
CRank: 5Score: 17070

Those pictures look like this is going to be worse than flash games. Closer to flash ads. Definitely not up to the level of Xbox Live or PSN.

5938d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has had in game chat for over five years as well as out of game chat for four. They've even had voice changers since day one. How is this any different?
Has the PS3 not had voice yet? I was under the impression that it was there from the day the PS3 launched.

5938d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

HD-DVD was and still is a superior format. It's a shame to see it go. Blu-ray may have had more capacity but capacity isn't the only thing that makes a format.

5942d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've been a big AMD fan but when it came to cores AMD was dominating and now Intel came out of nowhere to get Quads out. I'm shopping for a Quad this summer and hopefully the Phenom reviews will be better by then.

5950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So now Sony is copying Disney and calling it their own too? Disney did this with Fantasmic around 10 years ago. It's a fake hologram effect with water and projectors, nothing new. You can even see the water spray splashing down around the base.

5955d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I looked through google images and they all have a name bracket or engraving near the bottom. This photo intentionally left that out. Since that is the only part of the photo that could be used as evidence this photo proves nothing. It could easily be found online. The credible evidence to back something up is evidence that actually has a connection to the person, this does not.

5962d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who would pay for this? It seems like something that should be pay for Silver and an included perk for Diamond. I rarely used the card, defianantly not enough to pay for but I still liked getting what was basicly a membership card.

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought I heard Spny say it was in one of the summers updates. How is it still not there? I won't believe it till I see it since like Home and MGS they like announcing things and not delivering when they say. When they do it never lives up to the hype anyway.

5982d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Did anyone else go to the engadget live blog? Most of the keynote sounded like late knock offs of HD-DVD features.

5983d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Didn't Sony say that one of the reasons that Blu-Ray was so important was to allow the developer to use uncompressed or minimally compressed video and audio. If blu-ray is so big and powerful why do developers need the ability to compress more?

6008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that picture for the European Marketplace only or are all regions getting that update as part of the fall update? It shows a podcast part. I hope that means that we can add any podcast we want and not just a list of official corporate podcasts that wanted on. It may mean that a web browser is getting close since a podcast would finally mean their leaving xbox live and going on the real internet.

6023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Midtown Madness 3 is the only game i'm waiting to play on my 360. All the other xbox games were already added. MM3 is still the most fun i've ever had on Xbox Live!

6023d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interestingly if you follow the link run around back to the real source ( they have a 360 and Wii. Looking at the highest temperatures the PS3 (61C) is the hottest 360 (52.5C) just below that and the Wii (37.8C) is no where close.

6023d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't mind getting another Xbox. Mine is from launch so i won't crack it. A second one to hack could be very useful to get.

6023d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wasn't the PS3 supply nearly empty on black friday last year?

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When an Xbox 360 add on is purchased someone is spending money on the device for the sole purpose of watching movies, just like when buying a stand alone player. The add on is bought with the same mindset as a stand alone. When a PS3 is bought it is bought for the purpose of playing games (or at least as a gamin device it should be). So an Xbox 360 HD-DVD add on means movies while PS3 means games. So the 360 add on should always be included while PS3 should not unless a calculated curve is ap...

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's Halo 3 the game, not console.

6067d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

While two free games are a great offer i don't think including games really increases sales. (Don't say Wii Sports, after playing it i now consider it a Wii proof of concept game) I already have Forza 2 and I don't care for the other game. A better deal would be to include a form of mail in rebate that requires two game proof of purchases and a console proof of purchase. That would be great for everyone and the people that don't bother will make up for the extra money lost by not just creatin...

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We're going to have a full five minutes of game related content from 4:52-4:57AM every day!

6087d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this is a mistake. I go to Radio Shack for cables and other electronic accessories. Selling the systems along with cables and accessories makes sense and fits with the store but games is a mistake. The stores aren't even big enough to hold what they do, where are they going to put all those games? Stick to hardware and accessories only.

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment