
CRank: 5Score: 8470

I've had 3 HP's since 2001 (2 laptops, 1 desktop) and my wife has 1 large HP.

My 15.6" laptop from 2001 still runs, but the monitor looks like crap (obviously). My HP Pavillion mini tower (2005) runs great still, just slow. My latest (HP DV6 15.6" laptop) is awesome. Never even gets warm to the touch, and I've had it for 2 months.

My wife's large Pavillion (17" wide screen media center) sucks. It gets hot enough to burn your leg. She got that one ...

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, got my buddy to finally buy a PS3 (I got one in February in preparation for KZ2, U2, and GOW3) and we were bummed to find out that we couldn't chat when playing solo campaigns. Luckily U2 does support chat with the co-op missions in Uncharted 2. For the solo campaign, we'd play around the same time and talk over our Xboxs party chat.

We were really disappointed to see MW2 disabled Party Chat in certain multiplayer modes, but I can see the reasoning.

5305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cross Game Chat is the main reason I still buy my multiplatform games on Xbox. When my buddies and I play, I like to be able to talk to them, even if we aren't playing the same games.

It's also nice when we are playing the same games, but not multiplayer (like KZ2). Makes the game more fun and overall just a broader appeal.

If PS3 adds cross chat, my Xbox might be collecting dust for a long time (until some decent exclusives come out).

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm, not a big fan of the new look on the boxes, but oh well no biggie. Won't keep me from buying Uncharted 2 and upcoming games.

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had never heard of this game until I saw the demo on XBL last week. Downloaded it and gave it a shot, and to my surprise, I enjoyed it. Thought it was fun and reminiscent of HALO in some ways.

Not the most innovative game I've ever played, but it was fun to me. May pick this one up when it drops in price.

5374d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bought GTA4 and TLAD for Xbox 360. I didn't really like GTA4 and thought TLAD was much better, but hadn't expected much for GAY TONY. Maybe that wasn't a fair evaluation, as it seems the game is looking better than I was expecting. I may end up getting it, looking forward to seeing more game footage.

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank god, I was searching the error online and didn't see any stories.

I was thinking it was an issue with my connection.

5541d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you already own a PS3 (which I do), then why all the fuss over a price cut?

I'm a little happy that it's coming down (as maybe my best friend will get one so he can play KZ2 with me), but it doesn't really directly help early adopters of the PS3.

If anything, my PS3 will now be worth less than ever.

Am I wrong in my logic here?

5543d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've only put in a few hours of gameplay so far, but I'm very pleased with the game. The controls shouldn't be an issue if you've played Resident Evil 4. The game is fun solo, but MUCH better in co-op. The graphics are also very good. It's not the best looking game ever, but they are definitely above average.

Bottom line: It's one of the best games available on the next gen systems and a must-buy for survival/horror/action game fans.

5546d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment