
CRank: 5Score: 14350

Seriously, they are already revealing DLC before the game even comes out?

Welp, there goes another battlefield I wont buy. Last one I bought was Bad Company 2.

4033d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Omg, are you being serious? Why don't you at least try installing steam on your PC just so you can experience the social aspect of gaming on a PC?

Steam has friends lists, cross game chat, achievements, etc. And even if you don't like steam's cross game chat (which I don't), you can use skype, teamspeak, mumble, and a bunch of other programs. Pc has exclusive games, the reason you don't hear about them is because you are so sheltered away from it. Arma...

4034d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

While the writer is completely douchey in the way he argues his point, there is a valid point buried deep within, and I'll try and translate it.

I own all the consoles and play all of them, but I still consider myself a PC gamer and will always play on PC as a first option. However, graphics and engines run on the console cycle (most of the time). Most developers and publishers aren't going to invest money in developing insanely advanced engines just so a small port...

4034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My PS3 broke over a year ago, and I've just been gaming on my PC since. The Last of US and and Beyond: Two Souls are the two games that really made me think about buying a new PS3.

However, I think I'm just gonna get a PS4 whenever it comes out instead. In all likelihood, they are going to re-release these two games in Full-HD down the line on the PS4, or they are going to be emulated through the streaming service.

4039d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now, if only the landscape itself would cast dynamic shadows. Even if you are laying on the shaded side of a mountain, you are still bright as if you were standing in the sunlight, which makes it much easier to spot people laying down on a hill 500 meters away.

4042d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


I'm speaking from a PC perspective, not a console one. Developers can make games look as good as they want as far as texturing, shaders, shadowing, etc. I'll be able to enable 4k resolutions if I have a 4k monitor. It's up to me to have the power to run it maxed out, the developers have nothing to worry about.

I understand where you're coming from though, from a console perspective. I really don't think developers should sacrif...

4044d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said the same thing when it came to Apple's Retina display, and the 1080p phones that are just coming out. But, you can clearly tell the improvement.

The fact that games need anti-aliasing is proof enough that we need 4k (or at least 2k). Even on my 21.5inch 1080p monitor, the pixels are big enough that I can clearly see the jagged edges of them, which requires AA to smooth them out. If we had 4k, the pixels would be so small that the jaggies wouldn't even be ...

4044d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PCI slots can handle a ridiculous amount of bandwidth. The PCIE 3.0 16x bus can transfer 15.75 GB/s, and has yet to be a bottleneck. PS4 can transfer up to 20 GB/s down it's memory bus. However, PCIE 4.0 will be able to do 31.5 GB/s, which will be out by around next year. But again, the transfer rates of PCIE 4.0 will probably be overkill again.

4059d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don't know why you got so many dislikes. OpenGL does everything DirectX does, except it works on any platform (including PS3, PS4, Linux, Mac, etc). With DirectX, you have to rely on microsoft to get good updates, and even then It only works on Windows and Xbox. If OpenGL becomes the standard in graphics APIs, there probably would be a lot more games that support other operating system.

4074d ago 22 agree8 disagreeView comment

All of what you said was true, but your example of bottlenecking is basically what I said as well, yours just at an extreme level. Also, I understand that framerate isn't just about a GPU. I was just trying eliminate a bunch of variables to make my point simpler to understand, and I'll try it again.

Lets say the killzone devs wanted to add higher resolution texture (please just ignore VRam for the sake of argument). At a certain point, they would need to stop beca...

4075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hate to rain on everyone's parade, but of course the PS4 has a bottleneck. Why do you think Killzone 4 is running at 1080p 30fps as opposed to 1080p 60fps/120fps? Because it is bottlenecked by the GPU. Sure, there will be advancements in optimization of code that could possible make Killzone run faster in the future, but there still is that limit on what you can do (IE: a bottleneck). All components in the PS4 (along with any other platform) have their technological limits.

4076d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure if the author is being dishonest or is just unaware that those screenshots of "The Last of Us" are from the pre-rendered cut-scenes (from the trailer). But to the author's credit, it's hard to tell it's pre-rendered because they pre-render it using the game-engine itself, and not some sort of CG rendering software like V-ray or Mental Ray. This allows them to use higher quality lighting, textures, and models without losing the 'look' of the gam...

4077d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see why this should only be a DX11 game. The Xbox 360 uses an equivalent version of DX9, so it's not like Crysis CAN'T be ran on DX9.

4185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"- Added option to lower or disable Bloom effect"

THANK GOD. Bloom can look nice, however, they went fucking overboard in this game. In some parts of the game, you can literally see light emanating from your head if the sun happens to be shinning on you.

"- Performance improvements for MSAA and HBAO"

Right now I'm running everything on high at 1080p on a GTX 550ti, with the exception of Ambient Occlusion, which is on...

4189d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


4356d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's probably for these reasons:

1. Demographics
The majority of people buying these games are people from Europe, USA, and Canada. And, the majority of people in Europe, USA, and Canada are white. They are just aiming at their target audience.

2. The Game Designers
I'm going to assume the vast majority of major game designers are white. When they create the games, they almost always put a little bit of themselves into the work. Fo...

4640d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Here's a hint: no it wont. Just to give you perspective, not to long ago, i made a simple 3D scene of a grass field with a few trees in my 3D modeling program. It took me TWO HOURS to render ONE frame. And that's just a simple scene. I can't imagine trying to render a frame of Avatar on a single device.

We're long from being able to do Avatar quality rendering in real-time. Maybe in the next 40-50 years, i could see it happening. But by then, avatar might...

4707d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't anything special. Anybody with a webcam can get head/facial tracking like this using the FaceAPI software.

Not exactly a "Kinect Killer", since just about every computer and handheld with a front facing camera can theoretically do this.

4721d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


Download "Ps3 Media Server". It's a free program that converts all of the unsupported data types on the fly over a media server so you can watch it on PS3. It pretty much does all video formats i can think of. I believe it even does ISOs.

It's a very unknown program, i can't believe more people don't know about it.

4729d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

It really doesn't matter what you think which games are art. Art is a subjective thing, we all experience things different. One could look at a game like Flower and think it's message is beautiful and artistic; another person may think it is a stupid concept with a dull message. Neither person is wrong

Anything can be art. It's just up to the individual to decide what is and isn't art in their own subjective opinion.

4729d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment