

CRank: 5Score: 7450

for your first article you failed to mention that was loss of money due to sales of the playstation and VIAO combine. secondly you also neglected to mention that in the same article it states that the xbox 1 and 360 have netted a loss of 4.2 billion. as for your second article you failed to mention that this was the first time they were selling the Console for profit not mentioning that they made money through the sales of games and advertisements through Home and a number of other factors th...

5006d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

despite the fact that he passed health care reforme that is going to save this country several trillion dollars over the next decade, improving the economy, and passed reforms on Wall street to protect investors, you people still think that he has done nothing is appalling. is he what we expected as a president NO but who is?
as for the Gulf please don't talk if you don't understand the situation. you can just improperly cap an oil well and hope that the problem goes a away. f...

5042d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

the link you provided states that there is an Increase in EDD revenue due to XBL and non-gaming revenue. however it states that this is offset by the decline in Xbox video games revenue and a decline the number of consoles sold. I also fail to see how Halo Wars (not even the first or second installment of the series for this generation) could have affected Console sales that much, but since I lack an argument to refute this claim the best I can do is remain skeptical.

Xbox re...

5098d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

its not about being strong or weak its about precision. there was an article around the time the pS3 launched that measured the dead zones of each controller and the dead zone of the 360 was much larger than that of the ps3, meaning that you can get better aiming on the PS3. I don't think its possible to be weak enough to not be able to move a joystick LOL

5113d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you have the nerve to criticize an entire generation that is just barely getting into college (meaning that we have had nothing to really define our generation) and state that we are the worst thing that has happened to the planet. well guess what. we aren't the ones that F*cked up the Planet, We aren't the ones that F*cked up the economy, we aren't the ones that Decided to go to Iraq etc. learn to think before you speak and criticize a generation that is still too young to make a...

5115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Keep in mind that for the purpose of developing new technologies and tech jobs in general, the American Engineer is still the most innovative (According to a study done by intel). but a few years ago, I think 2008, there was a statistic that showed that there are more Honors Students in India than there are Students in US. So what you're saying is still very true, its just we are not at the point where we are completely behind other countries.

5117d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was never a fan of Halo, but the way I see it if you want to kill halo your going to have to develop your own unique experience. I also see the irony of this statement seeing as how halo used unreal as a template for it game play but thats another issue. if you really want to beat Halo develop your own unique experience (yes that is not an easy thing to do but thats the dedication you need to make a good game these days). As a ps3/pc gamer I feel that gears of war was better than halo for t...

5123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is off topic but w/e
I have never been a fan of racing games, the only racing game I have played was mariokart for the 64. GT5 really looks interesting to me and just maybe the first racing game that I buy. my question is will I be able to enjoy the game? As I understand it gt5 is the pinnacle of realistic racing so would someone like me (who frankly flat out sucks at racing games) be able to enjoy the game?
I realize that gt5 is not out yet so guess you could base your ...

5123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

fallacy of logic ad bacculum.... nuff said.

5190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah I could write an article focusing on all of the negative aspects of 360 fanboys, but what does that accomplish? this person probably can't stand the fact that the ps3 is doing extremely well, and probably used this to make himself feel better. if you want to have a real debate as to why the ps3 is better than the 360, then I (and a lot of other ps3 fans) would be more than willing to do so.

5351d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

nov. 15 if I remember correctly, but this aired on BBC 1 and top gear is BBC 2.

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm no there is no game on the 360 that can match uncharted or MGS4 and don't even try and push anything else if you want proof watch.

please don't mistake impact with lack of choice. if people are forced to play a certain game on a console then people will play it (isn't COD 4 play significantly more anyway?). and Killzone 2 is not just about the graphics, is about the ...

5373d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

so what your telling me is that a company managed to give the same product under a different name, without changing the game play or innovating anything?!?! god you people are dumber than I thought. GT5 will revolutionize the racing genera, MAG will revolutionize online play, HR will revolutionize story telling in video games. HALO will be HALO and there will never be anything revolutionary about it. BTW the wii has outsold every console this generation, by your definition that must be the be...

5373d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

GT5 will destroy forza in every way imaginable. heavy rain is going to kill AW in terms of the way the story is being told (can't say much about Alan wake's game play, but from what I have seen it looks amazing. too bad they cancelled it for PC). and resistance obliterates Gears in every way, shape, and form (I mean come on 60 players online!?!? I have the games and it still blows me away). and please don't try and compare KZ2 to halo. I mean your comparing a game that gives gut wrenching rea...

5373d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

extremely stupid!!! the law of demand states that as prices goes down demand goes up (unless a Veblen good).I don't think anyone needed an entire article to explain it.

5381d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

does everyone want in game voice chat.. personally I like to talk to the people I'm playing with. something like in game chat would destroy a game like socom, R2, and KZ2. I dunno maybe I'm missing something?

5416d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was referring to the years 2007 and 2008 and there were several sources confirming this. as for this year I can not say.

5417d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

umm the ps3 stock is more expensive than the 360. as long as you can go online and play I really don't see the difference between the online services. and as far as having the best games.... well thats debatable. btw by saying that people who choose the 360 are smarter,you essentially insulted the entire country of japan and many other people. instead of attempting to justify you purchase with sales figures, justify it by playing a game... thats what I do with my ps3. oh and fyi on a global s...

5417d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

you talk about ps3 originally not have rumble, but neither does natal... especially considering the fact that you could fly a jet fighter by tilting your controller. BC is going to come back to the ps3 eventually so thats a moot point. the point of the iphone is a valid one. and sony's stance has remained the same on DD. and considering the fact that the PSE can do all of the same stuff as natal, in some cases even better, I would say that it is future prof. oh and you have pointed out one ad...

5439d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment