I'm a reasonable asshole on the internet


CRank: 5Score: 28440

i'm happy so many different companies are excited for red dead 2 it was one of the most fun and compelling games i have ever played and imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery after all.

2791d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

konami more than likely will never accomplish that they burned far too many bridges at once with their recent actions in the past few years i usually believe you can rebuild bridges like this but konami is an exception to me.

Side note on whether a companies rep matter when trying to sell a game:
make great games and people just won't give a shit hell even moderately alright games do the job most people are willing to seperate the companies actions from the pro...

2792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think rockstar has a problem with pc as a platform they just seem to have a habit of putting out a pc port after the console versions of it are out and they feel like doing a pc port of it later down the line still wish they would drop that stupid rockstar club online bullshit having to sign into that every time for max payne 3 was a real bitch.

2792d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im glad more japanese devlopers are starting to release their stuff on pc albeit with mixed pc performance most of the time hopefully that gets better overtime.

2793d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is something i consider as a horror in the back of my brain if it ever does happen then im either pirating my stuff or bailing entirely from games even i have my limits and i mean it actually will most likely happen in the future if they have the gall to what they have already done then its not like what you described is far off from the realm of happening.

2794d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel like theirs a balance to strike for this kind of thing however the balance right now is tipped way too much into milking people for their money i feel for the devs and i want them to get paid for all their work and effort but right now with the current season pass microtransactions climate we are in now it truly does feel like they are taking the piss man.

I truly do wish the development of games were more transparent because then you can examine where things could h...

2795d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Price is one of those things that varies on the individual i usually wait for price drops on most games anyway i'd prefer a higher base price point for my games if it means companies stop putting season passes and microtransactions into it because this shits been bad for a long time now.

that or companies start projecting realistic budgets for their games along with not going overboard with the advertising budget and learning from their mistakes.

2795d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

calm the fuck down these are my alternatives if your reaction to this shitty practice is to blame the people who don't pay attention to games that much and buy it mindlessly then umbrella term all gamers in general with a broad stroke like that then your argument will more often than not fall apart when put under critical examination and like i just described your counter point it is a very simple easily picked apart one that says everyone that buys and plays games are at fault just becau...

2795d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why companies just don't raise the base price of games overall instead of looking to things like season passes and microtransactions i mean honestly i'd take a game thats 10-20 dollars more expensive from the start instead of something full of microtransactions and a season pass so as to get a more complete experience from the start.

well that or they could stop chasing the graphics apocalypse which is a driving factor in why budgets have gott...

2795d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

I will still never undertstand how we were able to get past as much violence as possible in the fictional entertainment that we know as our video games but anything remotely construed as sexual and or pornographic in games still get censored to a nutty degree and even fucking tits people have weird standards man.

2796d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have heard it's been optimized differently by platform so thats something to keep in mind hence why i said ps4.

as for scoring system i use the one that is most officially recognized as a fair scoring system,there are so many people who think that if a game isnt an 8,9,10 ect. that it isnt a game worth playing which is a very unfortunate misconception at the same time i understand only people who play and follow games regularly understand how to mediate these kinds of...

2798d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im still going through the game myself on ps4 most of the glitches iv'e encountered are more immersion breaking than game breaking had about 1 crash so far.the games narrative is negatively effected by the open world structure the story characters and setting are written well but the amount of repetitive kill work you have to do inbetween kills the pacing with very little variation that only happens when killing one of sals capos or lieutenants it helps break up the monotony but dear god ...

2798d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you want to make an argument that sounds at least somewhat thought out try to avoid generalizations painting all gamers as sheep and morons without specifying anything or what kind of gamers will get you nowhere fast and make you look only full of assumptions instead of a well thought out point with reasoning behind it.

2798d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im still going through the game myself on ps4 most of the glitches iv'e encountered are more immersion breaking than game breaking had about 1 crash so far.the games narrative is negatively effected by the open world structure the story characters and setting are written well but the amount of repetitive kill work you have to do inbetween kills the pacing with very little variation that only happens when killing one of sals capos or lieutenants it helps break up the monotony but dear god ...

2799d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The intention for games like these sound good but more often than not end up woefully failing in a funny cringe inducing mess that or it's just a frustrating bore this game sounds like both especially with it's intentions to be similar to life is strange.

what a hella good time right guys? (BLAM HEADSHOT...thud).

2799d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dunkey trolling isn't a new thing but it's sure funny as fuck.

2799d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got it downloaded excited to see if any of the old bullshits changed from the original along with the good stuff or if its all there as i remembered it frustrating design choices and all.

2799d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heck no i dislike this kind of thing in almost every form possible the only time a game should be any kind of exclusive to me is in two different scenarios.

1.Its a first party game made by the console owning company themselves to make their platform look better by offering a game only they have.

2.a console publisher funding a game that would otherwise not exist at all without it being an exclusive to the platform its being developed for since the devs c...

2801d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they never really stopped being great they just focused their priorities on gimmicks and innovation for the sake of it after the wii took off and sold like fucking hotcakes and the success of it has shown they wanted to follow this pattern of newness for the sake of new when it usually doesn't benefit the games itself paper mario sticker star is a great example of this boring and even engaging in combat is fucking detrimental to you there is no incentive to do so since your wasting attack...

2801d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think its the article he takes umbridge with but kotaku in general gawker media (before hulk hogan kicked their ass in court) and its affiliated sites have a reputation for being scummy in general along with being click baity and inflammatory on purpose.

2802d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment