
CRank: 5Score: 27950


I would rather have just been rick rolled......

5764d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

cmon guy.......

I like GEARS as much as the next person, but its going too be hard pressed too really imrpove leaps and bounds over the first with what I've seen.

whats GEARS2 really bringing too the table? bigger maps? horde mode? wheres the true 4 player co-op this game should have had for the campaign?

GEARS2 up there multiplayer by 8 I belive, and Resistance upped theirs by 20, and added a full campaign for 8 player co-op, not just a bunch of locusts...

5764d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man vs Wild anyone? pee drinking could be the least of your problems :X

even though its obvious a dev would never put that stuff in a game lol, and is this somthing where you just try to navigate a city wrecked by an earthquake?

no zombies? vampires? crackheads?

5768d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resident Evil 2 rounding the bookcase and the licker zipped by, I sat there for a couple minutes waiting for that bastard too try something.

and then bam the very next room.....

oh and licker jumping threw glass window.....and the crows....

how about RE2 all together.... what a classic!

5769d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The story is thick enough too have a fleshed out viral campaign, the website for the first RFOM had loads of twisted history.

America is all sorts of creepy in Resistance, they discovered chimeran tech waaaaay before the first attack, and did nothing. I cant remember who was responsible for killing some russian's who escaped the blockade with a chimeran skull *also before the first chimeran outbreak* but that may have also been the Americans.

I'm wondering how far do...

5770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think he was becoming a menial, the zombie like chimera, they kind of of look human, maybe you need chimera tech too turn out like a hybrid and not....well dead....

5770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well after that, whos for spaghetti o's?

5770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was a huge Resistance fanboy and read all of the articles at the timeline site, and unlocked the hidden info and stuff, who ever set up the resistance methos did and aweseome job on twisting history.

I cant wait too see what America is like in R2 seeing how it was kinda portrayed a bit seedy and dark in the first game.

5771d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the guy looks like he had trouble playing, *not saying I could pick up the controller and do any better right off the bat*

but I liked the effects, LOVED the music, kind of an urban adrenilin vibe, great stuff.

cant wait!

and were those guys in red growling?

5774d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So lets bring in some clown*pun intended* too voice the joker and sully Heaths performace in the DK.

no thank you. I wouldnt have even rented a movie tie in game.

5774d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

classic black op's plus skull outfit?

I loved getting my teammates too light me on fire so I could run around ghost rider style!

that skull made you a walking target though, plain white stuck out like a sore thumb...

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well hey, the title says its not important anyway :D

5780d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes, this one mans opnion must be the gospel!

uuuuugggh slow day for actual game news huh everyone?

5781d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

So does captain original have anything too do but complain?

effing outstanding hipocrisy here.

5782d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yup, the secret ending of Dirge of cerberus says it all.....well, Crisis Core helps, but there is a story put in place with DoC's ending, FF7-2 was more or less set in stone a couple years ago.

5783d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, Im fine with waiting for it, but SONY will pay.

my avatar was going too be somthing awesome, like some fat dude wearing a Boba Fett T-shirt.

now I'm shooting for Pedobear, take THAT Sony!

oh got too go guys chris hanson just walked in.....

5783d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

DuuuH He was using leik his octa camoz!

I saw him bout tirty timez

5784d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did I say anything about sucking? I have no worries about facing someone who uses Yoda, Im pretty good with half the cast of soul calibur so a wet behind the ears newbie who spams with yoda isnt making me break a sweat.

Im just saying, for the newbie crowd they can expect a TON of Yoda users looking for some spastic wins.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yoda is a broken character? him being so small I konda saw that coming, they could have just nerfed his health too compensate....

I sense a disturbance in the force! lots of Yoda users who spam buttons...

5784d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats the first thing I thought when I read the title, MUGEN: the legit edition!

5785d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment