CRank: 5Score: 6120

they canceled it. They had a few games on for cheap...I preordered this,- haze, and something els. Just got an e-mail saying that my orders were canceled though. Oh well.

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, it hadn't already been delayed for a YEAR. Remember when this was supposed to be a ps3 LAUNCH title? I do, because I have had it paid off since 5 months BEFORE then. Who cares, it's a little freezing.

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only glitch I have experienced so far is the freezing glitch. Although it looked cool both times it happened, because in the first instance I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, and stopped in midair. I could rotate the camera, and that was sweet. The second was during a leap of faith, and the same thing happened. It sucks that these exist, but it really isn't that big a deal. It has freezing. For the love of god, turn your console off, and start again. It's not like the game does...

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll be buying rock band. I know its all about cash, but seriously.....this song list is made for trendy ass kids, not fans of actual guitar. Sure, one or two of them will be okey, but AFI?!? MISS FRIGGIN MURDER?!? DISTURBED?!? Tlak about crap ass choices...just a couple of the many. But oh well, whatever. The fact that you have to play co op for some of the songs is retarded as well. Let's hope Rock Band does better, but so far this has teetered me over the edge. Figured something like...

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you didn't know RE: apocalypse was out, you must be living in a cave. It came out like 4 years ago. Yes, it also sucked. The first one was so-so...but this one was just CRAP. Anyhow, extinction (the one you probably, and hopefully meant) Comes out shortly, and will probably blow all the same. I have a long running joke that somewhere there is a RE dvd that contains the actual (good) version of the movie on it in the special features...

Hitman is going to be up here tho...

6102d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno about you, but it just looks to me like a woman and a man melded in perverse sex....I think I would call the combination a creature, but the individual elements just look like two people...and what's with the meat sacks for hands? They really like that angle, I swear. This game is gonna be pretty good. I just hope it freaks me out like the others did. Love this series.

6104d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, come on! This is one of the sreepiest games of all time!!! You make a garden, and then have to convince your pets to have sex...and if they don't wanna, you give them "candy"...or as I like to call it, give it to them, and they are automatically all about having some crazy pinata sex. That's kinda creepy.

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, and BTW, Nice avatar. Sigur Ros is the best.

6107d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agreed to your above statement about the updates, but I dunno about this comment about halo. Granted, I was never too big a halo fan....It just seems that Hype and Halo go hand in hand. After having played the beta, and having other friends who played as well, I can honestly say that it isn't my cup of tea still, and I think it is WAY too overhyped...and a few people also agree with that. The Killzone 2 crap, though, is getting quite out of hand. I mean, graphically, the game does look ...

6113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the upgrades WHO is doing?!? I suppose someone doesn't own a 360. I own both, and I can honestly say that since launch I have upgraded my ps3 about 4 times more than my 360 (which I have only had for 5 months). Dude, where the hell did you get your upgrade statisctic, because if I am missing upgrades on my 360, I need to get them!!!

Proud owner of a 250gb PS3 networked into a 3tb server
Xbox 360 premium, on the same network
Nintendo wii....sadly on...

6113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This honestly doesn't look that gruesmoe....but I will be buying it! If anything, just because it was written by Clive Barker. Greatest. Horror. Writer. EVER. Stephen King is for kiddies....I cannot wait for this game.

6114d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Drowning them as well. This dude is the lowest form of life on the planet. I have 2 pits, both pansies, lol. They are the greatest dogs on the planet. Protective as hell. To the guys who say "They were bred to fight, durka...", get your fvckin facts straight, tard. They were bred for protection from thieves. They are vicious as sh1t if somebody messes with what's their's....but other than that they are sweet as pie. All the people who say that it's okay to drown a dog who is...

6115d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wanna play parasite eve! I can't find that game anywhere, other than ebay...and those guys rape you for it. Oh well. Hey, at least they put SOTN up....oh wait, that was a while ago, huh?

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I am gonna rent the $hit out that beeyatch, just to laugh at how retarded it is!

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After 3 and a half years of gamefly service, I can honestly say it's a joke. You pay the cash for like 2 days a week of gametime, thanks to shipping. Honestly, I am better off going to the movie store and renting on mondays and thursdays when games and movies are only 99 cents. Sorry to sound like a troll, and I know I do, but gamefly has gotten just horrid. I rented a copy of halo 2 that didn't work, and tried returning it, and got the hassle of e-mails saying I never returned it for like...

6127d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

EDIT: sorry, lol, I just realized that the date format was just different. Hooray for you guys!

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Slapdash....right that down...

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, they should have picked a better AFI song. That one is horrible. How's bout totalimmortal, if you are going to get all trendy. One more reason I will buy Rock Band before I buy's sad.

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As nice as it would be if it were, the trailer is on the xbox live marketplace, which only means that it's coming to the 360 too.

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was about to comment omn a totally new post, but it works as a response to yours. It makes the controller feel odd. I think just because of the thickness, and the way it "hugs" the controller, it makes certain button presses feel odd. I can't much go into extreme detail, because I took mine off a few months ago (the day after I bought it), and haven't played with it on. I was lured by the changing color, but oh well. I fell for a gimmick. At lest I got a charge cable, though...

6130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment