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CRank: 5Score: 5420

I don't understand why this game is scoring so high...

2976d ago 0 agree17 disagreeView comment

Lol... I'm pretty sure you only own a PS4 based on your comment history.

2981d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fanboy at all. I actually prefer PlayStation over Microsoft. But on N4G, if you mention anything negative about're automatically a "fanboy". It's sad, really. For proof, check out my website and twitter.

2981d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Let's take a moment and think about this..

Yes, PS4.5 will hurt the console market severely. Let us begin our tour with the consequences. For one, there will be bad ports from PS4.5 to PS4 similar to PC to console ports. It can take many forms, and even in this day and age of developers working tirelessly for platform equality, it's all-too-common. For example,PC to console ports like Metal Gear Solid 5, Grand Theft Auto V to a large number of games, fun-killing, so...

2982d ago 6 agree27 disagreeView comment

What a stupid article. Why do other retired wrestlers scan for WWE every year?

2982d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another troll review looking for clicks. This game is great! This is definitely on my top 5 list this generation.

2982d ago 8 agree33 disagreeView comment

I disagree.

2982d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

What's with these duplicate articles? Why do we need every blog or website writing articles about the same thing? Yes, Uncharted 4 looks good. Enough with this already.

2982d ago 10 agree63 disagreeView comment

Smh, I find this disrespectful as hell. Not even funny.

2982d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not impressed. Bandai Namco hasn't released an AAA or critically praised game in almost 10 years lol. Although, I'm looking forward to Taki Topi 4! I hope it releases this year.

2982d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Here's my list (Top 5)

5. Uncharted 4
4. Gears of War 4
3. Everspace
2. Digimon 5
1. Quantum Break

2982d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

I'm still waiting for them to start a Superman franchise. That would be amazing!
Let's take a moment and think about this...

Superman is arguably one of DC's most famous, prized properties. If any hero were to be given a faithful video game adaption, it would be him. Even though Rocksteady Studios is slightly overrated, they should make an Arkham-styled video game for Superman, and how such a game could be made. They should also add Arkham's story/nar...

2982d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I disagree with that statement.

2982d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just because they made Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us, it doesn't automatically mean Uncharted 4 will be a masterpiece. Everyone makes mistakes and the Naughty Dogs are human. Haven't we learned treating games like the second coming of christ? When expectations are high, you will always end up disappointed. Be careful buddy.

2982d ago 3 agree30 disagreeView comment

I hope it does. But from the demo I've recently played, they need to patch the game immediately.

Based on the story trailer, it doesn't really flow as well as it did in Uncharted 2 and 3. Naughty Dog, you guys went too realistic with this one. Maybe too inspired by The Last of Us?
The shooting mechanics in this game's SP/MP lag big time and the aiming mechanics are off. Based on this single player demo, it feels too much like an open-world MGS5. it doesn&...

2982d ago 2 agree50 disagreeView comment console of choice? Lol.. I'm a known Sony guy since day 1. I want this game to succeed but I'm just stating my opinion on what the game needs to fix before release.

2982d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I strongly disagree. This game is easily the best game of 2016. The reviewers are clearly biased towards innovative games this generation and it makes me sick.

2983d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I would like to add to that list if you don't mind:

1. Creating your own community forum-like page and adding friends.
2. Even though I prefer the Xbox one's UI, I think the PS4's UI is a bit faster and more responsive.
3. Even though the Xbox One has more AAA games, Bloodborne is the highest rated exclusive on metacritic. Also, Bloodborne 2 is a rumored sequel in production for 2017.
4. The hardware.
5. Most people own a PS4

2983d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

But it isn't free.

2983d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

Well, that was unexpected. I slightly expected more from Bethesda. This DLC looks immature.
So..umm.. we control monsters? Well, time to start my mirelurk and deathblow ranch I guess? This is the worst game trailer I've ever seen.

2983d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment