CRank: 5Score: 22510

No . . . its too expensive

Old games shouldn't be that much . .yes the old blockbuster rental system was similar in the 8.99 for a week range . . .but those were new and current games

3602d ago 40 agree5 disagreeView comment

No it can't .

But it can help MS compete. EA access is a very nice service with good pricing.
Sony will be pushed to match this with their own services

3602d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment

To be honest it was always just a Mehh type of game . .
I remember watching countless videos of gaming personalities from various sites fan gasming all over titan fall.

While I was sitting their thinking umm all I see is call of duty with mechs
Its just an average game

3602d ago 42 agree19 disagreeView comment

The worst think about PSNOW is the pricing
I wish they just do what we all thought they were going to do and make is a Netflix type subscription service

I'm not paying 4.99 for 4 hours or 29.99 for 90 days

3603d ago 23 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who knows when we'll actually play this game

3603d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Very true. And to be fair if their taking the choice of getting EA Access out of our hands shouldn't they make PS Nows valve equal or better then EA Access?

3603d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Such a great idea but Terrible execution . .
I would love to jump in and play Ben 10 for a few minutes of MGS4 or ninja gaiden sigma ... I saw all these games on PS now but will not buy because of dumb prices smh

Its just like Netflix would almost never buy the stuff you watch on their individuay but for a flat subscription you would gladly pay and watch a little of everything

That's how PS now should be...their is mostly years old bargain ...

3603d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Loved digimon as a kid remember playing hours of rumble arena on ps2
Wish this came to ps4

3603d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Focus on bringing a wide variety of PS1 PS2 and PS3 games on for low subscription price that's all

3603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interested in seeing more of scalebound

3603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have waited for the Monthly Subscription bro
Those Individual prices are Ludacris

3603d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

It works fine

But if Sony want to show the millions of PS4 owners their aappreciation for buying their console they need to make PS NOW pricing fair

Considering how they are not allowing us to get EA access
10$ month or 12$month subscription is Fair

3603d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Great to be one of the historic 8+ million that own a PS4
BUT I think now its time for Sony to show how much they appreciate US

Slow down with the indies
Increase first and second party strength
If if your not letting us get EA access maks PS now Pricing Very!!! Good!!!

3603d ago 14 agree59 disagreeView comment

The best thing I saw at e3
Can't wait for this on PS4

3603d ago 64 agree42 disagreeView comment

Just not really interested . played it and liked it on ps3.
But don't think it needs to be played again. .

If it was a fast paced action game like god of war remaster or something yes I would play
But TLOU seems like a great experience/story you only need to play once

3603d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment


The beta was awesome . . but if they want feedback on what will make it better here's my wish list . .

Insane amount of original gear and armor
More dance moves lol
Open voice chat in crucible matches
Day one dlc

3603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Unless your a complete idiot you know Sony turned down EA Access. Because they have basically the same service PS NOW coming very soon . .and to be honest that's fine . .

My only issue is . I hate when big companies play the whole bull-Sh$% PR card . .
If your Sony don't lie and say OH yes we did it because its bad value for the PlayStation owners SMH .. Just be honest and say we don't want it to take sales away from our service PS NOW..

3603d ago 25 agree12 disagreeView comment

Same with the diversity when it comes to blacks and whites in the Gaming Industry . .

Black's Love Buy And Play Games as much as whites, blacks visit and comment on N4G and other sites just as much as whites

But their are almost Zero black personalities in the game industry , in front of cameras on major gaming sites. Or as Protagonists or Even Antagonist in video games period . .

Its crazy when you think about it

3611d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really depends.
I love next gen for the quality of the tech.. Super Fast UI ..No load screens and great online network stability

For these reasons I say yes its worth the upgrade

3611d ago 26 agree5 disagreeView comment

Honestly don't really care. . its just another shooter to me.
I'm good with destiny and KillZone Intercept DLC . .
Don't care anything bout TitanFall

Just my opinion

3611d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment