CRank: 5Score: 2010

they are really 2 very different games. its like saying GT is better then Burnout, when the people that play Burnout and NFS are not playing to realisticlly drive a car. Its like comparing Twisted Metal to GT cause both games have cars. COD4 is like burnout to BFBC is like GT. One is a arcade shooter, the other is a realistic military shooter. BF's aim is to give the full squad team experience to gamers, were COD's aim is to give gamers a almost Rambo like online experience. Were i can run...

5338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can stay alive a lot longer in BF because of how open the game is. But in COD is because its more arcade, you need to be able to have what we call "conflict zones" or "hot areas" were you can shoot or be shot. Its what keeps it fast past, you can't be fast past in a mutiplayer game with about 3 miles worth of map,BUT you can be strategic with a 3 mile map. Its simply why MW and BF CAN'T be compared. There just too different. i play BFBC for a totally different reas...

5339d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To say BFBC2 is better then MW2 is pretty silly. One is a more arcade based/tactical shooter and the other is a more strategic vehical based and squad based shoorter. i play both BF and COD, i got over 500 hours in 1942, less then 200 in BF 2, and about 300 in BFBC. For COD1 i got like 300 hours and COD4 i got well over 400. Add me, my name is EDMIX on PSN if you want to see my COD4 and BFBC1 stats. COD is more arcade and more fast past. In any COD match i can get like 23 kills or 60, i've...

5339d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good show and to the haters, mainly shocky16, thatCanadianguy420 and silkrevolver. Say what you want but he's talking to industry insiders same as IGN, 1up etc. i think some of you are a little jealous that he has a show and is moving on up, yet he's also posting on N4G just as you are. Your mad cause he's there and your not. HHG stay true and keep doing your thing, it will take time but Geoff Keighley didn't do it on the first try. i really can see you on a major site or network one day...

5391d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG So true. So how on earth is a developer porting a iphone game to the PSP app store bad?..okay? Bad for who? Sony's developers are not doing these ports on top of that its not like these ports will be interfearing with any PSP go games...so you kinda fail at your whole point. I really don't see what this article was about.

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell NO. Now i love gaming more then the next guy but if i buy a game then YOU got your sale. Why would i or some one else pay you twice? For what ? NO NO NO, Once the game is bought you got payed i see NO reason to get paid twice for the same game. The Used game market in fact is SAVING gaming not hurting it. How many of us here buy used games? I really only buy new games if they just came out other then that if its 2 to 3 weeks old i'm buying it used, to save about 5 to 10 bucks...ON TH...

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5417d ago

Sony's first half was the junk, KZ2, InFamous, FLOwer and a hand full of multiplats fill the gap. Sony's is really paving the way games should get released, none of this "oh let wait for the last 3 F#$KING months of the year to release our game...like everyone else, gamers don't play games in spring or summer" Thank u for continueing the change, thank GTAIV and MGS4 4 starting the spring change. Its not M$ fault they don't have enough ips or developers....or is it? If they stop...

5417d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5417d ago

The reason they are in 3rd is because of the 360s first year which it sold with NO competitors. The PS3 is at 16.5 million making the gap like 4 million. They have sold better then the 360 with competition, a hight price and less games. Say what you want but to be at 16.5 million and tracking to outsell the 360 for the 2nd year in a row does not sound too bad. 360 is first like a turtle being first in a race with rabbits. Give it a head start (only cause it will need it) we call that a pitt...

5682d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

much agreed took the words right out of my mouth. MS to a gamble on 3rd party exclusives.

It takes at least 2 to 3 years to make a solid game ip with the intent of it being a franchise, MS in 2004 and 2005 had to do either depend on 3rd parties for exclusives or make a ip. They choose the 3rd party which now can't be trusted for TRUE exclusive content. MS can't now go back and start a new IP (not enought time) so now they must pay for them, but they did not expect the 3rd p...

5682d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you think there talking about 3rd party as a whole. 3rd party support for the PS3 is actually better now then for the 360, the PS3 is now being used as the Main sku for a lot of games and next year it looks like even more games will be lead sku. Burnout on PSN and Mirrors edge DLC kind says other wise. Also um not sure if you know this but the PS3 is tracking to outsell the 360 next year. For the last 2 years now the PS3 has outsold the 360. lets see here, sony's making money on the P...

5682d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

...lets leave it at that. I think Sony went into this gen with a plan and looked ahead while MS just looked at what Sony did with the PS2. (Not a bad idea, i actually would do the same) Make a cheaper system, get all of Sony's 3rd party games GTA, FF, etc and they would be fine...wrong. It looks like MS plan to get Sony's old libary worked and didn't work they got them but they did not sell as much and did not push the system's sales as much as they did on PS2.

Last Gen a lot ...

5682d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think some one said it before me but the truth about a lot of MS's 3rd party handouts is because they don't have no where near as much first party games as sony. They have to make up the gap for not having MGS games. Look at this year, Res2, Motorstorm 2, LBP, Socom etc. MS has Gears (ip owned by Epic) and the only truely 100% owned MS games Banjo and Fable II.

Next year expect less timed games and more DLC exclusives. (now that Bioshock 2 has been confirmed pretty much as ...

5682d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

By default the 360 version will be the worst. PC version FTW!
The faces on the game look like they are no better then Force unleashed which weren't bad but were no MGS4, Uncharted, Killzone or Heavy Rain. Look at the faces on Farcry 2, they go WAY over anything on Alan Wake but they don't even come near Heavy Rain's. For Alan Wake for come near Heavy Rain they would have to go over every other game as well and they are really just a little better then the forced unleashed faces. I'm...

5701d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

the colors and hue are so a rip off of the Silent Hill Art Direction. From what i've seen the game actually look a little worse then it did when we first seen it. I think the first screens of the game actually look a lot better then theses new screens if not no diffrent at all. The game already looks dated. Thats what happens when your publisher delays your game and not YOU. (When a publisher delays a game they most times don't pay during a amount of time, then they only start development ag...

5701d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The dark, moody, Macob art, with dark and light browns, is a direct rip off from most Silent Hill art types. This shows NOTHING of what the 360 can do seeing how Alan wake was for Development for BOTH the 360 and PS3 at once. Also its being made from the PC build meaning (direct Port to 360) All i've seen was the PC build, meaning they are NOT making for the 360 from the ground up but rather porting all the codes over to 360. Thats not made from the ground up thats porting buddy.

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't think people's jaws were on the ground when they saw the first gameplay trailer and demos. Heavy Rain on the other hand was being called the BEST looking console game pretty much ever. You will not see close ups in Alan wake like Heavy Rain, I think Heavy Rain over anything Alan Wake does, theres really nothing Alan Wake (from what i see) is doing diffrently. In fact the only thing i care about is the story (which is a rip off of another horror story, about a Novelist whos hor...

5701d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I kind doubt that they have been in Development for 4 or more years. The one thing you need to know is just because you heard of a game 4 years ago does not mean all that 4 years was making the game. In fact they most likely just started working on the full game last year. Believe me they game will look good but from what i seen from the gameplay from the PC version it will most likely look dated. Yes they might have be in development for a long time BUT that does not mean the graphics we saw...

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay this game doen't even look anywhere near RE5, but better then Killzone 2 and Heavy Rain? okay? Answer this, if i just showed you the first screens would YOU be saying the same? The first screens i saw look like B level action stuff nothing HUGE and AAA looking in looks. You have to be really blind to think this game looks better then any of Sony's first party stuff or anyones first party's stuff.

5704d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment