Playing Games Everywhere!


CRank: 5Score: 31360

LIKE OMG!!! VALVE IS releasing a steam box this is going to be amazing!!! You can play PC Games on your living room. This is going to end all.
-Looks at my current PC-
-Takes HDMI Cable and connects PC to TV-

LIKE..... OMFG!!!!!!

I have it already!!!!!!

Seriously Valve? GTFO

No I am not buying some POS PC to play steam games.

4193d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't stop lol just thinking that the last guardian will actually most like come out when the generation ends. Those guys sure do take their time making a game. hehe

4194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm grabbing my white assasins creed edition tomorrow and I can't wait! I'm also a ps+ already and have some psone games as well.
Vita is waiting for me with open arms.. I'm almost there baby! lol

4211d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm most definitely getting a vita, my brother showed me the system and it's amazing. I've had it preordered for a while, just waiting for oct when the white version comes out.

4299d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man...looks like consoles are on their way out guys. I don't know...I love consoles.
But it looks like we are all headed to either steam or streaming services, which are great... just unexpected.
I'm PANICKING OUT HERE dang it!!! Someone give me some words of ENCOURAGEMENT!!!

4321d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

THE MOST Overrated POS game of any generation without a doubt HAS to be World of Warcraft. It's the most boring mmo I've played in my whole life and it just proves how people just follow the herd like the bunch of sheep they are.

4338d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love trophies. They are an awesome addition to gaming In my opinion, which actually provides added replay value to your existing purchase. Sadly I gave my copy of metal gear 4 to a local pawn shop, but seeing as the game is widely available and cheap everywhere it's alright.

I'm struggling badly with finding the time to play my existing library as it is thou. I wish I had the time to plat most of my games but the truth is that if I did I would never take full advan...

4340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Examples (In no particular order)of sequels that are worse than the original are:

Halo 2 (Wasn't as good as the original by a longshot imo, the battle riffle lost it's magic, story got weirder as well)

Socom 3. (The series went straight to hell after this one)

Everquest 2. (They used the worst graphics engine known to mmo's "at the time" and I would almost say online games in general. To this day that game can't run ...

4348d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I rememer a lot of those covers... those were the good ol days lol

4350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Grid is my favorite racer this gen I can't wait and I must say it's about time.

4350d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lately after seeing comments like some of those above you can truly realize why is it exactly that the videogame industry is going to shit. Ya'll mostly deserve to fucking play angry birds forever instead of games as good as homefront seriously. Hey man it ain't game of the year but it wasn't a horrible game.
And whoever said the korean invasion is "unbelieveable" is just another dumbshit armchair general truly. A korean invasion is more realistic than most o...

4350d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The Age of Men is over. The Age of the Orc has begun." Lmao
The age of DIGITAL distribution!!!

4352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol wow it's kinda funny in a sense seeing the 360 people saying: That's a 360!!!
Like they spotted an animal in the wild... there it is!!!
Iwatta's like: No it's not!!! It's bigfoot I tell ya!! It will rule all animals..

I don't know about you guys... but when the 360 dude said it's a 360 I think he might know what he's talking about.. just saying.

4352d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

I really think sony would benefit greatly if they were to use this for playstation Home. People could log into ps home from facebook, their phones and PC's. Making PS Home one of the worlds premier social and gaming apps. But it's sony after all, who knows what in the world their thinking of lol

4352d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lmao What would be even more ownage would be that if they spend 200 million on "the ultimate graphics" and the games cost 100 bucks who would buy em? lol

4352d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol great comment

4352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone care?

4353d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's why I laugh a lot just thinking about what us "Gamers" are doing to gaming these days. Yes you!! Don't think the gamers don't have to do anything with this. People want to play a game that looks like a pixar movie @ home and pay 20 bucks for it.

It's crazy funny that the best gaming experiences that I had in the last 10 years all came FROM the last gen of consoles not this one. Back when graphics looked like shit, there was a ton of devs d...

4353d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I almost can't wait to see what implementations sony has in store for their brand new gaikai purchase. I think the next consoles could most likely be the last ones or who knows... maybe the ps3 is sony's Ps4.
Ever since I started playing onlive I knew that cloud gaming was the future. I love my consoles and pc but the best implementation of gaming services that I've seen can be done in cloud gaming. Sony will implement this in all of their tv's, computers and table...

4353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wtf do consoles and gaming systems have to be subpar on everything that's not gaming according to some gamers?
Smartphones are phones but you don't see people defending shitty app integration anywhere cuz "it's a phone".
Some people just need to take their fanboy glasses off jesus.

This whole "it might come later!!"" BS only works with you knuckleheads but have you see when a hot new phone comes out like the galaxy or an ...

4358d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment