
CRank: 5Score: 81480

Got pretty bored of Crysis 2 very quickly. The campaign was fun for a little bit. The MP was way too stock and standard for my tastes.

4650d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bet 90% of them don't do shit and the other 10% are the hard workers. Probably the reason nearly every new COD is identical since COD4. Except that every new COD gets even more crappy killstreaks and perks that are beyond cheap.

4652d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Way too late for this now. With blu-ray players already hitting below $80 there is no reason for it. With the next xbox this will obviously will be the case. I really couldn't see what else they would use.

4652d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some German site? Why?

4653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears 3 and Forza 4 is all the 360 has this year.

4653d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh...its not scary at all to be honest. Very entertaining though. Condemned series is really the only series this gen to at least give me a couple jumps. Also Dead Space 2 was really good. Plus the bikini clad women zombies in this game just make it that much less scary. Still really good game. The atmosphere is like Tahiti which is tropical and nice. Not really scary at all.

4653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Boring game. The driving put me to sleep one time. I remember having to go assassinate some police chief or something. I was about half way to the location of him. My eyes started to get that heavy sleepy feel to them. The next min I was out. I woke up maybe 20 min later and just turned the game off. A good game to fall asleep if you are experiencing Insomnia. Just be sure to hit the mute button if you are actually planning on falling asleep from it. Because those annoying ass rengeneration s...

4653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I'm using move with R3 and its about just as good as it is with KZ3. That's a good thing by the way. Using move with KZ3 was way better then the Dualshock controller.

4653d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Meh, it was expected. Kinect is casual all the way. A game like this would never work properly with it. Make Condemned 3 instead of some crappy gimmick horror game that nobody gives two shits about.

4653d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wasted time and effort that could have gone to a good Condemned Sequel.

4653d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

What ever happened to that patch for the game? I still haven't had a prompt pop up yet when I start the game. Still don't see why people care about these comparisons. The differences are usually so small that its not even worth your time to compare it.

4653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

California and Washington are really were all of the game developers are. At least in North America.

4653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You probably are a COD bro dawg player. Go get fucked.

4654d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I expect the the same scores as R2 got. 8's and 9s. IGN gave R2 a 9.5 and gamespot gave R2 a 9. Good way to the end the series. I'm glad they decided to end it on the 3rd game. Some games exceed their freshness level like COD. This is something that I wouldn't want to happen to with the Resistance series.
Edit: @ BrightFalls76 Damn...85% is average? Is that what your Christian mother told you in grade school?

4654d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you search for this sites name on google you can't even get the url to come up. Extremely generic nobody site. 10 bucks says they never even got a copy of the game. Unless a store nearby were they are based out of sold it early. Other then that I guarantee a site like this could never convince Techland to send them a copy early to review it.
Edit:I could...then you could use that money to buy the game when it comes out tomorrow. I just know how things work. You can't just g...

4654d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Probably the lowest score I seen. I never really could take Eurogamer as a serious reviewer. They give some amazing games some really mediocre scores sometime. Dead Space 2-7/10 for example. They seem more like hipster reviewers then anything.

4654d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

They are very different. I really wish Nintendo didn't have to create all of these wonky controllers that nobody asked for. How about a nice standard analog controller? The best controller Nintendo had this generation was there classic controller for the wii.

4654d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment

DCU is not even that buggy. Some stuff still is. Majority of its fixed. With R3 its already confirmed they are having a one day patch that adds up to 650mb or so. Its supposed to take out nearly all of the bugs. So no big deal. I bought MOH on launch. It clearly states on the box that anyone who bought MOH is already guaranteed to be in the BF3 beta. They better keep this promise.

4654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, was anybody surprised? The textures alone in this game probably take up at least 10gbs themselves. I'm getting it for the PS3 and probably the PC. At least they didn't just compress everything to make it fit on one dvd then make everything look like garbage. LA Noire, Rage, and of coure BF3 all just prove the point that dvd's are old and outdated and its time to make the upgrade. Obviously by the next generation dvd's will be finally done with.

4654d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea, Codemasters has nothing but a line up of crap games that they produce. The Dirt series is honestly their only decent series that they have under their belt.

4655d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment