CRank: 5Score: 3720

Here's an idea, stop overhyping your parent company's movie player, and also, maybe forget the idea of putting hundreds of thousands of hours of uncompressed voiced dialogue from every language on the planet onto one disc. Just a thought.

5908d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

HahahaHAHHAa Keep making us laugh, clowns.

5908d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

LMFAO. exhilarating gameplay??? yeah...

and of course we don't need more videos, they've already given us plenty of CG movies. I agree.

5908d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol, if the original is any indication of what this dev team can do, then I highly doubt that. We all already know Gears smokes the crap out of this lame franchise.

5908d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why revive something if it's not dead? Oh wait/ HAHAHAHAHHAAH OWNED.

5908d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


but wait, care to explain why the IGN ps3 guys have openly admitted to buying the 360 version instead? awwwwwww, someone gotpwned. Now go cry.

5908d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Oh, yeah, cuz you've played Gears of War. OK. Plz, you're becoming an annoyance.

Then you keep claiming MGS4 DOES INDEED look like ass, but only because it's on GT??? HUH? Incase you didn't notice, Gears looks MIGHTY FINE on GT, and the GT TV stuff of MGS4 was in HHHHHHHHDDDDDDDD. HD HD HD HD. Please. I'm right, you're wrong. It looks like ass. Nuff said.

Speaking of feeling sorry for ppl, you know who I feel sorry for? Droids who are impressed by it. Reminds me of h...

5908d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yes. I've been finding that out a lot lately. Same with the metacritic score of Condemned 2....A F*CKING 7????? WHAT?????? I'M GOING CRAZY!!! WHO ARE THESE MORONS!!!!!!! THIS GAME IS A 10!!!!!

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quite a few actually (M3/R4 has a media player which can play full length movies derrr), but didn't enjoy the idea of watching a movie on a handheld device. Got rid of them. Just like PSturd, PSPiss needs movie playback to make-up for a lack of killer ap AAA titles. PWNZORED!

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. more droids with guns. never a good mix. we Xbutts are better trained from our extensive military commissioned fire arm simulations. this n00b plays g@ystation, of course he doesn't know how to use a gun. If you want to shoot someone in the head, you have to aim first, duh. common sense. looks like someone should have played more Rainbow Six. stupid droids....

5908d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

.....on 360.

Even the droids who run the IGN Podcast B3yond said they would buy the 360 version since it's better than the sh1tt PSturd version. Face the facts, droids. U GOTPWNED.

5908d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Hated the idea of this game before they announced any platforms. And please remind me as to why should I want it when I have Gears??? lol. You stupid sony swine need all these mediocre jehrico/area-51-type crap shooters (krapzone, a sequel to a krappy game, resistance, another sequel to a mediocre bald space marine shooter which got destroyed by gears 1, etc. etc.) to make-up for the lack of having ONE amazing shooter that does it all. sad, but also funny! LOL.

5908d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

I don't think so. A game this ugly is only possible with the power of the Cell.

This is just another random turd shooter like Area 51 or Jherico. I seriously have no idea why these droids are hyping it so much. It's trying too hard to be Halo, which it can never be. And we will know this game will never come close to touching Gears of War's crown as top shooter. Pass.

5908d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

I will most definitely own this future masterpiece of a Kojima title when I Get a PS3 for God of War 3, but that doesn't stop me from seeing how god dang ugly it looks. Just go watch GT's latest GT TV and cry, droids. LOOKS.......LIKE........ASS.

And sorry, your pathetic claim that it's not running in "full rgb" is crap. Of course Konami is sending gameplay videos from their full rgb HDMI dev kits. duh. so explain why it looks like sh1t? whoops.

5908d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lmao. more false BLEW-ray hype shot down. So suddenly it goes from the game being so amazing with the power of CELL that it CAN'T even fit on 50 gigs, cuz it's SO amazing-looking--- to now being because they wanted to store 45 gigs of languages on it? LMAO. stupid and pathetic.

just go watch the latest GT TV episode at gametrailers. all the MGS footage looked like smeared dog sh1t. face the facts, droids, or prepare for disappointment.

5908d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Face it, Capcom has neither the time nor effort to deal with sh1tty consoles with n00b fanbases who are more interested in watching movies than buying their games.

5908d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL. I think it's pretty obvious who "runs" this site: a bunch of worthless droids. Yeah, they've run this site strait into the ground! And this bubble system is f*cking pathetic. N4G needs to get rid of that. Nice test for a beta, but time to let that crap go. It sucks. The only people with lots of bubbles are the pathetic scum sucking droids. All the Xbutts have no bubbles. It's a sham. a pathetic sham. N4G sucks.

5908d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is by far the greatest game ever made. Everyone MUST own this game. And you droids can buy the watered-down version with crappier graphics and no AA when it gets undelayed next month. Trust me. BUY THIS GAME!!! NO game is as good as this. Bioshock comes close. That's how good this game is. WHY THE HELL AREN'T PPL TALKING ABOUT IT? IT'S THAT DAMN GOOD! DAMN IDIOT GAME "JOURNALISTS"!!

5908d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Glad someone knocked some sense into ya!

5909d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At the end of the day, Gears is the greatest shooter ever made. No droid can change that, no matter how hard they will it.

5909d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment