
CRank: 5Score: 60870

I think Mass Effect 2 is their best game to date,

1935d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It actually was Fable 1 (or Project Ego) when Molyneux spoke about the oak tree's, this was 2 or 3 years before it was even released

2052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know what Square Enix were thinking launching ROTR on a far less popular platform (as well as the Playstation brand being alot more allied with the Tomb Raider one) and then on the same day as the multi-platform hype fuelled behemoth that was Fallout 4.
I don't think being very similiar to the 2013 reboot helped either and I really think it damaged the momentum of this rebooted series and hence here we are with very little hype for the 3rd installment.


2079d ago 28 agree6 disagreeView comment

'This game managed to offer a fairly realistic picture of the future' Yeah of course, creating androids completely indistinguishable from Humans (aside from their clothing & LED light) in little over 20 years time, and for under $10000 isnt even close to 'realistic'
I mean we are about 1000 years of that at least and even if they did create that in the time of the game it would cost about $10000000

2149d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

3rd favourite GOTG for me, BOTW and The Witcher 3 still beats it for me

2178d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Eurogamer has also said the same thing, they were also un-impressed with the game considering its been 3 years since we first saw this I am worried it will be at least 2 more years before we see it

2205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im the same I played it for about 20 hours to realise it wasnt for me, I had moments where I saw how addictive it could be and I understand the hook of the game but the repetition (albeit well disguised) was too much for me to just glance over.
I am 35 now and have known that games like this are just not for me which is why I have not bought an MMO before MHW and will not buy one again however I am sure that my 12, 15 even 20 year old self would have absolutely loved this game

2220d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

apparently Zelda BOTW is very hard, all previews have stated this staggered that some people still see these graphics as 'kiddie' instead of artistc I used to think this also....when I was about 12, im 34 and know better

2657d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes just a bit! Zelda, Horizon and Mass Effect in the same month!? I would prefer it to spaced out a little more tbh

2657d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes and EDGE have been around for over 20 years, I used to buy there magazine here in the UK

2657d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Indeed it does, PC peasants be like...but teh 30fps teh! teh checkerboarding! no patch on teh 1080 GTXwhatjamacallit!

I have a PS4 and just bought a Wii U, cant wait to play Zelda and Horizon, I don't so much care about the tech if I did I would have a PS4 Pro and got a Switch for Zelda, I just want to play great games at a cheap price,

I shudder to think how much you would have to spend on a PC to get Horizon (if it were release on it) running as hig...

2657d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I lol'd hard!

2657d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

My main problem with VR is the sheer amount of prep required, for example my sitting position on my sofa is about 14 feet from the TV and camera its a big room (I sit far away but I have a 60' telly to make up for the distance) the first problem is the PS camera doesn't pick up the VR headset over 10 feet which mean I either have to put a beanbag close to the camera or move the camera forward and put it on another table to be able to sit on the sofa, you cant hear your phone going or...

2685d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats what I am doing getting a 2nd hand Wii u, I have played all main Zelda games ever released and will not miss out on this one, I just wish Ninty made a Wii U Metroid so I could say I bought a console for 2 games and not 1 (of course I will resell the Wii U though). I may get a Switch in the future but waiting for a price drop and a few more games i.e. Mario Odyssey (sandbox mario back again!) and a Metroid (seriously what the hell are Nintendo doing with this franchise)

2687d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the game will be delayed when you hear a statement like that which I'm fine with, the thing is if it comes out in summer I would wait a few more months as I just don't play huge RPG games from May to September, so if it does get delayed I won't be playing it until Autumn/Winter

2772d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

so you think it will look like the teaser trailer on PS4 Pro or Scorpio?

2785d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

or would look nicer on a PS4 Pro/Scorpio

2785d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

I bet it will fully support Scorpio and PS4 Pro also

2787d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

No console has has a killer app since Halo 15 years ago, they seem to be doing ok so far

Anyway Rez infinite seems to be blowing people's socks off maybe thats a killer app

2791d ago 5 agree23 disagreeView comment

yes a strange article, reviews have been largely positive with no negative reviews whatsoever

2797d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment