but he said the whole article has several factual inaccuracies and the 4 player co-op is mere speculation.

I should add he was the one leading the single player...

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, I'm a KZ_VIP over at the PS3 forums and so hopefully I can help you out a bit. ;)

-There will be no co-op shipping with the game on release but probably it will be added later. It is said that Guerrilla are "big fans" of co-op and it was featured in Killzone: Liberation.
-I believe there will be split-screen (only offline though) and I doubt it'll be 4 player, probably only 2.
-DLC has already been confirmed by the QA Manager, Seb Downe...

5751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And where is "Custard's Revenge"?

5756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will not regret buying this game now because of the splitscreen! I was pretty annoyed that they were going to leave that feature out originally. Now though, just great news!

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe at Liepig last year Guerrilla said that all games need to have demos these days. ;) Not confirmation of course but that's also the kind of thing they said about betas, and we all know theres a beta coming. You'll probably see a demo around December or January if I were to guess.

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Killzone 2 – Looked good in 2005. And 2006. And 2007. And...look, we don’t ever want to see it at E3 again."

05 - CG trailer
07 - first ingame footage shown
08 - last E3 before release, they'd be dumb NOT to show it

Idiots, it wasn't even at E306, then again it's Kotaku...

5781d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Please just don't have them, I hate freeze pop soo much...

5786d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow mesh, seriously... you don't think it's sad that you have to resort to making up your own quotes to attack a game that otherwise is getting rather positive previews? I hate fanboys so much...

5794d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Or it could be that they've been concentrating on things other than what Guerrilla has been? Or maybe they are talking more conceptual coding? Either way, yes, the Santa Monica guys do rock as do I believe Guerilla, Insomniac and many others. I think its great they are sharing ideas and tech the way they are, it can only benefit everyone, right?

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment