
CRank: 5Score: 1130

come on PSM...your mag really does Playstation 3 owners a dis-service. your reviews include too many spoilers...your screen shots are shoddy at best... the xbox mag doesn't do too much of that...but their mag is too 360 biased and bashes ps3 too much...best game mag to date is gameinformer....

5155d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

one thing that caught my eye was the combo movie game thing...Transformers 2 the game isn't anything that special..but a combo on Blue ray with the game! That would be hot. They have the space...and it would something the 360 cannot compete with at all...

ghostbuster movie/game combo? again nothing special...but it would be a cool combo together.

The the combo of the watchmen and game was nice as well.

5350d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but one was in retaliation of the other...still wrong is wrong. (plus I play football games more so than baseball games) but from your name i think it may be the opposite for you.

and EA is the bigger company (money wise) so maybe that is why I see them being more in the wrong.

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was meaning to write a piece similar to this..but don't really need to anymore...

The main thing that got me was activision calling out the ps3...if they care so much about pushing ps3's make exclusives or extra content on the ps3. There are millions of ps3 gamers world wide anyways. It is not like the ps3 is the dreamcast redone. I have all three consoles and play each for different reasons.

-Activision in the past has given me some great titles...but their g...

5393d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You won't loose you bubbles...I am not trying to prove a point it's all opinion based so fail?...I guess that is a popular term on this site. You mentioned all these consoles that failed.(they all failed, everyone one you listed) I was focusing on the major ones...really the big three we have left.

The PS3 is a great system but has stumbled thus far. The 360 is a horrible hardware machine with all the system failures, yet people support it. The wii is a glorified gamecube wrapp...

5395d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am talking about first party characters...Nintendo is all about owning characters that succeed on there system. sure sony and microsoft have such stronger support from 3rd parties...but Nintendo is king with making 1st party characters for their systems.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you stack the games available on PS3 vs either system...quality vs quality the PS3 has some real winners. From Metal Gear Solid IV to Resistance 1 & 2, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, LBP, Ratchet & Clank, and Uncharted...wow those are some killer titles only available on PS3. I love my PS3 and I only buy games that are exclusive to the PS3 for it.

My 360 is great for 'hanging' with the boys' nights. Gears 2, Left 4 Dead, Halo 3 etc. For my wii as stated before, ...

5395d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

look at sales for the DS and game boy advance...
also look at their history...sony is a new comer to the hand held arena and they are doing well...but Nintendo IS king... numbers don't lie. Even if it is kids and moms buying the games..those games and systems still sell!

Nintendo has out lasted a lot of hand helds...sony may stick around..but Nintendo will remain king.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is very stubborn about their price right now...400.00 usd for an 80 gb is not too expensive and I see their point. The problem is the 360 is offering a better deal at the moment.

5396d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War, Modern Warfare 2(not released yet) = 5

Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST (not released yet) Halo Reach (not released yet) = 4

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which is a pretty sick franchise. Each title has sold well. The games are fun to play, the community is huge, the support from bungie is amazing, it let's you play with friends cooperatively or competitively and the xbox franchise will go where Halo goes. Sorry Gears, you are still great, but this is Master Chief's house he built it all other games on xbox 360 just rent (not a fan boy) just keeping it real..numbers don't lie.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 had an ok campaign but left me wanting more...hopefully this will leave me satisfied. Firefight mode is looking pretty good as well.

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's Halo...it makes it's bread on multi-player...since Halo 1 The co-op and multi-player has been addictive. With xbox live Halo 2 pwned other fps even more. Halo 3 added 4 player co-op and a frag-tastic multi-player matches...now with Halo ODST they will have all that plus a fire-fight mode (Think Gears Horde mode) Millions will sell...Millions.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Halo 3 ODST will make M$ smile this holidays. They will have enough money to come out gr...

5396d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well the price change isn't going to happen anytime soon...the games are there...Sony has come along way since the 2006 launch. Sony needs to hit the streets and give people experiences the 360 can't match to get the gamers excited. MGS 4 is an example of this. I have all three consoles with the 360 getting the most attention followed by my PS3 and then my wii. I play the 360 with my friends on live, the PS3 mostly for Solo games, and the wii with my wife and kids.

~like th...

5396d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree Sony is dropping hits...but they need software sales to back them up. Uncharted needs to kill this holiday season..Modern Warfare 2 will have to have respectable numbers compared to the 360 conterpart...Halo ODST may not be as good as uncharted 2 but who will argue that uncharted 2 will sell more? I won't be that foolish...3rd place right now for Sony is ok they just need to bring great games and gamers will come. The fact that 360s are still dying by RROD or e72 and still crush in...

5396d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment