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making money, and I do believe that is the number one goal of all corporations. People can cry and moan all they want, but its funny how they just keep buying microsoft products to the tune of over 8 billion in profit over the last 12 months as a company. Quit hating and play games.

5253d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just wondering. The hype machine is on with this 3d stuff, but nobody knows how it will turn out when you try and play for 5 hours straight. It will be cool, but almost 3 hrs of avatar and I was getting a headache, so we will see if the masses really jump on this or it ends up being an overated experience.

5253d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

So they can do 3d games? They showed a game in 3d, so what is the dif between sony 3d, xbox 360 3d, the wii 3d? I will probably get hammered, but I just want to know.

5254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 and ps3 have avatar in 3d as well, so what is the deal. I have been asking this for weeks now and all I get is bashed. So can someone please tell me the difference between avatar in 3d, in which my xbox mag said looked awesome, and the wii toy story in 3d, and all this other hub bub about 3d. Sorry if it annoys you that I don't know the difference.

5257d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course that number continues to grow, but thats a topic for another forum. I don't think that plays any part in the sales of the 360. The fact that it has had its problems with faulty hardware, no established track record of games that appeal to the japanese market, and the fact that they tend to buy things made by japanese companies has more to do with it. In my oppinion.

5257d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i think the Iphone is still the standard that everyother phone is trying to get too. Not that the Iphone doesn't have its problems. Unfortunately when I moved I had to drop at@t since they are not available in Montana, so its laughable that they use bozeman in the comercial of where they have coverage, its actually someone elses coverage that they are borrowing and no data. So I have the storm. Bleck, worst smartphone I have ever used. Slow, glitchy, and very unfun. I haven't tried the p...

5258d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

They don't even say how many people are playing those said games. So how can you say there is no justification. What if its 8 people, then its justified to keep spending money supporting the game. Sorry, thats not how you stay in business. You have to make decisions that are gonna tick some people off. You can't keep everyone happy all the time. Unless you work for EA and know exactly why they are doing it, and its just to make people mad not to actually be profitable.

5258d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean what do they think, they are supposed to be in business to make money. Come on, give your stuff away for free, and spend millions supporting it forever. Jerks.

Edit: Below. yes, and I love my ps3 and I sorta like my wii. Your point? Companies shouldn't wan't to make money? In a perfect world, yes they would support last years game forever or at least 5 years, but when a new one comes out every year, are they supposed to continue supporting online play for 2007, 20...

5258d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I mean come on, I have a 16mb per second cable connection, and I still have a hard time getting downloads faster than 1 to 3 mb per second. I can just imagine how much computing power they must have to have if htey are going to have millions of people playing at the same time, possibley the same game. I also hope this isn't the end of the single player campaigns in games. I want it to be awesome, but with most of the U.S. at least struggling to get more than 2mb per second service, I thing...

5260d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes there will be games like that, but I am sure many games will have you doing subtle things. I personally, even when I play wii games, don't act like an idiot and flail my arms around like I am having a seisure. When I play super mario galaxy, I chill on my couch and point at the screen. Quit being over dramatic and acting like every game that uses motion controlsw has you running and jumping and looking like an idiot.

5262d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

because I have been saying all along that it is going to compliment a controller for some games and end up not using a controler in some, but the idiots in here continue to try and find a reason to kill Natal. Please lets just wait until some real games start being shown before we just dump on this. By the way, where is Saaking with his typical drivle about how bad natal will be, and how you need a controller, blah blah blah.

5262d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

it will take longer overall for this format to take over and dump dvd becuase the blu ray players play standard dvd's and with upscaling dvd players it would make no sense for them to stop selling dvd's like they did vhs tapes, so all the hype that it is ahead of dvd at this point is dumb. People bought a dvd player because they had to and then when the vhs machines broke down, like they did all the time, they replaced thier vhs movies with dvd, since dvd playes last longer and dvd's themsel...

5262d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5262d ago

So no it wasn't.

5262d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I was on the other night at 10pm and the extended play had over 19000 people playing it, not bad for a weekday at 10pm I haven't been on the actuall 1vs100 since it came out of beta, but it is extrememly fun, but I have a feeling there is some cheating going on. I played 2 straight sessions and the same guy won both and never missed a question with an avg anwnser time under 1 second, now I am not saying I am the smartest guy in the world although I do pretty good with trivia games, but come ...

5262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

blu ray wont take over until the 35-60 demo takes off with hdtv, it will be interesting. 24% is not that great if you aske me considering all blue ray players play dvd's and when dvd took over people had to replace their vhs to watch them on their new dvd player so the comparaisn isn't a good one in my opinion. I love blu ray but I don't see my uncles/aunts who are intheir 50's adn 60's going out and buying hdtvs and blu ray players.

5262d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

but what about when millions of people are all online playing at the same time. I don't think that tech is even close yet to be able to run a game of a server with that many people. with no lag. We will see.

5264d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

5265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am confused, I read a review from my xbox magazine and in a side box they said they played it in 3d with glasses and it was amazing in 3d. So WTF is it not 3d, is it diff 3d, I don't get it?

5265d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He would be saying "you should make love to your ps3" Since that is basically what comes out of his mouth anytime a sony/ps3 article is posted on this site. Sickening.

5266d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment