CRank: 5Score: 240

I am purchasing both day one, however UC3 for me looks better and will have the edge. As for the comment someone made tht uc3 will be a lil of the same what the hell you thnk bf3 will be? Same bf recipe with better graphics and diff locations but just another bf shooter and a military one at tht. These gamesd are suppose to be this way and its a proven recipe tht works you just add new thngs everyyear and up the graphics. If you want something new and wholely diff get a new ip game ...

4675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demon Souls is one of my fav RPG of all timesssssss I put in at least months and months worth of hours in this game and am still playing it till this day, so I'm def looking forward to Dark Souls!!!! If its half as good as Demon Souls I'm in!!!!!

4676d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I dnt knw what the guy up top was talking about. I for one use carbine thts my fav gun and am in the top three most times, but I've seen a lot of ppl use a variety of guns. Not once did I feel the game was unbalanced bcus everyone was using snipers or shottys, but hey maybe in his games tht wasthe case. As for the beta itself fun as hell!!!! Too bad so many issues have been plaguing it such as lag and getting kicked out the games. As mentioned before the sp I be...

4676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Admittingly the only game I've seen tht has interested me is Gears of war 3 it looks solid I won't take tht away frm xbox fans.And no I'm not trying to be an a## thts the only game imo tht woulkd interest me in having an xbox. I can buy one but I'm good where I'm at. There's no rule saying u can't have more than one console but I just have more than enough games on ps3 as it is tht I can't even play religiously bcus I have so many others e.g. Socom 4, uncharted...

4676d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow looks like these writers have nothing to write about and just want to be heard so thy regurgitate the same stories over and over again. What makes you thnk the responses will be different? Is there nothing else to write about in gaming?

4677d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all vita will be a car wreck I will be happy to be a part of without seat belts and air bags head on collision. Secondly the person who said it doesn't matter what vita offers I humbly disagree. I've never purchased a hand held for myself but bcus all tht it has to offer at 250 or 299 I will buy my first one. Thirdly it doesn't matter if it doesn't sell out immediately or in hoards it will have legs and will sell quite well just like ps3 and e...

4677d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol at crysis 2 looking better thn even kz2 you wishhhhh fanboyssss lol Are we talking about the same crysis 2 I own? With the pop ins, frame rate issues and worse of all the four stupid al on screen at once bcus it couldn't support more? Lol haha let me guess in ur world a lil cool water effects and lighting make this game look better lol smh Not to mention the cool water effects and lighting tht kz had to counter tht!!! And the many upon many enemies on screen at once tht I had to battl...

4677d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

We dnt need to rely on vga the same way I haven't all this time bcus thy are not tht accurate. On a few other articles however I exposed the ps3 haters saying tht xbox was seeling more units ww lol. There was even an ignorant fool posting different ww sales for each unit frm 5 diff articles lol and then tallying them up to form his basis for saying xbox was seeling more units ww I laughed and quickly added several bonafide sites and articles stating ps3 was leading ww once againt frm jan ...

4678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment