
CRank: 5Score: 17130

The problem with you and many others is that you just don't get it. Do you believe the Cell should be able to do this all on its own? You're dumb if you said yes. Developers must know how to program for the Cell before it is capable of doing this. It doesn't magically go POOF! and there is your 1080p. If you don't have a team of developers with the correct understanding and experience with the hardware, it will never be possible, no matter how powerful what your programming for is. This is si...

6003d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I hear ya there. Some "360 owners" (bein' a little polite today) deserve this abuse (or maybe I'm not, lol). With all the ranting going on about 360 getting MGS4 even after proven wrong countless times, it feels good having xbots shut up like this...again.

6003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want you to take a second out of your life and fixate your attention deficit disordered self on these words:

Kristan Reed: How are you funding the project? Has SCEA given you an advance or is this self-funded and totally independent?

Brendan McNamara: The project is wholly funded by Sony Computer Entertainment America. We have a long-term exclusive arrangement with SCEA.

Did that not register? Or is your MS firewall too ignorant in order this to ...

6003d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's been made clear a few times that it's been aimed to have FFXIII out in mid '08 and Versus out by late '08 to early '09. I think that the list was pretty well-rounded in choice of games, yet just had a lot of them out of place. Except for LBP, that should have been in there. And get GTAIV outta the #1 spot. It deserves a top 5 spot, maybe top 3, but it's not the most anticipated imo.

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Noone just stands there recording something like that, and from all those different positions.

6004d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's a few that I've kept in mind even after they've fallen off the radar.

For PS3, I'm pumped for Killzone 2, InFamous, Getaway 3, Eight Days, Heavy Rain, FFXIII, Versus (if it's out in '08), God of War 3, MGS4 plus MGO, Coded Arms, Naruto PS3, Resistance 2, Wardevil, Haze, L.A. Noire, Socom (both projects), and a few others, I can't remember em all.

For the 360, I'm pretty psyched for Alan Wake (based off of the original tech demos), Gears 2, Ninja Gaiden 2...

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just aren't comprehending this. You do realize that there must, first, be textures to stream? You don't just have it and then, BAM!, instant amazing textures. No genius, you must first start from scratch creating the basic geometry and adding in low-res textures to give a basic outline of the direction the level is heading in. While this is going on, gameplay must be kept on par so you can then add in the more meaty details and features to the game such as lighting and high-res textures. ...

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After checking this out, the scans are old. These were Resistance 2 spoilers/info SurferGirl posted in one of her blogs a long time ago. Those blogs became news on N4G just as they have been since. So whether your news was posted before or after this, it would have been unapprovable regardless. I prolly would have approved it anyway though, lol.

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering this is way back in April 2007 (understand that this is just a little over a few months after RFOM was released), this is highly likely. SurferGirl hasn't been proven wrong yet, despite the constant bashing, and has been very specific with the info she gives and the confidence in which she gives it. You've got to realize that the quality of the game won't start out at how RFOM stood, but will have to be met again and then surpassed, which it will (60fps and streaming textures). If...

6005d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's just been confirmed that you're a dumbass.

Every 1 pound sterling isn't OVER 2 American dollars. It's under. Not much, but it is only 1.9 each. Not 2+

6006d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Man, what a waste of money. They could have at least tried to use the money towards making a good game. But instead they just remade Halo: CE in HD and gave it a new name. Well, it was almost in HD :p

6006d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

They haven't just started the whole ingame "thingy" as you call it. It's been done by Sony way WAY before the ps3 was even released. Some reason they just won't give it to us. How do I know this you ask? Take a look at the vid through the url below.

After watching that, all I can say is, "What the hell??"

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What kind of converter do you use? Can I dl it for free?

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Explain to me why you are posting news like this on a gaming site if this is completely off-topic. This is murder. Some sick man killed a young girl, and you pass it off on a gaming site because the name Playstation is involved? You are ridiculous. This is lower than low. Just explain this to me, what has this have anything to do with industry news? "The Gaming Industry Is Linked To Child Molestations"? Your purpose for this article is shrewd. There is no purpose for this article ex...

6023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was no bug...the teammate beside him finished the dino off while he was laying on the ground. I found it cool how he screamed, "Help me!" while keeping the raptor from chomping his head off. I think the knife kills have awesome varieties of animations between the humans and animals. Hopefully enough variety though. I think it's looking pretty good for a comeback in the series.

6034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, you have failed. These screenshots are MONTHS old. The Intruder (the helghast droid?) was in the demo conclusion trailer along with a few video hands-on. And the Helghast pic along with the first person view of the main character have also been seen before in pic and video form. This is a tease and a waste of important news. Wait until NEW Killzone 2 screens come out before submitting them as news.

6038d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are a genuine jack@ss. This is all from gameplay. All "cutscenes" are streamed into gameplay and run off of the ingame engine. But all of the screenshot shown are from screen captures of actual GAMEPLAY. What in the hell makes you compare Lair to Killzone 2? Killzone 2 is developed closely between Sony and Guerrila and has the backing and publicity that Lair missed out on. Which is why Killzone 2 has it's major funding. And Killzone 2 is not JUST graphics. There is so much techn...

6038d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where can you pick this up at? I have never even heard of this game. I'd like to check it out at least.

6038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is Flow worth getting? I've got most of the good games dl'd but not Flow.

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CAC is a must have. It's really addictive. Cash, Guns, and Chaos is fun too. The games are so cheap I've given most of them a shot regardless tho. Except for that Nucleus game. That is retarded.

6041d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment