
CRank: 5Score: 930

has being high on amazon ever actually amounted to anything solid?

I'm being serious, I don't think I've seen any real evidence that moving ranks and numbers through amazon actually meant anything in NPD or MC or whoever supplies real numbers.

I just tire of reading all these amazon threads in my RSS reader, I didn't mind the first few, but this could start getting out of hand if every little move on Amazon becomes news.

Especially because I feel t...

6153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disagree with me all you want, but this is the number they sold to the stores, not through to the customers.

That's not to say they won't sell them to customers, I'm sure they will, it's a great game and deserves the sales, but there wasn't 450,000 first day/week sales of this game, as Tecmo's estimate for worldwide lifetime sales of this game is 500,000, which is a bit low imo, I hope it's higher.

I guess we'll see for sure in another two weeks, NPD is out the 1...

6155d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I know is the majority of the people who posted in that gametrailers thread are either joke accounts or just ignorant about NeoGAF. NeoGAF is not in any way viral marketing for the 360, damn this gametrailers forum seems really pathetic.

Sorry to rant, but that gametrailers forum makes the worst flame fights here look tame.

In other news, vgchartz is not accurate. Well no surprise really, they are just guessing like everyone else, though they are guilty of...

6155d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They haven't put out official pictures, but they did say that if you can play the drum section of the game on hard or insane, you could go out to a real set of drums and play the same songs perfectly.

This game definetly has me intrigued. The picture of the Guitar looks a lot nicer (cleaner, professional, less game-like) than those Guitar Hero have made.

6173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game comes out today. Other notable reviews so far (and all these loved the controls, saying they greatly enchanced the game):

Game Informer: 9.5, 9.5
Gamespy: 5 out of 5 (editor's choice award)

That eurogamer site is complete crap, and the RE4:WE review is just agenda for Wii haters. The whole review reeks of factual inaccuracies such as the control scheme he describes is different from the one the game uses, and for all his comp...

6173d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another misleading RE4:WE story. Sigh.

The Wii version is a direct port of the GCN version's engine with the PS2 version's extra content.

The GCN engine is superior to the PS2 one (PS2 had inferior atmospheric effects, lower polygon, used pre-rendered cutscenes of ingame footage, instead of real-time cutscenes, had slower loading, etc,etc,etc).

The PS2 version is superior to the GCN because it has the extra content of the Ada missions and the bett...

6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But then again, we all knew (I think) this was going to be a PS3 exclusive anyway, it was just a matter of time. Clearly there's no good angle for the 360 on this story, but I am interested in seeing how this game turns out when it's released.

Also, I think it is a very bold move of them by announcing not just that they are releasing FFXIII on the PS3 only, but that not a single FF game on the 360 is in the works.

6187d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are comparing the Japanese release (Biohazard 4) to the US release (Resident Evil 4).

The Japan version always was censored, even in the GCN & PS2 versions, this is nothing new on the Wii. The US version will not be censored like the Japan version is, and that is confirmed.

This story is incorrect, so please hold your kiddie jokes for another story :)

Also from above @ Stormflood:
The point of the Wii version is that it is the de...

6187d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment