CRank: 5Score: 1200

N4G mods are fucking no life dumbasses N4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4G mods are fucking no life dumbassesN4...

3395d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment
3395d ago Show

Exactly, and the disagrees are from the usual trolls that have no life and plague this site on a constant basis... From the get go this game was described as a single player, story driven game... People are bitching because they seem like they're expecting sandbox gameplay or something... It not the devs fault these morons can't read and comprehend what that means... They're either just hateful no life trolls or they're extremely uneducated, maybe a bit of both... What I have...

3395d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't get people like you, so you literally just said you played a few mins which means you didn't even make it to the first fire fight let alone the first lycan encounter... So how how the hell is that even a fair chance to judge a game... Your story seems like another lame attempt to bash the game... Now if you were exaggerating and you played half way through then ok, it's just not your cup of tea and that's cool because you're you, and you're entitled to your opi...

3395d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


3396d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Personally I don't give a flying F what reviews say... Its opinionated pure and simple.... Take me for example... I personally will never touch a Super Smash Bros game again because it's not my kinda game, I find it too kiddy... But I'm in a minority here, many people absolutely love SSBs... Another example, I thought Alien Iso was GOTY in 2014 but look at what that dude at IGN gave it, a 6.5 or something, to me it was an 8.5....

I'd also say that due to lengt...

3396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dillon!!!! You son of a bitch!!!! Lol

3396d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lmao, that's the enthusiasm we need!!!!! Now if you see a guy in a werewolf costume at GameStop... Don't jump the gun and shoot, that's just me picking up my copy of the game... I come in peace 😁

3397d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now can anyone tell me what this collection includes?? I would look myself but I'm bout to get back to work for another 7hrs... Overtime pay is awesome but 14 hours in a day is defo taking a toll on my eyeballs

3397d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now to make room on my hdd, I have 3gigs left... I could be wrong, but I'm gonna go out on a limb a say I need to upgrade my hdd to 2tbs... Who knows... 😁

3397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's your internet son!!! Damn 2 days?!! I hope you know that wi-fi could be your problem too... IF you do have good internet then your wi-fi signal could be clouded by other networks etc... Try using a LAN cable and if that doesn't work it's your internet...

3397d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed, I mean anybody in their right mind can see Sony is bout it bout it, when it comes to their gaming branch, and has been for years... What I find odd is at one point or another is that a lot people that are on the hate Sony bandwagon, owned a Playstation... They were like the rest of us that enjoyed games because they put amazing experiences. I mean c'mon you were playing games like, Driver, GTA, MGS, Akuji the Heartless, Tekken, GT, etc...

This gen is shaping up to...

3397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed that very acceptable on normal... I can't wait to see if they have an extreme difficulty.... Mmmmm punishment lol

3397d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can agree on the fact that they should've made a horde mode or something along the lines that adds to the single player experience but from the start they said it would be a single player only,story driven game... It's not their fault that people are that dumb and self entitled to not read what was clearly written that long ago... Just cause it don't have a MP aspect etc doesn't mean it's a bad game!.. There are people who like single player experiences such as this and ...

3397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow that's a shame... There's actually a bit of good deals going on.. I particularly was sold on the Outlast/Whistleblower bundle for a mere $7... But hey I guess to each their own...

3397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that ain't one hell of a guy right there... He is not to be blamed for anything because he's done nothing wrong, he's been straightforward from the get go... Man I truly hate people now a days... Sooo many big mouth idiots with sooo little going for them in life.... I'm 28 and can't believe I live in an era where young adults-adults act like damn 10yr old spoiled, trashy, children... All people do now a days is run at the mouth because they feel secure behind their wall...

3397d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Too many idiots here on N4G ( other sites as well ) some of these people cried about alien iso's length being too long, now it's the order's too short ( without playing it even )... You can't make morons like these happy... Funny how it's always been don't knock the game until you've played it but now a days, games get instant hate months before release... When did this standard change??? I swear common sense has died in the gaming community...

3397d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed, but I truly feel a horde mode would shut the haters up and would make this game far far better than it would be at release. I love horde mode, Gears truly spoiled me lol

3398d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly how do I come off as arrogant dumbass? What's arrogant about hating the fact losers have to glitch/ruin others fun because they suck at a game or take it so seriously they commit that much effort to ruining an experience for others? Sounds to me like you're uneducated and obviously don't know what arrogance is...

Maybe that's why you only have one bubble because you're opinions aren't backed up by any kind of fact or logical reason... Or am I ...

3398d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

At disagrees, did I hurt your sheepish feelings? It's truly pathetic to support retards like these... It makes you just as bad.... If you disagree then let's all read why you disagreed... Or are you just the same trolls that disagree with anything because you're that stupid? The only logical reason you'd have to disagree with me is because you do glitch and you don't feel you should be punished...

3398d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment