
CRank: 5Score: 13460

I don't have anything against people who pirate games. What people do with their ps3 or other consoles isn't my problem. However, keep your little hacks offline, it sucks to play online with people who are invincible. The MW2 hack is soon obviously gonna spread to the rest of online games. Soon, PSN will be entirely ruined by cheaters.

4880d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony won't win in this case. Apple tried to take down Geohot before and even they couldn't. Apple is a much bigger company then Sony, so I doubt Sony will even be able to do any damage at all.

It's mainly a scare tactic to try and persuade others not to do the same thing.

4880d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What's the point of not hacking our console just to keep accessing PSN? Now that online is gonna be plagued with cheaters, it's gonna become unplayable.

So why wouldn't I hack my ps3 to play backups and remain offline? There isn't a single point in remaining online anymore. This is disgusting, every other games will follow soon.

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can't brick your console: It's just completely impossible. Even if they could, they wouldn't because they'd break even more laws then the pirates themselves and would get lawsuits that would cost them more then it's worth.

They won't ban your IP: Too many people have dynamic IP. Even people with static IP would get a new IP by shutting the modem down a few days and waiting for a new IP to be reassigned to them.

They won't ban ...

4880d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The only thing this show is how desperate Sony is. They know there is absolutely nothing they can do anymore.

4881d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Piracy won't kill any console. There is very few pirates who download their games compared to people who buy them. People who buy games far outnumber the people who pirates. Sure, devs will lose money, but not like everyone thinks.

It's not the end of the world people, the 360 and wii were hacked way before then and they're still going strong.

4881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny, since DC Universe isn't on 360.

4881d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Release those ps3 tales games namco. If you don't, you will give me a very good reason to get a second ps3, jailbreak it and pirate your games, which I wouldn't even do otherwise. Your ignorance of the west is making me do this.

4881d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you install a cfw, you can remain offline. Then once you wanna go online, reinstalling the ofw is very easy.

You can basicly switch to both on the go.

4881d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

IP ban would be stupid, since a lot of people have dynamic IPs, so they'd just be allowed back next time.

Even if you have a static ip, you will eventually get a new ip sooner or later due to someone else taking your current one.

Also, they won't be able to do that sine a smart hacker will have 2 consoles. One to hack and never goes online and the other one where they keep legit.

4881d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It may not be a sequel, but I hope Final Fantasy Versus 13 come out this year.

4882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except that pirates who just run backups and use no cheats whatsoever are not a nuisance to online play.

In fact, if someone plays backups but doesn't cheat, that would increase online population.

Also, hackers will probably find a way to make it so sony can't detect them.

4882d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gearbox listen to their customers. Since the customers want more DLC, it's obvious there is still gonna be one more coming.

4883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect supposedly made so many 360 RRoD, people had to get a new one.

4883d ago 13 agree18 disagreeView comment

They can't do anything. As for banning you online, they haven't banned people who play online with the jailbreak, so I doubt they ever will.

Probably the only way to get banned online is if you start cheating like a madman.

4883d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is the last chance. If it also sucks, the series is over.

Thankfully, it probably won't, since it's directed by Nomura and PS3 exclusive.

Towns, NPCs, a worldmap and an airship, it seems to have every traditional things as well.

4884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only thing I take for granted is I don't need to import Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Graces F and Tales of Xillia anymore.

If Namco don't want to localise them, I guess they can go screw themselves now.

4885d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PS3 will be just fine. In fact, it could even become better and get more sales. Look at the PS2, it was hacked and it still managed to be the ebst-selling console of all time.

The Wii is also hacked and they sold quite a lot of units as well.

However, prepare to see cheaters online now. For people like us who do everything legitely, this is gonna ruin it.

Of course, this is good news for me, I was planning to get Tales of vesperia PS3, T...

4885d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They stopped giving us updates that mattered long before even geohot even messed around with Linux. So it's not the hackers fault, Sony simply doesn't care.

4886d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

If you say so. I will say it again: enjoy your online play without cheaters because this is soon gonna change.

Of course, playing backups online without being banned is gonna be a reality pretty soon.

It's over, Sony are completey beaten, there is nothing they can do. Hackers have won, they should just concentrate on making the PS4 harder to hack.

Of course, this was inevitable. They should be happy they lasted 4 years. They had an incred...

4886d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment