
CRank: 5Score: 2960

I really don't play alot of games. I use my 3 360's more for media streaming than anything. I have my premium HD cable going through my PC and the 360 act as my HD-DVR. I have been playing Mass Effect and it's totally awesome. I thought that Halo 3 was not very good but the multiplayer was awesome. Gears of War was incredible. Live arcade is totally awesome when they release games that I care about playing. But overall I am a casual gamer and media whore!!! Check out my set up.


6029d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree the quality was not that great but I still would take it over the PS3 any day. The Sony fans are so annoying that I wouldn't by a PS3 now for anything because they have turned me off to the Playstation altogether. The 360 is about a community experience to me and "we" 360 fans seem to be be a bit more informed and mature than the Sony fanboys that post on this site.

Anyone agree?

6029d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

"I would not be surprised if Microsoft was freaking making the Xbox 360's out of old recycled Xbox parts. Bill Gates is real sh@tty!"

Really? Wow that was brilliant Einstein!!

You stupid kids have nothing better to do than find fault in everything that MS or Gates does. I bet you're too stupid to realize that the world around you would not be the same without "sh@tty" Bill Gates.

Oh my God!! I just realized that Sony feeds all t...

6029d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't use dvd's to watch movies I stream them through media center. I don't play games on the one that is extremly loud so I know it is not that. It has to be the case fans. I dont know if the Intercooler helps with that noise.

Anyone know?

6029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow even with the bad pub of the "RROD" the 360 is still killing the PS3 in sales. Says alot about the platform itself that they have a bond with the gamer that no other system has. I have 3 360's and only one has had the red lights. Only complaint is that they are noisier than hell. But no other system has revolutionized my entertainment experience like the 360.

Does anyone know if the Intercooler helps with the noise?

My setup:
3 Xbox 360's <...

6029d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If any of you think that you cant afford a media server like mine your wrong. How much do you spend on a dvd? $15 to $20? 500gb hard drives are $100.00 on newegg.com. That would hold around 80 to 100 dvd movies. so for the cost of 4 to 5 dvds. You could have the capacity to store 100 of them. All I can say is Netflix?

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have over 300 DVD movies and 50 HD movies stored on my server so 80 GB would only hold about 12 of my dvd movies and 4 HD. The future is now on the 360 there is no wait and see. Sony wants you to trust them that they will deliver when MS has already delivered a nex-gen experience. Even with the RROD I own 3 of them and would not trade them for amything. If anyone was to see my setup and say that the PS3 is more capable then they have drunk the kool-aid and there is no hope of salvation. I a...

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Listen, you PS3 fanboys would be saying that these charts were right if they were in your favor. No one is saying "I'll hold off to buy a PS3 till Killzone comes out'. Sony keeps trying to push Blu-ray over games. The truth is they made a big mistake in including the cell and Blu-ray. Even with all the bad press from the RROD people are still buying the 360 more than 2:1. I have 3 of them one on every HDTV in my house. They are attached to my Media Center Cablecard PC 5 TB media server. ...

6037d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stop making excuses for your failed console and wasted money. With a price drop and new games and still the 360 almost doubled its sales.

Would you like a bottle?

6037d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

There is no difference in quality between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. Most even say that HD-DVD looks better and has better funtions. Also it is the cheaper of the formats to produce. With that being said I won't purchase either. I have a Vista cablecard media center PC and I get my HD Movies off of HBO and Showtime HD. I then can steam them to one of my 3 360's. To spend 30 to 40 to replace a movie in my collection is not worth if for a slightly better picture. VHS to dvd sure? Dvd to HD? Not a grea...

6037d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All 2 of them? Sh*tty games for the 360 have sold more than this. Mass money was lost on this game along with Liar and warhawk. As a business man no way in hell would I go exclusive to PS3 unless I dn't like making a profit.

6043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure there will be some good games for the PS3 but none show any difference than those on the 360. Matter of fact most 3rd party games play or look worse on the PS3. I'll admit that I am not a huge game buyer however if I see something cool I will buy it.

You know what? I am happy to be a MS/360 fanboy. I have seen first hand how awesome the technology of connecting my Vista PC with the 360 is. If anyone would see my setup and still say that the PS3 is better then they need to...

6051d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I own 3 360's because it is more than a gaming system to me. I have my HDTV hooked up to my PC and I can watch it through my 360 in Media Center. All my media is stored on my 5 TB PC and can be displayed on my HDTVs with the 360. I personally would not own a PS3. There is no value there to me. I don't have a use for a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. I think physical media will not be necessary in the near future as proven by the 360 video downloads. Gaming wise there is nothing that appeals to me in Sony'...

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK I am not sure why PS3 fans are jumping for joy. 10k more than 360 one week is is a long way from the finish line. There is no games that are systems sellers on the PS3 Halo 3 has sold more games than the PS3 system. Developers are very scared to make games for the PS3 because they have a good chance of losing millions of dollars. Look at Lair, Heavenly Sword and Warhawk combined they have sold about as much as the worst 360 game. These were supposed to be the best that Sony has to offer? S...

6052d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really who cares about what the 360 sells in Japan? The 360 is primarily for the North American market. I could care less what the Jap sales are. Here in America the tide has turned for the 360 and it is the new PS2. I personally own 3 of them and it is more than a gaming machine to me. I have my HDTV going into my Vista PC which turns my 360 into my HD-DVR. It runs my entire media collection. Sony is so far behind now that they will not be able to catch up in North America. The PS3 price dro...

6057d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I wish people would stop comparing sales of the Wii to the 360 or to the PS# for that matter. It is like comparing a Lexus to a Ford escort. Sure both will get you where you are going but only the lexus will get all the looks. These systems are in two different categories. The Wii is not next-gen at all with the exception of a new controller. The 360 is state-of-art.

Don't get me wrong I am not bashing the Wii. I am sure that it is fun to play but I am into HDTV and media stre...

6070d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok maybe a few people will spend $500 or more for the PS3 for this game. Lets be honest this is not a system mover. Halo3? GTA? Now these games make people plunk down their hard earned cash. Heavenly Sword, Warhawk and Lair were supposed to be system sellers also and they have turned out to sell less than some Xbox live arcade games. Just a thought!~

6080d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

For the most part most of you are not qualified to comment on this article because you do not use the Media Center. Let me say that I am an expert. Let me repeat an expert. I have 3 360's on 3 HD TVs connected to my 5 terabyte media server which is connected to my quad core cablecard Windows Vista pc. I record my digital cable and HD directly to my PC and stream it to the 360 Media Center. It is a flawless system and make the 360 worth the money. Over 400 movies stored on my server which the ...

6127d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bet most of you that diss Vista don't even own a PC that has Vista on it. You just follow the blind. Vista was buggy like every OS on first release but now it runs like clockwork. It is a killer Media savoy system that is for the new PC market. Why people try to install a new OS on an older PC and expect it to work perfect is beyond me. As for the VISTA CAPABLE PC's it is the manufactures fault not MS. They were trying to unload older hardware before Vista came out and that was one way of d...

6136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You tell me which system is more advanced. Which system is the best over all buy? What can the PS3 do that the 360 can't? Name more than one thing besides Blu-Ray? Who cares about Blu-Ray? Movie downloads are the way of the future not physical discs so Blu-Ray is not anything revolutionary.

Can any of the stupid Sony Fangirls tell me why I should buy a PS3 over a 360. Please make your point. My 360 does these totally awesome things below. Please sell me on your PS3.

6140d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment