
CRank: 5Score: 1700

I mean, this attempt looks like a way to quell PS3 fanboys, what about the 360 fanboys?

A friend of mine (who owns a 360) was like "HAH. OH. WHAT NOW? FFXIII ON THE 360"

It's like they've won a battle or something! Ridiculous XD!

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just by making it multi-platform that means they want a bigger fanbase.

And I highly doubt SE want to disappoint their gamers, by all means, SE has the largest fanbase ever. Honestly. It's BECAUSE they have fans that some of their spinoffs are viewed as "good". (HAH. Famitsu, I laugh)

(Damn, we need a new company to step up. C'MON LEVEL 5! ...OR SOMEONE. STEP UPPP T.T)

But, from me, a gamer who loves Square Soft, I honestly think it's als...

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dante's not that effeminate... O.o;

Hahah, Vikki... Can't topple Gloria in sluttiness though.

5934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah... MIT... what a beautiful university to attend. :D They should include more programs on videogame development, the industry is really growing and demanding better and creative people.

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well... before videogame design the usual kiddie first step is learning computer programming and learning how to write a program yourself. This calls for understanding how to actually input and develop the game. You really have to specify what area you want to be in the industry.

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OHH... I wish there was a golden ticket in four of them! Then that means there's a chance to take over Capcom! Aw... I guess I can still dream and work hard. xD Good luck to everyone who ordered, only 100 have it signed... Good luck guys. XD

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yahoos! Reminisence! But why does it say "Nero's briefcase" when on the source it specifically says Dante? -.- Can't wait until my version comes into the mail.... <teeheeeeee>

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why don't you play the final mission of DMC? We'll see where Aries orginated from. Henceforth, this new boss.

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no difference between the games. Sure minor might be graphics and sound but does that matter? Seriously, the producer says it himself, he wants everyone to play DMC and those who play xbox shouldn't get a ps3 because they would be more familiar with it on the xbox. Capcom cares about their audience okay? I own a PS3 but I'm actually going to get a 360 in spring. Hopefully a Wii too
what good games are on there except for shooters (i.e. RE)......

5985d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think I'm just mixing up my games now. S.E. has so many spin-offs that frankly all (most) of them are bad. XD But all I know is DoC got a pretty "high" score then usual. But like seriously, Famitsu totally kneels down to S.E. XD

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why you read more then one magazine for games. Everyone has different ideas. It shouldn't be a surprise if a magazine is biased and shows support for a certain company or console. I mean, Famitsu gave FF7: DoC a 40 out of 40 where Kingdom Hearts (? It was another S.E. game that was extraordinarily good) got like a 39 out of 40. No surprise if EGM wants to stand by Microsoft's side.

:D Gameinformer <3

5987d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That has to be the strangest glitch I've ever seen on a videogame. And this is on the xbox/ps3. XD I mean so detailed too.

I feel bad for the wall.. Oh lol, if any if you read Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream Act.5 (Pyramus and Thisbe play)

"This man, with lime and roughcast, doth present
Wall, that vile wall which did these lovers sunder.
And through Wall's chink, poor souls, they are content
To whisper. At the which le...

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

By the by some of them are newish screenshots. (Just saying if some guys don't want to see them and think they're getting a spoiler). The shots look hot. :D

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Target is that huge chainstore that is rivals with Wallmart or something. O.o Correct me if I'm wrong.

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Target just needs to get rid of all the HD DVD things first but secretly stocking up with blu-ray with the extra money coming in. XD Toshiba would've been at world's edge if that rumour was true.

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh hot damn that sounds nice. Yeahhh Panasonic jumpin' in for the fun. xD Man all of a sudden all monster companies and going blu. 2008 is Sony's year baby.

Wonder what its performance will be like...

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Monarchy already doesn't exist.
2. "God kill the Monarchy"
Your statement is so historically incorrect I'm not even sure how to correct it.
3. And useless? The people of England will beg to differ.

Don't write such ridiculous statements about Her Majesty.

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really actually. If the media itself turns to Blu-Ray already there will be many consumers changing their preferred electronic. Then doubling with the fact that Blu-Ray has more size and since such things like games are a huge portion of the electronical world, Toshiba will be finished no matter what.

The laws of supply and demand adds to this and cultural influence. Media wants more, Blu ray is made more. Media who are the people prefer it, Blu Ray is wanted even more.

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey heys! A plus for Nintendo success in the UK no? I think it's great publicity. :D

5990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a very funny and incredible solution. However, given that we are humans and not the Inner Party of 1984, the ethics code cannot be breached. :D

Is there a way to create a different column for these type of news?

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment