
CRank: 5Score: 55590

Ya and he's still screwing with us Americans. I'm missing the Simpsons because of that bastard.

P.S. My news station's headline read "Obama Bin Laden," hehe

4781d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow it already looks like recycled garbage. Usually you don't realize that until you get it.

4781d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't think Sony ever had a problem with people modding their consoles until it became widespread over the internet and people were trying to make profits off of it. That's when Sony began to act. And its not the hardware they want to protect really, its the software. They sell you a license to use the software on their console. You do not have the right to use it in anyway you want. If you want that, then you have to buy the software outright. Lets say you buy a game, you don't...

4792d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

But really it's not the criminal thing that makes them wrong. It's what they're fighting for. If they were fighting for something gamers actually need, like lets say longer warranties and better reliability overall, then they can break the law all they want. They'd be fighting for something worth fighting for. But right now they're helping pirates, the people responsible for the woes of pc gaming, and consoles too. It's a dumb thing to fight for.

4792d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

They just blocked their website, I wouldn't call that fucking em up. And Honestly, the only people who visit that site are people who want to laugh at them, so in a roundabout kinda way, they helped em out.

4792d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

You know if you think about it, robbing a store with a ps3 controller and pretending it's a gun is a lot better then doing it with an actual gun. Strong-arm robbery is way better than armed robbery, in terms of jail time. Although I doubt that was his reasoning for it.

4793d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you seen Valve games? They not exactly cutting edge in the graphics department. Its easy for them to put some more love in their games because they don't cost tens of millions to make. If a company wants to shell out some money to make their games as good looking as they can they gotta cover their ass, and making it multiplatform does that.

I'm not justifying shotty PC ports, I'm saying that high tec graphical games cost a lot of money to develop, and they ca...

4794d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ya anti-piracy measures killed Starcraft II for me. I hope that that DRM option doesn't become commonplace, cause I can't buy any pc game, or any game for that matter, that I need permission everytime I want to play it. That is the only thing that can possibly kill PC gaming, dumb ass DRM. And it'll be the developers own fault too.

4797d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

4gigs of ram costs me, a consumer, about 50 bucks. A hardware developer can get get it cheaper, so 512mb would be a huge disappointment.

4797d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good luck getting another job at a game company. Something tells me he's not going to get a glowing recommendation.

If he's not a troll that is, which he most likely is.

4799d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They probably should of brought back the Gameboy name, that would of better separated itself as a new handheld, not an upgrade of a previous one.

4802d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Previously, the group has claimed responsibility for denial of service (DOS) attacks on Mastercard and Amazon for their compliance with US government demands to stop doing business with Wikileaks."

Just so everyone is clear, their "attack" on Amazon failed miserably.

4805d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

That game was and still is 10 times better than anything Madden has ever pushed out. They sold it cheaper because they thought it would sell more, and thus get their series recognized.

And people buy Madden because of the name, not because its a good game. That's why it outsold 2k, nothing more.

4807d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hell, he can just do both. What's the hurry?

4816d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya but odds are most are fake. Besides, I've played the game three times through now, and I've noticed nothing that could even be considered as stereotypes against homosexuals. Nothing.

4817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, this petition is so awesome, even Gaider signed it. 4 time by my count.

And wow is that Bin Laden's signature at #59? And a man named Dick Butt? And look, I. P. Freely. What a star studded roster of signatures. This should really be taken seriously.

4817d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely not a simulation.

I mean, even God couldn't drop kick Andre the Giant out of a ring.

4818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It might that you can only access those options in the game launcher, and not the game itself. I don't have the game so I don't know, but I think Fallout 3 had something like that.

4819d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

He's fourteen, plenty old enough to know not to give out private information to random people on Xbox live. Parental controls shouldn't be necessary to stop him from doing that.

4823d ago 45 agree12 disagreeView comment

Its just cool to hate on America. Every country in the world at least secretly hates America just like America secretly (maybe not that secretly) hates every other country in the world. That's what happens when you are the most powerful nation on Earth, just ask the Spanish, French, or English.

4824d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment