CRank: 5Score: 4720


"most of the low scores will come from the fact that those reviewers are scoring based on the lack of content, even though they already know that weather, photo mode, more cars, tracks, etc... will all be coming by the end of the year."

Are you saying that reviewers should give DC points (or fail to deduct points) for features that aren't available yet? What about people who don't have internet access? How will they get the extra...

3530d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment


I'm an Xbox (and Sega) fan, and I see nothing malicious about your comment.

To me, I read your comment as a commentary about how there have been few game consoles in China, and they're just thirsty for good games - ANY games.

3535d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


That's one of the most delusional comments I've ever read. Yet another "My opinion is fact and anyone who disagrees is an ignorant fanboy" rant.

I never claimed that Xbox trolls weren't as bad as PS trolls, nor that there aren't Xbox trolls in Drive Club articles. I simply pointed out a FACT that Lukas calls out the Xbox trolls and not the PS trolls.

Just look at the link I provided for many examples of ...

3537d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Your endless complaining about "salty trolls" is getting really tiring, especially since you seem to have NO problem with the numerous people trolling EVERY Forza Horizon 2 article.

You're quick to call them out here, but you're nowhere to be found when it's the other way around. I guess it's perfectly OK with you to troll Xbox games, but it's a sin to troll Sony games.

Spread your rage equally, otherwise...

3538d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Plus, which one will have more variety, especially when it comes to number of cars and diversity of of manufacturers from around the world.

3538d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

From the blog:

"Death's opinions are his own and we should remember that"

So why is that when Death expressed his opinion, he was punished by the mods by being marked for trolling and losing a bubble?

His comment consisted of his view of the parity clause:

"Awesome. Less shovelware hitting a next gen console."

-followed by his explanation of why he feels that way. How is that trolling...

3553d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Only the most biased fanboys consider Forza 5 to have "average graphics".

Due to the constraints of it being a launch title, Turn 10 chose to scale back the graphics in the areas that have absolutely no effect on gameplay, such as crowds, trees, and some other backgrounds, in order to achieve 1080p and 60fps - areas that DO affect gameplay.

Since you're replying to Axios2's comment about Forza 5's specs, I'm guessing you're refe...

3582d ago 14 agree41 disagreeView comment

Nobody's forgot that indies can be AAA quality. Xbox 360 owners have known this for eight years. Of course, when 360 owners mentioned indies in their game lists vs. PS3's, the 360 owners were ridiculed by the Sony fans who didn't care about indies.

Times have certainly changed, and the goalposts keep moving.

3582d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yours is one of the most ridiculous, fanboy-biased arguments I've ever heard.

If someone buys a PC to play Microsoft exclusives, that helps MS just as it helps Sony when someone buys a PS4 to play Sony exclusives. MS gets money from every PC sale that includes Windows. Making MS exclusives available to more gamers VALIDATES the brand, and makes more money for MS.

It's absolutely delusional thinking to believe that MS gets NOTHING when someone buys a...

3589d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

"Sony would rather die than port TLOU to PC, that's why I support Sony"

So, more people having access to a game with a 94 rating would somehow be a BAD thing for you? Would porting it to PC make your PS4 copy worse? Would you enjoy it less knowing that PC games can also play it?

3589d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


Did you really list MLB The Show TWICE as a PS4 exclusive? Did the PS3 and Vita versions of those games recently disappear? ...waits for someone to call out "Sony exclusive" after telling others not to call out "Microsoft exclusive....

People who buy PC's to play Microsoft exclusives help MS just like people who buy PS4's to play Sony exclusives help Sony. MS makes money on every PC sold with windows. Claiming that MS ...

3589d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

I don't expect Xbox One to catch up (in sales) anytime soon. They've had a rough start.

I'd expect MS to catch Sony in 5-7 years, much like PS3 catching 360.

It's a marathon, not the sprint that many here desperately want to believe.

3591d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

Declaring victory after nine months is quite dangerous.

There were many people said "PS3 will NEVER catch Xbox 360" last generation. How foolish do those people look now?

MS doesn't need to outsell Sony in other parts of the world. But, as of right now, Sony is selling hundreds of thousands of PS4's in 60+ countries while MS is selling ZERO in those same countries. ANY sales for MS will help close the gap, even if those total sales are le...

3593d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

The PS2 monopoly caused Sony to become super arrogant. They thought they could do whatever they wanted with PS3 because of the success of PS2.

Fortunately, consumers revolted and forced Sony to change. Plus, Sony's arrogance after their PS2 monopoly caused them to lose their iron grip on the console business as people turned to Xbox 360 and Wii.

He's right. A monopoly is never a good thing.

3596d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment

Interesting. So, instead of using OFFICIAL numbers and the ratio that those represent, you MAKE UP your own numbers to try to make your favorite console look better.

Isn't that what people complain about VGChartz doing? Based on your agree/disagree ratio, making up fake numbers seems perfectly acceptable around here.

Also, Metacritic now matters? I'll remember that for future discussions.

3596d ago 14 agree26 disagreeView comment

It wouldn't be unprecedented. Sony cut the PS1's price from $299 to $199 at a time when demand was still high at $299. This move effectively killed the Saturn. Even though Sega matched the price drop, Saturn hardware was more expensive to manufacture, and therefore the price drop hurt Sega a lot more than it hurt Sony.

It also propelled PS1 well ahead of N64, as the two were pretty close in sales while PS1 was $299 and N64 was $249.

I don't thi...

3600d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

You think you can get away that easily? Tell more lies, call me names, then block me like a coward?

The numbers I linked to are OFFICIAL WORLDWIDE NUMBERS AS REPORTED BY SONY AND MICROSOFT, NOT NPD NUMBERS. Look it up yourself. They just happen to be reported on that site, but they are easily available on numerous other sites too.

Do you really believe that MS sold 14.9 million 360's and Sony sold 14.1 million PS3's in 2011 IN NORTH AMERICA ALONE? ...

3609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, the question is what ERA was the best, not what console.

You could certainly make the argument that the PS2 ERA was the best because of all the amazing PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and Xbox games.

3610d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget Sega Saturn as part of the PS1/N64 era. The Saturn may have died an early death, but it has some truly memorable games.

I agree that Genesis/SNES (and TG16/PCEngine) was the best generation.

3610d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, you're now going to point out "teh hypocrisy" after constantly denying it when it's the other way around?

3610d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment