Currently dumping ms, for Sony. Screw 24 hour check ins.
CRank: 5Score: 3110

Bolo! Here's even greater, great news! You're an idiot with holes in your head!


Bolo=dumb ass fanboy

3897d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Poor, poor bowl load. You really are an idiot.... Must've hit your Sony fanboy nerve, huh? Lol....


Bolo=is a dumbass

3897d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Remember how mike sphincter said the vita was going to destroy the 3ds? Hmm, wonder how that's going....

3897d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who is Michael Sphincter? Hmm, he sounds like an asshole...

3897d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@guru, if I need to tell you my opinion is an opinion, sorry, you're just too stupid to read between the lines. But, again, that's just my honest opinion.... How's that for less "douchey"..... Lol

3897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with jokesonyou... 3rd parties aren't going to spend significant resources trying to make a slightly prettier ps4 version. It didn't happen between the ps3 and 360, and it won't happen now. That's why there are 1st parties, they will be the ones to try and tap all the available power... Even then, the difference will be small. The machines are in the same ballpark, therefore, the average consumer isn't going to notice an extra shadow here, or a light there. Again, ...

3897d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

And 3....2....1.... Playstation fanboy meltdown... Lol at you dumb, immature, ignorant, uninformed, clueless, idiotic looking fanboys.

3897d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well, it's mario kart, what do you expect?

3897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, an article about the x1? Hmmm, somehow, there is 10,000% more playstation fanboys here making stupid, immature comments, than there are actual Xbox fans. Hey, dumba$$ Sony fanboys: grow up, get a life, and pay more attention to ps4 stories than x1 stories... You know you're a Sony fanboy when you've visited and commented on more x1 articles than the console you idiots are fanboys over... Wow. I'm impressed. These Sony fanboys have kicked into second overdrive! Go go go, fanboy...

3897d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Stupid, child like playstation fanboys congregating on an x1 story to spout out bs. There's an idiot Sony fanboy down below bragging about killzone characters having 40k poly counts.... Um, stupid, you do realize that's like ps360 poly counts right? Sony fanboys have their sphincters all clinched because there are a few x1 games that are looking better than ps4 games... Ryse, graphically, is at the top of all games, on both platforms, and then when you take a game like forza and drive...

3897d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony fans: the worste fanboys in the entertainment industry in its entirety. Ign said the ps4 version looked crappy and muddy too. Get over your fanboy delusions, it's gotten embarassing. There are hardcore fans, and there are Sony fanboys... You idiots are in an entirely different, retarded class of your own. Congrats.

3898d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Man..... All these lame playstation fanboys drooling at the chance to turn anything negative against the x1 are embarassing themselves.... Fact is, there isn't one game on either platform that blows one or the other away... But as far as graphics are concerned, the x1 has the prettier looking games right now... I didn't say better, just prettier... All these rabid, immature playstation fanboys are making me want to sell my ps4 preorder. Seriously. I don't like being in the same &q...

3898d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gtav is overrated... I remember when the media was saying gta 4 was the greatest thing ever... I remember 1 review saying about gta4: this is how you wish every game played!... No, sorry. I fell for the hype back then and bought it... What a joke. The game was no where near great... Gtav has all the basic elements from gta4. In six months, when the fanboy goggles fall off, the truth about how unbelievably spectacularly magnificent gtav is, the hyperbole will have died, and everyone will be sa...

3898d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for this game...

3898d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ziggercat, post proof it doesn't use off the shelf parts. And, what happened to the "extra" cpu that was supposed to handle all background tasks and the os? Because suddenly you fanboys and Sony stopped talking about it, and about how that chip was going to make all 8 cores of the cpu for games..... Why is it that now the ps4 dedicates 2 cores for all that? Hmmm? Because they are taking things out of it, just like the extra USB, hdmi, etc.. That they pulled out of the ps3 before...

3931d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, so much trouble, because they haven't gotten used to using that type of ram set up for the last 8 years, you know, the one that was so much easier and better than the ps3 ram set up.... Ok, you fanboys keep telling yourselves that developers don't know how to use it. Sure.

3931d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment
3931d ago Show

I know, because a book sale is just so, I don't know, unbelievable! Right? It couldn't just be a random part to a game, meant to make a believable world, it must have been there strictly as a way to tell people when the ps4 was coming! Yeah.... That's it..... Yup. ..... Sigh.... Fanboys these days.....

3934d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

1 line, among thousands. And it benefits the game so much. You Sony fanboys are rediculous. Sony could take a dump, put a date on it, and you idiots would eat it up.... Literally. Calm down fanboys, calm down!

3934d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree, it was a random date, due to the timeframe of the games story. Man, people on this site have some kind of incurable disease, and it's called fanboy syndrome. I mean, seriously? Wow! There's a date in the game that happens to be the ps4 release month, and day!!! That's soooo exciting!!! .... Not. Who cares? THAT'S what you guys are excited about? Lol.... Get a grip! You make yourselves look dumb.

3934d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment