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Why screw Mad Max? Can't we just have both? lol they both have two very different settings...

3692d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah but that's what Halo 5 will be, Chief finding a way to get Cortana back, the game won't instantly just give you Cortana at the begining, it would make losing her in Halo 4 pointless. We need to see Chief like this, to be driven towards a goal of his own for once, this will bring out his humanity more than anything, choosing his own fight other than being ordered to do so. It's likely we will see Halsey, maybe she might interact with Chief through comms, making him remember he...

3695d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now I know your just a fan boy, one article about nothing about xbox one appealing then an article about Chief being boring. Wow. Millions of people would say otherwise, including me.
And you wrote in your article 'None of the plots spend much time on the main character, if any.' He was conditioned to be a solider who sees only the orders he is given, he was built that way! You want them to make Chief a emotional wreck? For me, given the way he was in the first 3, for the mos...

3695d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

360 and Xbox One are not much different? where did you get that information from? I've been a 360 gamer since the day it came out and since I've got the Xbox One I struggle to game on the 360, it just feels like a step back, slower, the interface is outdated and the controller (which I thought was irreplaceable) is even hard to use, as the Xbox One controller is such an improvement.

3695d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

But why do you feel the need to write up on it? I don't feel the need to buy a PS4 right now, but I don't make articles, un-necessary articles at least. I'm sure the PS4 will be more attractive to me when it gets more games I like as the generation goes on, I just feel it's like the popular thing to do these days, to go against the Xbox One. If you haven't got one or never had one, your opinion shouldn't matter until you try it anyways! I never thought i'd like the...

3695d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not saying get rid of Cortana completely, but I think she shouldn't appear in Halo 5 with Chief, other than in flashbacks. I think Chief needs to be driven towards a goal, this goal being getting Cortana back, stopping the new found enemy and maybe finding some old friends along the way, he needs some help, a new character to freshen up the series a bit. Johnson is gone (allegedly), Keyes... I think we need to see another Spartan, Kelly is still alive as far as I know... and the A...

3696d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

It says cyberpunk RPG on the title of the website.

3696d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here you go. http://www.edenfallsgame.co... here it says cyberpunk RPG and someone stated on Reddit its lift London's game on twitter.

3696d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Molyneux just said the things we wanted to hear, he would recite a script that would entice you in with all these 'amazing' 'groundbreaking' ideas that never came to fruition. Would rather someone be up front and not beat around the bush.

3699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys, not everyone without a PS4 doesn't appreciate this being upgraded and re-released. Heck, I am an Xbox 'fan-boy' I suppose because I love the exclusives they do bring etc... but I'm happy this is coming to PS4, I was thinking about buying a PS3 to play this and a few other exclusives such as Nino Di Kuni and Uncharted games, but would much rather play it in higher-res and with better framerate. Just because the minority go against this, don't make out all Xbox fans ca...

3702d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Oh god forbid a console I paid over £400 can do more than just gaming, because I wouldn't love the option to play Halo the Game and also watch a TV series... oh, there is an important word, 'option'.
It's not forced! They are bringing the games and this will be proved more so at E3, but what is wrong with adding options which is beneficial for both users and the developers of the content?
Stop being such an idiot.

3709d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Then don't read or comment on articles regarding the game? God, for those who ain't bothered, there sure does seem to be alot of you who actually seem bothered.

3717d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Will you ever give it up? There always has to be one idiot fan boy. If you don't like Xbox one, fine don't comment lol. I don't comment on PS4 articles because I don't have one. I'm pretty sure you don't have an Xbox either, not everything is about resolution. I'd much rather a game that is fun in 720p than just good looking in 1080p.

3724d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you should consider retiring from N4G, you do my nut in with your silly fan boy comments that make no sense and hardly relate to the article. Give it up.

3734d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why do people who ain't interested in the game, always feel the need to actively seek out and comment on the article? Are you that sad?

3754d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's better this way in my opinion, but you're always gonna have two sides to the argument, those who want to complete the game but not invest every day into the game and those like you, who think it ain't rewarding individuals, so you can't win?

3754d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your input on everything Xbox ONE is questionable, every single XB1 article, your on it like a shot to criticise!

3783d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

@Spurg, well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm most definitely a Halo fan.
I think I am allowed to have the opinion that Spartan Ops wasn't that great and the majority have that opinion too.
Yes, I enjoyed the cutscenes but missons themselves were just awful, maybe it's a matter of opinion but I don't see how you can question whether i'm a Halo fan by me disliking part of the game which was basically just an 'add on'
I never said, I h...

3794d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm a Halo fanboy, I won't lie but Spartan ops had a great story? You can't be serious, I was so disappointed with SpartOps. Would have preferred firefight a hell of a lot more. Back on topic, I'm excited to see what they bring and hopefully it doesn't involve Chief being the main focus, they're are many other characters and stories to look at.

3794d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm sure when they were 'showing off' this game at conferences they were showing off 'dynamic maps' where is this in the games? All I've seen is a tree fall over and a sign on a gas station fall off. I don't even count 'freefall' as it's possibly the worst map I've ever played on COD.

3795d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment