CRank: 5Score: 4990

Judging by his name, my guess is the WiiU

3922d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment


those are excellent examples of the many differences in the amount of detail and complexity to these 2 driving games. One is a facade, the other is really attempting to make their game next gen.

3922d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am curious, can you be more specific as to what you mean by "Xbox One is doing everything right in trying to get the best games on it's system" please?

I tend to stay away from absolutes, because they leave you no wiggle room on what you are saying. From my understanding many Indie devs are not happy with MS and their policies. It is one of the main reasons as to why the PS4 seems to have so many more indie devs on board with them. The other reason is of cours...

3922d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Even with the off-screen poor resolution video, you can still see the real reflections of the environment reacting differently depending on what part of the car you are looking at, and even the little dips in the suspension slightly changes these reflections.

I also notice that you can see the interior of the car and the track through the windows. Then there is the amount of detail around the track, with all kinds of subtle little touches to make it more realistic. <...

3922d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sei sei sei, if this is NOT the video for 2.4 then Jeffy is going to have to leave town b4 the mob gets him. I cannot even for one moment see how this can be anything other than the ever ellusive 2.4 update.

Do not fail me again Jeffypoo


5815d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It the Wii were capable of more, why have we not seen it? And do not point out SMG, or MP3, those games to me do not look any better. There may be some sugar-coating to make those games appear to look better than they are but do not kid yourself, as Siligon stated, the Wii is LAST-GEN.

I am not flaming, or trolling...I am just stating a simple FACT that for some reason the Nintendo faithful REFUSE to see.

Face it, you paid $250 or very likely more for a slighty...

5816d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though I will NEVER compare 8 year old PS2ish tech CURRENT generation technology, I do beleive that your prediction has a chance.
The PS3 will continue to drop in price, while putting out glorious games like MGS4 and at the same time appealing to the masses with games like Singstar, Buzz, HV Bowling, Pixel Junk, PSEye games, Blu-ray and many other casual PSN games that Sony has in the works.

And we will also get GT5, KZ2, R2, Team ICO, and many more cutting edge gam...

5820d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree with you 100%. The BIGGEST reason I want this FAD to end is so that gaming can continue to evolve and get more technologicaly advanced. The WSM is already showing some signs of loosing it's glass slipper with the press and especially the gaming press. People are starting to come around to the FACT that the WSM is BAD for gaming's future. It is good that the WSM has made gaming more accessible to the general public, but it is BAD that the WSM has not only NOT taken gaming forward, ...

5820d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment
5820d ago

I remember all the kayrap I took (not from this site) 2 years ago when I said the Wii was a joke and should NOT be counted as part of this generation of consoles. It looks more and more that the gamers in general are realizing that the Plumber bent them over.

$250 for a GAMECUBE with a motion controller. What a bargin.

In my opinion, all of the AAA Nintendo develped titles are just GameCube rehashes and or remakes. NOTHING original.

Don't get ...

5823d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

If we are to expand as a species and continue for millennia, we MUST go from a Type 0 civilization to a Type 1 civilization. Most scientists agree that we are very close to becoming a Type 1 civilization. (about 50-100 years away)

Many things have to happen 1st INCLUDING 1 primary language. English is becoming and will be that language. Other languages will still be spoken in home countries but everyone will use English as their 1st language.

Organized religio...

5825d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The Conduit should drum up sales in the same way KZ2 did with the whole graphical wow factor"

Are you kidding me? Graphical wow factor? Just because it looks good for a Wii game in some screen shots and OK in others does NOT mean that it has a graphical WOW factor.

MGS4 has a graphica WOW factor
KZ2 has a graphical WOW factor
Gears2 has a 2006 graphical WOW factor

NO WII GAME WILL EVER have a graphical WOW factor.

5825d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Oooohhhhkkkkaaaaayyyyy. FOOOOOOOOOOOO

Ima Hardo Gay Sumitami from Osaka Japan...Osaka Japan.....WWWHHHOOOOO!!!

Nice avatar....whhhhhhooooooooo, okaaaaaayyyyyy.

5833d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought you did not like N4G. When I brought it up on your precious Joystiq you said that it was a joke of a site with no credibility and filled with Sony fanboys. So my question to you is this.

What are you doing here Fernandos? You ridiculed this site many times yet here you are posing as a contributor filling up this site with Wii Krap trying desperately to PROVE that the Wii is current gen and not last gen.

Keep trying hypocrite.

5833d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now we see that the graphics they showed had to be dumbed down to allow for actual characters on screen. This looks like a poorman's UE3 with its somewhat glossy plastic look. It does not get there however because of the horrible textures. Seriously, I have not seen that much mud in a mud wrestling pit.

Killzone on the PS2 looks WAY better than this crap. If this is the best a developer can do with the Wii, then the Wii is most definently LAST gen and NOT this gen.

5833d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

According to him the PS3 is 1/4 the power of the 360. What will he say when the world sees the awesomeness that R2 is from one of the best CURRENT (Nintendo 1st party rehashes are not included) developers out there.

Sony ALWAYS takes thier sweet time in letting the information flow. They did it with the PSone and PS2. Look at those machines 1st year to year and a half...almost NONE of the machines biggest games had released yet.

That is why I know the PS3 will...

5833d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since you continue to make an ash out of yourself by posting your OUTDATED BIASED KayRap, I will post REAL credible sources that blow up every last bit of your garbage. Regardless of this pissing match, I see MGS4 coming out 2nite, and I look at the CONSTANT improvement of PS3's games while the 360 peaked 2 years ago with Gears.

Anyhoo, here they are...

Look at the date on this article

"The companies revealed in a joint statement that they have been working together for the past two years to develop a graphics processor based on Sony technology and Nvidia's GeForce architecture for PC graphics processors. The...

5834d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Apparently, Nvidia has been working on the chip for the last two years, according to company CEO Jen-Hsun Huang. That would put the start of company's involvement in PS3 development at least eight months before ATI confirmed its Xbox 2 design win. Then, it was suggested that Nvidia and Microsoft had fallen out over how much the latter owed the former for its graphics technology, and that led to the decision to adopt ATI chippery."

So, Brucieboy, it would appear that ...

5834d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment