
CRank: 5Score: 29170

Uncharted has replay down cold! It has achievements, for one. then, to add to that... IT has 2 unlockable characters with full story arcs. Not to mention 12 other unlockables that change the gameplay and look of the game. Yeah, Uncharted makes up for no online, easily. I'm glad it's not online, actually. Too many online games and none of them are getting played.

6050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys, it is ALan Wake... I don't care what some mod says. I know what our computers say and if Gamestop isn't selling alan wake, due to it being "AXED" then line up, line up. "ha" Alan Wake is gone, folks. The xbox 360 version is no more. I'm sad to hear it, myself... believe me. then again, I have a kick nuts AlienWare Pc. So it's alright with me.

6050d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not gonna say I'm 97% sure it's Alan Wake, I'm 99.9% sure it's Alan Wake, cause they're stripping it off all GS computers and the only Slu available is Alan Wake PC TBA. I'm also 100% sure that I had to call people who did pre-orderes early for Alan Wake xbox 360. So, yeah... it's Alan Wake, sorry to say.

6050d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is too ALan Wake!!! It's not the Pc version ,folks. That's still being made... Games for windows, at that. The xbox 360 version is in fact axed!!! I cannot stress this enough. I can't wait until Monday.

6050d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's not Too Human, people. It's the xbox 360's version of Alan Wake, which is a 1st party game as they bought up remedy. & how is someone gonna disagree with my 1st post there? I posted this news last night on my blog. It's doccumented well before any of this garbage. I posted the new on my lap top at work as soon as I seen the Sku!

6050d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I posted the news of Alan Wake late last night after I got off work, people. It is Alan Wake!!!!! I'm so glad you all didn't approve my story, though. Ha... The computers at my work say Alan Wake Sku- canceled. Simple as that. We have to do call backs to anyone who reordered it. Pc version is still a go, however. As it did not show up. Monday this news will break even bigger. Wait and see. I'd kindly appreciate it if you all would go approve my story now.

6050d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love how people are disagreeing with my cheer... hahaha, shows how absurd you really are in life. Shame.

6050d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


6050d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

False... Way false. I deal with this everyday and I'm sorry, this is an out and out lie. I wish Sony would sue you for slander, as a matter of fact. Dust does not void the warrenty of your system. Light sratches due to dust don't, either. This is unfounded... My Alan Wake news is real and it gets pulled, this is absurd. Again, I deal with this everyday and I can tell you 1st hand no... Sony does not void the warrenty for dust.

Now, if your system has dust all over it and ...

6050d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ever play Gears of war? That's all yu did... was it repetitive? Stranglehold anyone? Please, Uncharted is more than shooting.. It's an experience, folks. Simply put.

6050d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

bloggings site or not this is legit news... you'll see next week, people. It is cancealed in the GS computers. Remember where you heard this news and make sure you drag this out next week and post it on the 1st page. A rumor is a rumor... that's why I labled it as such. I've seen the actual sku and it's been axed. I put it as a rumor because the systems change all the time. I'm not making this up. Monday moring is close... You'll see.

6050d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just jumped back online with this one, wow... I had a blast. I did ranked games only this time and I loved it. I'm gonna start back up again, I believe. Warhawk's been great, but I'm gonna have to tame my addiction down to about 5 days a week "ha"

6051d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not realy, The boards are chalked full to this day. So, no... they "ALL" haven't moved on. I can still sustain 40 on 40 player games all night long. COD 4 is stale to me online. I won't touch it again... Great game, loved the SP... but the online isn't for me. Warhawk and Resistance are solid gold with me and online.

I'll be getting this patch when it drops, for sure.

6051d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with Gameinformer... but lets be honest here. Gears did nothing at all new to the genre, either. Yet it adorned 10's from everyone. Gimme a break. The gun play is almost to the Letter the same. Only, Uncharted has a more vibrant look to it.

This whole mess is getting old. Console loyality is bleeding profusly in the publication scene and internet review site scene. Reiner was all over this game at TGS this year... now all of a sudden he's not? Please...

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Little perspective here... I've played the Uncharted demo more than I've played Gears of War in it's entirty. I beat GOW 2 times... Once in 7 hours and the other in a little over 5. I never touched it again. Not even for the 8 man online < yank. I've played The Uncharted Demo over 12 times now. I'm hooked and amazed.

6051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Power green really is trying to prove a point here, huh? I feel sorry for your bad choice in gaming platforms. Your, inferior one at that. I'm Gamesblow, well known smash hit forum poster. A successful 98% one at that. I bring the goods, the grind and the twist, folks. You love it...

6051d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This will pass... It'll pass and everyone who's touting it as being something will look rather foolish. As a matter of fact, Ps3 gets a 400 dollar system, R&C and Heavenly Sword in Japan this week. I think that's going to seal their fate pretty good. G'bye xbox...

6051d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone find the hidden locals in the demo? there are said to be 3 and for everyone you find in the final game it adds it to your stats. Much like the head shots... they're more like acheivments. There is also treasure to find throughout the game.

6051d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I aksed Evan Wells if there were any segments with Drake swiming and he said "wait and see" Which leads me to believe there is swiming, man.. I hope so, atleast. It'd ad a good element to the game. Anyways, back on topic... this demo is amazing! I've beat it on all 3 settings and got headshots all the way thru on easy. 10 HS and it's rewarding.

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did this guy even play the demo? This guy sounds like he's pieced bits and pieces of his review in with everyone who's actually played the game. So many things wrong with it.

A demo is just that... A demo of a game. Area 51 was 5 mins long. Be lucky we got 10 more minutes of play time with Uncharted, folks. It sickens me at the level people go to down play Ps3 games now. Now they're even smack talkin' demos. ahahahahah... sadity.

Anyways, I loved the game. It'...

6051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment