
CRank: 10Score: 181840

The rumors weren't false... the specific games announced weren't correct (2 of them at least), but the fact that multiple Xbox games are coming to PS5 and Switch was not false, and the fact that Microsoft plans to release more (as many as possible, according to them) as time goes on... all proven true. Xbox is now a third party development studio. They even have designed a system to enable you to not only crossplay, but carry your saves across Xbox, switch, PS5, etc... they wouldn'...

99d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Exactly, these 4 are just to get people used to the idea of Xbox no longer having exclusives, they wouldn't have spent the next 30 minutes saying "we want our games on as many screens as possible" if that wasn't the case.

99d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Case by case, but they spent 30 minutes making the case for bringing as many games as they can to other platforms.

99d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

They opened by saying "only 4 games", then spent the rest of the podcast justifying why bringing more games to other platforms is a good thing... which, as I called out 2 days ago, the 4 games is just them desensitizing their player base to the idea of them going full on multiplatform, and as more games get announced, they are going to start releasing them on other consoles as well. It'll probably start with a "first on Xbox", but before long they'll want to keep c...

99d ago 26 agree16 disagreeView comment

I'd love to be able to build military bases, start wars with dozens of active players at once... go on an interplanetary bombing run, sneak into other bases and plant bombs in them or steal equipment (with some cool stealth kill options)... The game is still way too much flying over mostly identical barren land... My grandmother was watching me play the other day, and made the comment "It just looks like you're walking through the same area over and over again.", and she'...

99d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Ignoring problems doesn't fix them. I think they handled it well by addressing that there's content there some may take issue with.

101d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

My predictions:

1. Open by saying "We remain committed to consoles.", while remaining vague about exactly which consoles they remain committed to... this gives players the illusion that they are going to keep releasing new consoles, while still leaving them an off-ramp to later say "We meant the current generation of consoles" down the line if they decide not to release another generation of consoles.

2. "However, Xbox isn't a...

102d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony has enough golden franchises that haven't seen a proper new game in around a decade or more... SOCOM, Warhawk, MAG, Wipeout (we got a remake, but not a new game), Motorstorm, DriveClub... all fantastic franchises, some that just came before their time. Yes, new IP is great, but when you have that many golden classics that need a sequel, I'd be more than happy to have that over new IP.

103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Easily my game of the PS3 generation... it sorely needs a remake for current gen. It nailed multiplayer and couch co-op at the same time. I used to get a bunch of homies to come over, we'd load up in a jeep, slap a mine on the front, drive it deep into enemy territory, they'd bail just before to go grab the flag, I'd drive the jeep into a crowd of the other team before bailing myself and watching them all blow up, then I'd go steal another jeep to drive the flag back in, one h...

103d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to say a new console won't release, only that they have not yet made up their minds as to if they will. That is what the rumors suggest, that is what I'm going with. Once they announce they are releasing the best Xbox games on PS5 also, however, that is going to hurt their sales significantly, and it'll make it even less likely that they are going to go through with a new console.

"Yet you still have no evidence of any game being held bac...

104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

From November 2022, so likely not as bad today, but yes, they likely do lose money still.

"As IGN reports, Spencer confirmed that the loss on each Xbox console is between $100 and $200 dependent on the model. "

Keep in mind that's just to build the console, not the billions of dollars of R&D that went into designing the consoles.

104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, the guy that can't write trying to say I can't read... then he proves he can't read. Thanks for that laugh.

It was never "confirmed" by anyone working at MS, it was reported on by a gaming journalist for Washington Post in her newsletter.

You don't care about facts, or logic... as evidenced by your continued goal-post moving of seeing a developer say "Xbox Series S makes it impossible to do certain things in our games, ...

104d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nadella doesn't have to walk out on stage to make the announcement in order to be the one who made the decision behind closed doors.

As for the rest... I've screenshotted your post, we'll see how well it ages, lol.

104d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

@logic Y'all are running all over the field with those goal posts, lol. Full on panic mode...

104d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is no actual quote, it's only what he is rumored to have said...

104d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lightning is big mad, lol... It's ok, it'll all be over soon, just a few more days and then you can start the grieving process. You can't even spell your insults right, ffs... Displaying a complete lack of understanding of how to spell and use grammar is not the smartest thing to do when trying to insult someone else's intelligence.

If the future of Xbox is being threatened by these rumors, confirming that there will some day be another generation of console...

104d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact that he is only rumored to be mentioning this internally doesn't show much confidence... if there were concrete plans to release new consoles, Microsoft would be screaming it from the rooftops amid all these rumors flying around. They are doing nothing, which indicates to me that there's a lot of on-the-fly decision making still taking place, and not even they know for sure what is going on between Xbox and Microsoft.

Furthermore, with the already slow sal...

104d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's what happens when Microsoft makes the decision over the heads of those at Xbox. Phil didn't want it, Nadella did. Guess who won?

104d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

PC gamers care about Steam... Those who want the game to run well and to be able to mod it to remove the many bugs and shortcomings the game has... but obviously not even that was enough to keep them interested.

104d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Obscure... Ad hominem, for when you can't attack the point... attack the source instead.

The source isn't just LinkedIn, it's also Microsoft's own site, if you'd actually bother to read the article.

104d ago 16 agree5 disagreeView comment