CRank: 5Score: 11470

True, though a 22 gig 360 install will still be faster than the 8 gig ps3 install

4625d ago 13 agree14 disagreeView comment

Gay physical challenge

4790d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I havent owned a nin console since snes but to heqr u say that, um, didnt a lot say the same.thing about the original psp and, well, 140 or so mil ds sysrems later an how many psps sold? I doubt nin will loose the handhold market anytime soon if ever

4813d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....usually when people bring up age of owners they usually go to maturity level and if you are in the so called average age of a ps3 owner then it makes me wonder why on earth your SN is PimpHandHappy. Not the most mature of SNs/

Also, the kids in the game are like what, 8 or so? So a 26 year old cant have an 8 year old child or if they do are still not mature or old enough for the story to have an impact on them?

I know you said please dont take this wron...

4817d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

....Cliff and Epic didnt really do anything on the game but just published it right?

4818d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, you seem to think that was a serious comment there. Please say you are not THAT retarded.

4818d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

.....whats funny is that while he i obviously joking, many fanboys are like that. Remember KZ2? Ign gave it like a 9.6 or something outta 10 and they STILL got btched at from tose thinking that since it was a Sony Exclusive that is must earn a 10. Hell, some fanboys now think that ANY game that is a SONY exclusive should get an auto 10/10. Even when say x-play gives a SE (my shorthand for Sony Exclusive) a perfect 5/5 they STILL get crap from the fanboys. DOn't believe me? Go to x-p...

4818d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

He said he hated a peripheral of the system but if u READ the piece he praises the ps3.

Still, i prefer the 360 over the ds. Actially i wish the 360s was closer to the controler S of the original xbox which was released due to the DUKE being sqid by many japanese players to be way to big for them to use.

Not being a rqcist or anything but the ps brand gets a large amount of sales from the asian market who, on average, has smapler hands than those of euro dec...

4818d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Though it looks odd it coulda been partially in a pop in. Also, I noticed that in some shots they took while nothing was going on and some had motion blur and it was looking worse. That goes both ways though as both systems have pics like this.

4819d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

jriquelme_paraguay just said s/he prefers the lighting look on the ps3 not that it was FACTUALLY better. Calm down bro and wash the sand outta your va-jay-jay

4819d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...MvC3 is fun sure but it takes a ton more skill for say Street Fighter 4 then MvC3.

4821d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

are the ps3 fanboys cause any article talking about 360 games you always here them say something like "No newz or n e Xcloosivies all dey got is teh kinect games"

Personally I want motion gaming to die a quick painful death as the money used for it could be used for better things.

4821d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The CE remake has not been officially announced has it?

4821d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

....was hought back then to possibly tie into Bungie's other series for the Mac, that being MARATHON and Halo some possibly believe to be a prequel series to Marathon.

Of course, MS owns the Halo tag and not Marathon, UNLESS they got it when they had Bungie as a First Party studio but, who knows.

I will say that the next Halo game will probably see the Chief further into the future.

edit: on a side note it would be awesome to get some origi...

4821d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously dude u r not getting psn games for free cause u still have to pay for psn plus. I mean ir u didnt pay u wouldnt u get them so u really are paying for those "free@ games.

think of it like a sub to sports illistrated. When u pay for a year sub they will say u gwt like a snuggie with ur fave team on it or any number of crap for free but u are still paying for it since u coukdnt get it without buying q sub.

See what i am getting at? As the saying g...

4821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only ask cause the PS2 contengent back then did al the things against the first xbox that you and others say was being done to the PS3 this gen.

Bottom line, being a fanboy is stupid. Nothing wrong with being a fan but going to that extra level is beyond stupid. Wile MS has their fair share of retarded fanboys, I always find it funn how the PS3 fanboys usually come out saying how much more mature they are and are in an older demographic because they can afford the PS# (da...

4825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did anything I say warrant a disagree?

4825d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

APPLE - Just putting in a bigger HDD and a skin is basically and upgrade and something you can legally do to your machine seeing as how the PS3 user manual even gives INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO ADD A LARGER HDD.

CRAP - GEOHOT was doing illegal things (though I dont have a link there was a story here last week I think written by a LAWYER and went over everything in laymans terms). Thus, GEOHOT was actually MODDING the system by doing things that one was not/is not supposed to do. H...

4825d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

.....FF7. I know there is a split on FF7 but I liked that game as well, thought it was awesome and poured well over 100 hrs to get the golden chocobo and the knights of the round which made killing sephiroth easey, just have cloud cast it with a materia that would cast it 3 times in a row and 2 characters with a mimic where they each casted 3 times in a row for 9 casting total. Granted it took like 5 hours to go through it 9 times but made the last fight easy. Also beat both weapons as wel...

4825d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They could easily get around it by saying you buy like a refurb PS3 and for $100 more they will give you a 500 gig HDD and a vinyl skin and do the application and swap out for you.

But yea, no lawsuit here. If it were a diff situation where soy would not allow you to swap the HDD then that is one thing but this is nothing.

On a final thought, only thing I could see is sony thinking that this would confuse the consumer into thinking that, with new packaging and ...

4825d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment